Jordon Lloyd Wins Big Brother 11

By Banzay on 07:15

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Jordon Lloyd Wins Big Brother 11
Finally its out, Jordan Lloyd has been declared the winner of the Big Brother 11, and that also makes the sole contender of the 500,000 dollar grand prize.
Known for tongue-in-cheek a bit tardy style, the 22-year old works as a waitress in Matthews, NC, however, she ousted the schemer, 24-year old college graduate Gilbert from Arizona to win the title in this CBS reality Show.
The jury voted Lloyd a winner as she went went on garner most votes from the jury as well as from the audience.

The two-hour long finale had the two final contestants thorough being interrogated by the jury member, while the rest unlucky 13 watched it from the side seats. However, the audience did miss the presence of Chima Siomone, a freelance journalist, who got expelled from the show after he threw the microphone into a spa.

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