Wesley Snipes Going To Prison

By Banzay on 20:22

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Here’s a good reason to pay your taxes – if you don’t, you might go to jail. Or be touring until the end of time like Willie Nelson.

Wesley Snipe has landed himself in prison for tax evasion – which is ludicrous. You’re a rich movie star. You don’t need to evade taxes, just pay them. The rest of us, especially freelance workers, get hit with terrible taxes every year yet we pay them. Most of us. And we’re not putting out opuses like the Blade trilogy or Jungle Fever, or Demolition Man. Have you seen Demolition Man? Snipes got paid ridiculously to live in a future world where his hair is dyed and he gets to kick people in the face alongside Sly Stallone.

Snipes, 48, will be doing three years time in prison for felony charges. I think tax evasion is probably the laziest felony. You just need to not do things in order to get it. Literally, it’s the only felony that you can sit and do nothing for and commit. You have to get up and get a gun and do armed robbery, for tax evasion, you can just do absolutely nothing.

The real tragedy is that Snipes will no longer be able to work on the movie ‘Master Daddy’.

You can make your guesses as to what that’s about, but it can’t be good.

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