Sheen’s Oh-So-Classy Girlfiend!

By Banzay on 08:43

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Natalie Kenly is the latest woman to woo the heart of Charlie Sheen. She’s not a full-on porn star like most of Charlie’s other girlfriends (at least not that we know of yet) but, don’t get excited, she’s just as trashy as they are – in her own way, of course.

Natalie is often featured in Cali Chronic X Magazine, a mag designed for marijuana enthusiasts. In fact, the brunette beauty is so enthusiastic about her pot that she was crowned “Chronic Girl 2010” – add that to the Wikipedia page, b-tches – oh, wait, she’s not popular enough yet to have her own Wikipedia page.
So how did the fairytale love story of Hollywood’s favorite cocaine-crazed star and his pot-smokin’ goddess start in the first place?

Obviously Charlie saw Natalie on the February 2010 cover of Cali Chronic X and was so taken aback by her that he needed to meet her like he needs his 3:30am cocaine fix. Obviously.

It’s true, kids, every fairytale has a happy ending.

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