UN calls for ceasefire in Libya

By Banzay on 18:40

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Thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world service.com/golf costs him welcome to the latest global news recorded 14 hours GMT on Monday, 18 April I'm ready for a long with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming up prison is leading urgent moves to help thousands of migrant workers and all the civilians trapped in the beleaguered Libyan city of Ms. Ronstadt promoted difficult for humanitarian for to move all 5000 the workers at our mistrust at five very also in the bulldoze the suicide attackers succeeded in getting inside the closely going Afghan defense ministry in Kabul it's looking increasingly certain that good luck Jonathan is one utility president of Nigeria Africa's most populous nation and later it contains wormwood only infringe absolves and the wormwood content is what will actually give you interesting and different mental experiences a new version of the drink plummet by such artists as the painter Vincent van Gogh gets the note in frogs the first urgent moves are being made to try to help civilians trapped in the Libyan city of Ms. Rossa is full to his loyal to go Gaddafi continued to bombard is among those unable to leave the city the several thousand of migrant workers from the Middle East Africa and South Asia the city about 200 km east of the capital Tripoli is been under siege by private Gaddafi falsies for weeks daily missile attacks and assaults by government troops of killing on the number of civilians and told to get a full picture of what's going on that because of restrictions placed on journalists with Kevin Singleton of the British newspaper the Independent the just arrived in the rebel held city of Benghazi from Ms. Rossa visiting sills is partly under the control of the visionaries Paul to conclude of the regime and in the third but which is effectively of control of anyone and a freefall as a of this funding going on on the ground it is intervene in a couple of moves you a strategically important one could could restrict and the other one which leads into the pool which the regime. And trying to get to for obvious reasons but the from that there is a daily better for if you would prefer styles of 35 and that she is to be fairly discriminating of it appears to be falling at random is holding the meeting Tel Aviv switchers, describing his resignation due to impulsivity jinxing anything with the city of the siege and on-the-fly prison if other countries pushing for more aid for the people of Ms. Robin finding a way to evacuate stranded foreign workers that Andrew Mitchell the British international development secretary is in New York for talks later of United Nations be up environment brought her to drop it. It is a lot the very means that all 5004 migrant but courtyards on the P5 with munitions the verdict some 300 yards from where they aren't applicable to significant further humanitarian or two moved all 5000 the workers at odds with Ms. Rossa at five very the BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy building is in Tripoli alone. Stints how Libyan government would you attempts to evacuate foreign workers wealth this thought with yesterday here in Tripoli and there was CVA UN humanitarian officials and they have been talking to the Libyan government and Iraqi sign the memorandum of understanding about humanitarian access in the been I haven't seen that in detail so I don't quite know what the conditions are considered the Libyan government his public statements there is saying that is very keen on humanitarian access anyone's humanitarian groups to come and set up interpolate and work out of the contest back to the latest insensate decisiveness was very difficult to gauge it from here in that template mental Ms. Rossa that we can't get in reply to couple times without we have ads on their is journalists answer would depend on Wednesday the being government agents I've just been to the abstinence been and the loss today Saturn may have anything to do today PR Mortensen mentioned you did except to say that we have information that the I government site appears to be present. On in-laws today lights and leading government claims that Al Qaeda fighters Huntington some well this is something which they have repeated this for the loss and the loss that well since his prices started their said from the very beginning the prime movers in their the rebellion were outside of Iraq sympathizes around. It was cold outside in the sun immigrant and what they're saying is that of very well-known she hottest Al Qaeda fighter leader boarded a ship with his man in Benghazi and was heading to Ms. Ronstadt when heading to fight back but they also say is the better it sounds on the the rebel side which are controlled by G houses are controlled by Al Qaeda empathizes in fact towns which they claim described themselves now as Emirates Jeremy building in Tripoli the battle for control of mistral disclosed problems to the night celebration in Libya underscoring the uncertainties of the campaign less strikes of diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus has this assessments of the difficulties facing the alliance was and, turn the bouncing Libyan government forces back from Benghazi at the outset of this campaign this was handled by participating countries is the quick success which justified the decision to intervene but now some four weeks old the town of Ms. Rossa underlines the adequacy of the NATO approach the process secure some 300,000 people as been received almost in the outset of the conflict as strikes around the city's outskirts of said he counted off his troops a day but only just they have infiltrated the city talking around vehicles in among buildings making them harder to hit without risking civilian casualties majorette crowd also struck Libyan government vessels will keep up with the tenuous maritime access to the city but in a sense one phase of this conflict is of the nature warplanes contributed to an and full-scale making East