Casey Anthony will face a death penalty charge

By Banzay on 21:17

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Casey Anthony will still face a potential death penalty should she be found guilty in the charge that she killed her two year old daughter, Caylee, in 2008. Her defense team attempted to get that charge removed because of gender bias. The judge ruled against that. Her trial is scheduled to begin a year from now. She was originally supposed to begin her trial this year, around October. Circumstances prevented that from happening. Her first defense attorney left the case, and she had filed as an indigent. Whatever money she had at her disposal is gone. It came out a few months ago that ABC News paid $200,000 to her family for videos and other related material, to show on television. That fact came out in a hearing about her claims of poverty. That money was swallowed up in paying for her defense.
It is my opinion that Casey is both a sociopath, and a child killer. The tears she sheds in court are for herself. The details of this case will most likely never come out in regards to why she did in her two year old daughter. I don't think she has the capability to admit guilt, which is at the core of being a true sociopath: she is devoid of a conscience.
Whether she deliberately set out to kill Caylee, or something occurred and Casey did something to her in the heat of a moment, will never be revealed. When this trial gets underway, I think we'll be reminded that both her parents suspected the worst at the beginning of this case. At the heart of this tragedy, it is my feeling that Casey just came to the conclusion she was not ready to be a parent; Caylee had become an annoying distraction from her, otherwise, fun-loving life. Like so many young people who get pregnant, they then realize it's not just a kick or a hobby, but a life-long commitment and major responsibility. Unlike most young parent(s), she happened to kill her baby girl.
Casey's defense team tried to show that there was some inherent bias against a woman accused of killing her daughter. That bias having to do with a woman accused of such deviant behavior would face additional scrutiny by a jury, and that the facts of the case would be lost due to that heinous act of killing a child. I think that argument is absurd. How can you get away from the fact that she is charged with killing a child? That's the essence of the case! That tactic did not work, and Casey will face the death penalty. I'm not sure a plea deal is in the works. That might be the only way she might save herself: admit guilt and get a life sentence. I'm betting she won't do that because, again, as a sociopath, she'll refuse to admit guilt. In that sense, she is like the Peterson boys: Scott and Drew. Not related, they both killed their wives. Drew did in two because (I believe) they threatened to leave him: his ego (& bank book) couldn't handle that. Scott did in his wife Laci because he met a new girl he wanted more. Both Petersons came up with some fictional story about their wives deaths, just as Casey Anthony did. Scott Peterson will never admit guilt, and I don't expect Drew will ever come clean.
Some people are born without a conscience. Killing, for them, is a means to an end: in these cases, it will mean (& has meant for Scott) their own end of freedom. In Casey's case, it could mean the end of her life.

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