15 Mar 11 AM Japan nuclear crisis/ Saudi forces enter Bahrain

By Banzay on 09:11

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Thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world service.com/golf costs him welcome to the latest global news recorded and 300 GMT on Tuesday the 15th much on Lawrence P the selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today Tommy up a radiation alert in Japan wealthy is another explosion at the nuclear club damaged after Friday's earthquake and tsunami meanwhile at full-time population faces a grim future political needed is a real-life lesson is no walls around the cow which was carrying walk-throughs upside down I don't know what the government is doing please help. It doesn't matter if it's from anywhere in the world just help us also coming up more protests in Bahrain is the Saudi led for sluicing to support the government ordering role in their to crack direct 84. And for the record. And it worked the government supported say getting the she held from the Gulf cooperation Council latest is quite normal that afforded to. R Sandy clearly senescent the GCC the they are interconnected in convenient in everything more likely to persist a new explosion of very big explosion is once again rocked the Fukushima number one nuclear club following others which already damaged the installation in the wake of Friday's Japanese earthquake nuclear officials said there were indications that the containment vessel housing the number two reactor may have been damaged in the blast a spokesperson from Tokyo electric said some stuff have been evacuated from the site and just waiting for sale statistics 15 and 30 with a big impact. An explosive impact is temporarily from this evacuated to when you were absent witness and we facility eventually for their safety delineating staff are working to secure safety this was the statement from the Japanese prime minister following the latest expression of the Fukushima nuclear facility in at least a a and suspended from the analysis 17 when meeting fundamental seems very high and there is still a very high risk and further, the radioactive material found in the coming days to make a of the bill that we need it now frankly the 2020 km from the underlying plant usual and the human will and in areas from 20 to 30 km from and happened majordomo depending on This is the happened but I was denied the midnight T the mean enjoys at home or in your offices in the the the the people at the happened in will and I you can you have reason to insectlike accordingly. And despite that I and the academe himself in a very dangerous situation in him and you him and 19 and him biographic but it will detainees in the thoroughly any this is only the earthquake considering your night I request that you act. Currently well more events return to our correspondent in Tokyo Chris Hall was leaving Firefox now and them was difficult to get a handle on is just what that very high levels of fat radiation actually means him there is one report from the need on the cure Chinese agency which is the Japanese news agency here saying that around the reactor number number three reactor levels of radiation have been picked up to 400 times the legal limit that you cabinet secretaries And said that an unquestioned now we of Tolkien levels that can damage human health this is why of course they have evacuated that site just a few workers left their good trying to deal with the emergency vet and cool the fuel wrote that he did make the point that featherweight featherweight you get the levels should be developed that this is considerably higher than we have had before it also appears that the Spitfire the fourth reactor at the sites a day we told that this one report of the was an expression of direct to the whistle trying to confirm that we told that that fire has been Patel the suggestion was that that was also adding to the radiation levels so we have around that amounts to multiply the Z exclusion zone yes we've had this 20 km exclusion saying for a few days now but were a few people left people then rearrested 500 people ready to with him to stick to mavens in hospitals and nursing homes a few essential personnel at now@this is the title exclusion site at everybody else's handful what is left of the font him and then they've extended the exclusions and from 20 to 30 km and said that anyone between 20 and 50 Thomases should stay indoors for the mind map think about this for a minute if you or I were in that 20 to 30 km how you going to feel united being told that it's dangerous to you need to stay inside and mentioned the enemy a lot of people who once the nothing but jump in the cost get out of there as soon as possible at the other think that's the Japanese music news agencies is something out is astonishing to give read readings for different parts of the country said in Ibaraki which is is to the north to take it best saying that radiation levels of 100 times normal levels that different to what we are talking just before which is 400 times the legal limit 100 times the normal level is obesity much less bottom again and if you're listening to this and you'll in Ibaraki at the moment you're probably not going to hear much like our vacation you just get a feel this is 100 times less the shipping Chris Hall in Tokyo as the emergency services in Japan continue to baffle to find survivors following the quake and soon I'll make it clear the death toll is set to rise about 2000 bodies were found washed ashore along the coastline on Monday often in the town of Minami; which was frightened by giant waves tens of thousands of people are still unaccounted for more than half 1 million people are homeless and hundreds of thousands more without power and water local residents importance and I pleaded for international help political needed is a real-life lesson is no walls around the cow which was carrying walk-throughs upside down destroyed so we can't get anyone through the moment if we