the inadequacies of the rebel forces mean that they are unable to defeat the government opponents of the ground and power alone cannot break the siege of Ms. Rossa NATO leaders appear unwilling to countenance the use of ground troops constrained by the terms of UN Security Council resolution 1973 the focus may shift providing training for the rebel forces and perhaps key enablers to bolster the effectiveness of natives and effort 01 the signal is willing to pay but who exactly might provide the expertise required remains an open question Jonathan Marcus a suicide bomber wearing only uniform event of the Afghan Defense Ministry building in Kabul and killed at least two people the incident is the third major attack within the compound of Afghan security forces in full days very of unsettled as the cells officials say the attack again entry by showing the Defense Ministry cost before opening fire and Defense Ministry spokesman said the man was killed before he could detonate the explosives strapped to his body among the dead is the bodyguard of the deputy defense minister at least seven other people were wounded the Taliban say they were responsible for the attack they say the incident was planned to coincide with the visit of the French defense minister the French Embassy said the minister was not in the building at the time I am glad several reporting that you think global news the best stories interviews and on the spot reporting from the BBC world service if you want to comment on this pop cost old topics covered in this unison is a mild addresses global podcast@BBCDr.uk and you can also post a message on the BBC world service Facebook page Facebook but,/BBC world service, for women longer might even hear selection of highlights from across all the BBC's radio news networks and access to pop cost music: and find that by typing news pulled into a search engine the incumbent head of state in Nigeria good luck Jonathan up is the one the presidential election by a comfortable margin manual votes counted Mr. Johnson has a was twice the number of his main rival man, do Bihari within speaking to people as they made their way to work in Laos Nigeria's most populous city this morning Somali optimistic about the outcome of these elections I am very very optimistic because we have Millicent like the before you move the electrons with the peaceful and him we sold about 70. The rents very many miles incidental the most significant problem really fly think the departure from the booms are rigid would have probably of the so far so good elections after is well with the 12 years the true democracy on all what was seen as ground corruption been entrenched work as it is the process aspect of democracy on Sunday. I have not seen the out of the democracy the gains of democracy Arnesen is necessarily profitable as possible selection but postelection violence has broken out in the northern cities of color and Kaduna James ministry to the BBC's comedy more is currently in a project and Austin wanted been happening perhaps not so surprising enemy we've been hearing some reports from from Conlin from cutting in other parts of the north of people upset about the outcome but having we should remind ourselves that it's a of the scale of of what's going on that we read about people taking to the streets burning tires but it's not as though other countries about to fall apart so people people are expressing their frustration someone to change and then I just didn't happen to how has this election cost of relatively then in such a peaceful and that is where Harry Met transparent way what's changed William James or the story of this election is written in just be about the election of the of Jonathan and were expecting formal announcement on that to that pretty soon it'll be really about the conduct of this presidential election and the reference point is 2007 last time around people died the results were declared in places where people had even voted for Saturday's vote by and large was different to me Nigerians I've spoken to bid for praise for the Independent national electoral commission that they insisted that the process was transparent glass was the question we can ask is does this election have the endorsement of the international community him him out one of Africa's longest-serving diplomats is the current president of the call was commission that was mainly political and economic body that brings West African states together James Victoria 12 V being with us public improvement is this you think well I wasn't a in 2007 but everybody tells me that this is a new Jibril went on the performance of 2007 in the sense that it was Nigerians themselves would've believed that it was going so common it and it's mostly I in an orderly fashion and we could see the determination of the youth especially to change things in this country I believe that young people in Nigeria want change and have said so when the Bristol to a number of them in the cubes they made this absolutely. And then the leadership of Pres. John F. Kennedy himself also should be congratulated for what happened because I remember when I took the E was chief of Zelda his Excellency him also it of Liberia to see he made a point which the stock and he said to accept how would Nigeria continue to check and E us and lowlight goofiness that other countries asking them to the get on the democracy bandwagon AEX not be able to load election cycle he told that was a to imagine that to be just had to have it right. So the appointment old for the electoral commission his commissioners and the determination with which they did their work was very good and I could also sense that all Nigerians had been publicly shield by the smaller countries being successful with elections and the way determining and one lady said something very interesting to me he said two years ago when president Obama came to Africa for the first that he bypassed Nigeria stop all the and so many people of many of his ear group decided that this time they would Nigeria shall is best for and that that is exactly what the the