Chetania Davis PHOTO!

By Banzay on 08:44

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PHOTO! Here is a picture of Chetania Davis, the Stiletto stabber. Chetania Davis admits using her stiletto’s heel to stab another woman. The victim needed seven staples but survived.

The case then danced to court. How did the prosecution’s claims lace up?

Chetania Davis is 22. In Akron, Ohio she worked as a “dancer”. One night she showed to work and found a new dancer hired at the club, 52 years old. While the unnamed woman was clearly looking forward to her new …. exciting … job, Chetania Davis claim police was angry the victim was hired believing the club had enough dancers.

Prosecutors claim Chetania Davis took her heel and inflicted multiple wounds in a dressing room showdown. Davis has now pleaded guilty, sentenced to one year of probation, and no prison term.

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