can't do anything to appeal for this evening I don't know what the government is doing the same Saudi government is doing nothing it's all please help us it doesn't matter if it's from anywhere in the world just help us well for the latest on relief efforts after we spoke to the Japanese Red Cross representative gnocchi cocoa what error. But shirker rescue. But however. Or better. If you child of the Bible also a lot of correct. That but a few. Probably first heard. Now of course Alamein) is to care for those who Evatt greatly from the disaster site, you that you have enough resources we have been carrying these people by sending our medical teams we have been touched a PC clean innovative that the affected areas left would have been the stupid things. But for to those people you will medical problems to deal with injuries this & the very in the Shell days we've field those affected mainly but not me at all. By bus from synonymy cool in the loft body temperature and those who has taken the full water into the land but that does a quite few many many more on the minor injury or the people who are rather seeking for the place to evacuated,
the marshals is the moment at and many of them of being held at schools and public the building that I feel people coming out of the very very effective of isolated people the up coming out from the tsunami area who are seeking for the place and they come to just post the of to find but whether they could be accommodated without a of course we don't have space for them, the people we talking about you move this could be hundred thousand and even included the those 200,000 who are now instructed to move out of the the the the the nuclear front the 20 km said that did the diet meters area that on only 200,000+ I we don't know we have little have. How many hundred thousand people of not currently being shipped and how long and using very soon mostly items will only take the full attempts get back in and continue normal life again that two types of people would be seeking shelter is one of those who off of had to fear to go back as well as the additional interest be no powerful date they are seeking shelter is temporary and they will go back when there is a 50 all of certain security feelings of that there are people who can't go back because they loathed the house is a that by synonymy or shake and those people have to be accommodated in a temporary or prefabricated houses and we don't know how long they have to state the it's going to be quite long long journey to gnocchi: speaking to the more later but first you can use a sound ethernet ministry forces arrived in Bahrain in support of the government the following request conference held some 1500 troops from Saudi Arabia Abu Dhabi and other members of the Gulf cooperation Council have taken up positions in the state just two days after renewed clashes between Shiite led protesters and security forces those left seven people dead the move has been denounced by members of the opposition some of whom are calling is a foreign occupation we Austin not be a rush job president of Bahrain's Center for human rights what he thought government. There.

Your require local equal reporting clarity and the people in this area illegitimate demand but quarter pulled from All-Star to crack down to. For the restoration of equipment completely acceptable we think this is an incorrect method re: alkaline feeling that he the amendment that I need does. Close coming from thoroughly with year it treated at the tripwire will usually well education is strong learned when one government simply invites the soul or the like ministry assistance from a neighboring country you but when you are in the schedule for or at least will you will you have been a writing which is using armed them and what you have a peaceful protest in seeing what older internationally with AT&T and he the patient difficulty for our trainees out between flowers. You will need not already adequately to 12 record from outside the country already have. An army which was performed loaded. And a standard unit already DBMS. To treat the for the think that they and we have seen the local victims who were injured yesterday with approximately over thousand injuries abstractor to hospital selecting the wide using the government has brought distinction and it always I'll government whenever the average impairment dispute the Orlando. Where neighboring countries or to do country afternoon important that you never know half the Soviet experiment ritualistically think. Have a way to deal with. And it was the only an hour or of are that you nothing better than the the. The situation that the than finding a solution for teasing the this is an attempt to intimidate your listening I will definitely trying to do but at and they use the far left there by the Army and the police but the vaccine the project is increasing now the thought. Working been the cargo Fickett. Him and they have realized that this feeling also now this is that the thing is doing quite somewhat improved from outside the country to thank you think you could visit with open-door for another growth in behind Mike also called for here for America not you shop will Bahrain is a government insists that the intervention represents legitimate support from fellow members of the Gulf cooperation Council amid fears that Iran might be fomenting unrest among the Shia dominated opposition unlocked… Mom of Bahrain's pro-government a but of hot leg newspaper defended the move. Alteration. The ad. Only GCC country of helping each other and that I the circumstances to the is nothing new in this month told members of the opposition see this as a forward intervention in the they see the current occupation some of them were not ready for. A member of the opposition already they have-chemistry for the harm that the Iranian Armed Forces should interfere your the teasing the opposition all directly inciting the Arabians to meddle in Bahraini politics exactly that.