the Wolsey of failure to love the president of the US as a rethink about visiting the country but how important is it that Nigeria gets it right as far as the rest of Africa's concert where the notes since independence pretty half a century now Nigeria has driven this subregion Nigeria's importance as the biggest country in every one in five African is Nigeria and the a we have of approximately 300,000,000 people in the E was region Nigeria will account for 50% of that number and so they are all always around to help and Nigeria foreign-policy is always favored leadership and advocacy of the president of the the it was commission urges retrieval and sharing his thoughts that we are waiting now for the official declaration but it is pretty clear James that the government Jonathan has been elected president so winning you buy a fairly strong margin he has the mandate to govern additional hundred and 50 million people and he does have a pretty serious challenge at, do more in Abuja will and is less than a year to go before Russia's presidential election it's still not clear who will be the candidate favored by those in the current administration president Dmitry Medvedev is the incumbents but according to the Constitution the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin can now run for president again opinion polls suggest that either man could easily win the race that means the next leader is likely to be decided in the corridor walls of the Kremlin or is it just possible to run against each other in Moscow correspondent Daniel Sandford has this report are I love Israel and him and the not in the things schmaltzy rendition of the hill was a sure sign that an election is coming his amount of the performance of the now discredited charity concert just before Christmas is attended by Hollywood stars like counts and "him him him and then speculation has been growing my we is whether the Prime Minister will run for president again a four years wife and him and him and I political climate endorsement his train going the right is growing discontent among the 12 projects… The richness of his by people who love less savings buying new friends whenever the the been similar demonstrations by: and even fishermen against the prevalence of corruption and unaccountable politicians. And him and Roberson will see over his wrists coming but the thing that this is what comes from liberalization having lunch in a small Italian cafй across the river from the Kremlin is because Fishman one of the countries leading the school, site there is a growing distrust and average Russian would never believe that onerous bureaucracy can exist there is no trust in any state institution missed fleetingly stimulated equally very popular here – you said about your is one of the country's main pollsters at the start work for the public sector administration she points out that despite the grumblings the majority of the public are still satisfied with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Monte Carlo from him as president Dmitry Burgett they will have equal making and is very hard for insensate. The history about the confidence and trust rating that may be about 80% hotel in fact is the administration's problem how to decide who should be United Russia's candidates in the presidential election next spring the Constitution says that Vladimir Putin can now start again but equally one with the popular president Medvedev stand aside the been there dissolves to his city has every right to run for a second time and this week he made it clear he was still interested you need to share those payable bulletin boards I jumped allowed the possibility of running for his second presidential term effect and the decision will be taken very shortly because the election less than he and we financial the sales within hours Vladimir Putin insisted that neither of them has yet ruled themselves out merely middle-management is lifetime unlimited authority which exclude the possibility that he had run in the elections… But we will need to take into account the political situation and the kind of religious faith some commentators like Mafia, Polsky of radio echo mostly hostile to talk about the possibility of the men running against each other we can easily receive this is a unique moment in Russian history. Never seen the ruling elites. In this way before. Previously it was almost something like this on now for the first time Harry to eat is of equal stature with a similar vision for the country that you have different ideas about how to achieve it will only begin arsenic which that recent public spat over the bombing of Libya shows the different platforms the potential rivals could choose to me.

The modernizer interested in improving relations with the West and Vladimir Putin the traditionalist concentrating on stability but many analysts still think it's more likely that the two men under entourages would agree between themselves to the candidate will be leaving the fences with little option but to in both the shores and it is also quite clear if anyone of you can in guaranteed him Neil he him and him and I also filled reporting from Moscow is 46 years since the assassination of the radical black civil rights activist Malcolm X in New York story is one of the most remarkable in modern American history he was shot dead in February 1965 of the long-awaited new biography raises a remarkable possibility that the chief assassin is alive and well and living in New Jersey biographer Manning Marable tightening a few days before it came out but his meticulously researched book is sending shockwaves through American academia and beyond Maxwells reports from New York and you and your head is valid only in Italy is there a a a a a a a a him him your tomorrow the the banks of the stock of his assassination 46 years ago said Cindy and I told him African-American university professor Manning Marable's new biography aims to deliver the man is untimely death when Davis had a the impact of his 20 year quest for truth is editor when he will now Is never the headlines since