Sandra Bullock files for divorce because of a Erykah Badu Video Uncut showed Mindy Lawton

By Banzay on 17:44

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Sandra Bullock files for divorce because of a Erykah Badu Video Uncut showed Mindy Lawton was not in it. In the latest spin in the latest round of wacky weird news stories that aren't true. Sandra Bullock files for divorce over that? Wouldn't it be for the Jesse James Nazi picture?

Sounds crazy and it is. Because if the Erykah Badu Window Seat Video Uncut was showing right now and it had Mindy Lawton in it, everyone from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean would know. Even Vanity Fair magazine would have a nice big double page cover feature spread on it.

So none of the above is true. It's just meant to give a little laugh and to not take everything so seriously. Erykah Badu strips video has enough publicity on her own without having to have Mindy Lawton pictures spread out all throughout the video.

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