The benefit of the Iranian foreign affairs said that that we cannot keep quiet about this matter the 15th the 25th. My feet unusable if I disable and this one thing to say that's and it's another thing to say that the Bahraini opposition of inviting them to into the shared that I had long had written the second we have no choice but to of young and it also LaViolette the person as with the thing that we approach with but the of young Netherlands is but another a little earlier and he said exactly the opposite that he had no desire to see the reigning's or anybody else intervene in the country he just objected to the fact that salaries have come to intervene because that he says is wrong it should be a domestic Bahraini problem dealt with by Bahrainis themselves I believe that you have seen on television what the official rule for so-called of the group. Have them to the country they have blocked the road with people not to go to war they'll not everybody is processing with one country we have a small economy will of 1.2 million people living here half of the mother ex-pats everybody must work hard in order to end the daily life day for the last one month the bank the click of the national economy that trying to peaceful protests they say some of which have led to police attacks using live rounds of ammunition that took place that cannot ignore that but after that everything will stop at everything went into the feed audio that left it and talk unfortunately they don't want to talk they want to clip and the holy government system. The reality is that this is not a the is the sort of like demanding order for a thief something which could fit anarchy and progress will they do have a specific the monster in they about repeal the current constitution that doesn't affairs Schaffel the the Shia majority to have a pausing government Shia majority they have the benefit of the of the federal of that prophecy new version. The doctors they don't different from any other side of the effects of the society for BBC or any of the above casting efficient to swallow this defeat is very painful to all of yes but if you're having these organizations which I believe are ongoing between members of the opposition protesters and the crown prince to find a peaceful resolution to these protests is it not somewhat destabilizing to invite foreign troops into the country it substance the moment that again toward for him to that afforded through fear fill 'er up Sanhedrin senescent that GCC state GCC states are interconnected and convenient in anything and everything if it time for the BBC at other stations to understand that we are trying our best to blend advertising future for all of those people that the court itself a position that political agenda that in eighth with Dr. the government unlocked our asthma speaking to it is not your listening to global news the best stories interviews and on the spot reporting from the BBC world service if you want to comment on this podcast will topics covered in it please do just send us an e-mail the address is global podcast@BBC.Co.UK noodles or post a message on the BBC world service Facebook page Facebook.com/BVC will service to Libya now as Col. Gaddafi's forces continue to take back parts of the country from the rebels diplomatic efforts to get the UN backs no-fly zone against them have not yet been finalized government forces appeared to be laying siege to the western city of Ms. Roster cutting off supplies the rebel falseness rather than confronting them directly Saleh Abdulaziz is one of the rebel leaders in the city of Garland. Brushwood. We have enough torpor of food would have thought a few a lot but I don't think that there this woodblock among them and maybe you're having very limited two-week but not more than that value government allow any think Clinton the metaphor the movement for nothing though people are better at doing (the they will fight to the end because we have no choice but whether to be killed by Gaddafi old who died the 30th about you can't go outside if you go to outside the capital the choo-choo the would have on the fish Saleh Abdulaziz one of the rebel leaders in Ms. Roster and is sufficing roles on the Nvidia the international community continues to discuss the issue of the no-fly zone the British Prime Minister David Cameron says such a plan is feasible but with foreign ministers of the G8 industrialized nations discussing the issue in Paris correspondence that say it's already clear that there are deep divisions of whether any intervention would be effective so what is at stake exactly with these negotiations and who would enforce the no-fly zone if it were approved for more we turn to the BBC's Barbara place at the United Nations Security Council discussed the no-fly zone today and Monday off the back of the Arab League requested me a with the meeting was called by the that needed after which he presented Arab League requests and data after that understand that the leading each joins the efforts by the British and French to draft a pattern resolution which we expect will be circulated among the councilmembers shortly faith and that and the reaction industry Council at was was very skeptical from what we understand not only from the Russians and Chinese who are traditionally and very wary of any international intervention into what Siemens domestic affairs but rather country thousand many questions about how a no-fly zone woodworking crucially how affected the would actually be and to end the violence and sale after the meeting we did have a common from the