Steve Phillips (Tiger Woods rehab source?) to talk Tiger on "Today"

By Banzay on 07:02

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February 6 -- Ex-baseball analyst Steve Phillips, whom ESPN fired last year when his extramarital affair with a network product staffer went public, may be the source of all the “Tiger Woods in rehab in Mississippi” leaks.
Or, so surmises sportsBybrooks.
Radar’s source? “I knew it!” Brooks wrote Friday. “So Phillips was Radar’s source all along!”
Brooks may have been kidding. But review the “evidence.”
Phillips recently ended a 45-day rehab stay for sex addiction at Gentle Path clinic, according to his agent, Steve Lefkowitz, who told the New York Times about his client’s agenda.
That’s the same Hattiesburg clinic from which Woods allegedly recently split, according to scores of source-less rumors
Phillips will share his experiences (ugh!) and views on Woods’ infidelities (hmmm) on Monday’s “Today” show, Lefkowitz said.
The idea of Phillips as Tiger snitch is far less out there than most of the post-crash “news” about Woods.
Book deal? Phillips, no doubt, has his own agenda for the morning show that likely involves pleading his case in hopes of finding another sports commentary gig. But how likely is that, given the tawdry nature of sex with an employee?
More probable would be cozying up to scandal-sheet publishers for a quickie tell-all paperback.
Sex addiction is the new cool. Sure, sex addiction is all the rage. But, it’s hard to believe that “Today” would grant the disgraced former New York Mets general manager a soapbox without the quid pro quo of the latest dish on Tiger.
Phillips, by the way, will make his appearance while his wife undergoes therapy in Arizona, according to the Times. What a swell guy.

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