he joined the Nation of Islam seriously died the next began to Substance People Began to Hate Him Him Using for Their Own Purposes Many Which Had Nothing to Do with Anything Malcolm Was Involved in Was Heading Towards Manning Marable in Packable Scholar He's Taking All These Bits and Pieces-Together into One Coherent As a Transformative Image of Malcolm for Outstanding Writing for to the Spot Where Malcolm X Was Assassinated the Old Uptown Ballrooms and Was Completely Demolished Years Go the Portion Was Saved Analysis Memorial Center Is Young Children May Hear That Day and His Wife Betty Describes Enough with the Same I Thought of Someone Look in Amazement to the Front End of the Chapter Is the and the Children Were Crying in What's Going on What's Going on at the Convention Is Marable Spoke Claims of Malcolm and Some of the 70,000 1868 Is the Cash to White Man Is Is Powerful Evidence Focuses on the Board Shootings and Why Some of the Killers Were Never Brought to Justice the Chief Researcher Is the Reality We Know That They Were Meeting Others At Least Four or Five Others Who Were Part of Distance. The Would Never Caught and Never Brought to Justice As Something Evil the Principal Assassinate Seems Is Living Will Be like the New Images of Parts Needed to Work on Things. I Do Think It's the Processes for Us to Have Real Close in the Sense of What Really Happened in Real Truth about His Death Level, We Have To Make the the Book Demonstrates the Assassination City the Purposes of the Act the I Lease in the Nation Of Islam Denials of Any Conspiracy Come They Can Foster Care in the Heart of Holland Kelvin Moore Makes a Living Selling Malcolm X T-Shirts and Other Black Hat Memorabilia He Says People Ranting Is Skeptical about Changing That Heroes Story How We Know Envelopment Analysis with It Someone Has To Take the System Is Exhausting Enough Is Enough Malcolm It's Definitely Not Came over and If This Is the Man You Want to Absolutely on This Far Is That He and Is Concerned of the Denial Will Come Sentence of Malcolm That Comes out of This Book Is the Human Malcolm Is More Relatable More Approachable and Because of That More Accessible and More Information Contact Him Him Him Him As Well. 2 Is a Global News on the BBC World Service Room Room after the in Thing Is You with the Will of the Second You See Things As Eleanor Finally Receiving This Is the Real Which Is the Most Horrible Thing in the World Are in Her to Me My Glory Is the to Humble Ephemeral Babson Drunkenness Line with Their Cheese and the Country No Longer It Is Increasing in I Took a Place like a and You Are One Drink Too Much and You Suddenly Realize Why Van Gogh Cut off His Ear but Also Oscar Wilde Pulled the Lab and Johnny Depp on Absinthe That Accompanied by the Music of Eric SASE like to Drink so Much It Sold a Gave Him Syringes of Liver Long Famous Is the Drinkable System Pellets It Was Banned by the French Government Almost a Century Got in 1950 Not Rule Walls Relaxed Recently in the Absence Made to Slightly Different Recipe Now the French Parliament Is Evidence of the Plan Completely Dan Damon Spoke to Jan Adams and Historian in the Oath off Hideous Absinthe History of the Devil in a Bottle and Austin the New Version of the Drink Is the Same Stuff Will This Is the Thing Absinthe Contains Alcohol and Is Very Highly Alcoholic Drink It Contains Anis and Lease Makes It Taste and Smell and Taste like Aniseed and Essentially for This Drink It Contains Wormwood or Infringe Absolves and That the Wormwood Content Is What Will Actually Give You Interesting and Different Mental Experiences at the Experiences Which Were so Hymned by the Artists and Writers of the 19th Century Now the Sort of Absent They with Drinking and Had 150 Ppm Maybe 200 Pounds Million It's Very Difficult to Tell Because It's It's Hard to Judge Exactly What Was in Drinks of the Paul's but Certainly Much More of This Activity Ingredient of the Journal Well More Than We Are Currently Allowed the Pension Now Conforming to European Regulations Which Allow No More Than 10 Ppm of Wormwood and That Means Something like 15 Maybe 20 Times Weaker Than the Stuff Which Inspired Fan Golf and the Length Aggregate the Pictures in Your Book and I Are Remarkable Parabens Some These People Very Sad Was It Due to Those Who Were Inspired for A While but Then Seemed to Become Ever More Unhappy and Influence Absorbed Well I Think That the Deep Recent Is Is Acceding to the Influence of the Very High Levels of Alcohol People Are Drinking so Much Alcohol Because It Could Be As Much As the 70% Alcohol by Volume They Did Was Stupefied As You Would Be Futures Drink Straight Vodka the Thing Which Stimulates Will the like Caffeine or Nicotine Stimulates of the No More Remarkable in That a Strong Plus of Coffee Old Cigarette the Things Stimulates Is Is Is That the Joan and Then You You and That Would Stimulate Us to the Beginning of El Dorado Topics in Its Composition and His Record on Internet-Enabled Recall. So You Don't Imagine That Your Brain Know It Was Always Explained by Scientists in 19th Century but If You Give Large Amounts of the Stuff to Small Mammals in the Public Convulsions and Therefore the Same Thing Would Happen to to Take Human Beings Actually Human Beings up Wealth of Knowledge Mammals and He Would Have Happened All. Thujone to Match the Method Giving Lombardi Is Very Bitter Viruses so Beloved by Parents Him and Painters Is a Picture by Toulouse-Lautrec Vincent Longo with well releasing people bangles and the focus then pulled again like it was because it was cheap it was an industrial alcohol it was extremely cheap to purchase it was that easy to buy it was it was the the drink of the poor and if you will pull artists like Vincent van Gogh often also alcoholic one you're going to take the cheapest kind of Hollifield John Adams historian and also off hideous absinthe history of the devil in a bottle Anatol from us for now but an updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download in 12 hours time Andre followed until next time goodbye

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