Russian ambassador said that said Russia was keeping an open mind but frankly there just wasn't enough information that fundamental questions had to be answered first sale at even though this is a resolution that we expected instigated shortly after DeRosa be a lot of discussion on it. But sometimes it will him and but remember the Riverport burble definitely be put over laughing it would depend and how the discussion goes and where things have been e-mailing the recirculated to me new and officially came later a call for a vote selected will depend on how the talks: a lot of that also is going to be influenced by what's happening at the G8 summit meeting of G8 meeting in Europe because that's where I had the state and foreign ministers and selling high-level content to be made and this is where these decisions are made to the difficult to say right now what the French and British would like to get a decision this week and that given it the skepticism in the counseling given that there are several levels of concern one is slightly this how effective could affect CD given that Gaddafi is using much more than airpower to fight against the rebels at this also questions of whether the app the yet no-fly zone would be supporting the rebels against Col. Gaddafi rather than just a humanitarian effort to help civilians and very sensitive industry Council is a very strong feeling about not wanting to get sucked into another war in he United States I think it as well as inflicting into a large degree we understand that in the Security Council today Monday they were among those who expressed concerns and questions United States also would be key in carrying out this and has not have to declare its position Barbara Platt UN is time back have to our main story it's a full days since the earthquake struck in Japan on the scale of the damage and casualties is still not entirely clear Patrick Fuller of the international Federation of the red cross is in of supercheap four hours from Sendai working with the Japanese Red Cross of sushi walls of fishing town but had 17,000 people but now effectively been swept away we Austin to describe the scale of the devastation that he's witnessed the birth of regurgitated completely flattened about bodybuilding. Twisted debris everywhere the father everywhere because a lot of – a lot of of Jordan went down the left fuel and gas bubbles exploded in people's houses third covered with small confide in civil defense around the picnic. Debris looking for capable survivalist but also removing the authorities we also lost houses compared to previous disasters that he's worked in it is possibly the world is by far the worst Dr. witness the for 20 years working with the Red Cross and I think that the last time was in the finale in 2004 July current Indonesia and this is bring back memories but I think the scale of devastation to to what we very robust infrastructure along the coastline elderly will have the knowledge that huge defense is built around, the fishing villages are just left London with Peloponnese away going through your mind when you seven promethazine land and took everything with him and wanted to find is just humbling with water-soluble polymer so how people can think the crisis in the CS from Prof. Noriko, she's an economist and professor at the Doshi shop business school in Tokyo public policy and he had landed for activity Ali internetworking ER aftershocks keep coming along the federal and cannot finish attacking Iraq. The pension I think is leading people with a conversational style that had I have to admit that publicly any responding may well the thing thing I can think and the faithful. Yet taken electric power company the Anything.

Conference with state three I can't take a like evening I think that motivated me to see if that predicament on Friday cools the unit and transpose down integument Muslims with downed cows in Alameda you can think you have something like normality lease in terms of services that in the capital yelling at of all in paragraph 10). Consent life is pretty much normal life the under FFF is nothing effective pension people are cleaning. Stock up on things that things are starting to disappear from any supermarket and a convenience store fairly entertaining nature for the front of a kind a hot still hang onto normality I think that if a large the situation meant is clear that this disaster will cools huge problems for the Japanese economy and its recovery will take time but also concerns about the possible vocal effect for the rest of the world julienned text is an assistant editor for the financial Times wealthy and the bad wide range of ethnic and the rent manage they could even Fond du Lac County of Make exhausting they have been amazing unfolding story one benchmark is what happened during the day and quite when people reckon back to the senti .5% West GP with white count hundred and he has quite a lot of that was against the grace and thank you Benchmark then Connecticut probably much data and the earthquake him as a courageous enough to think the dialogue. In Q3 present but the range of ethnic ethernet wide Kirkwall said the same time Mr. loaded out the spinoffs in other industries and him. It had been at a distracted of course that is going to be the shorthanded at least from the construction affect saying a surprise leaking need shareprice construction of the printed and sold enough the present. The Japanese government things on its mind but is it already started to take steps to address some of the problems can aftereffects of right now in radiated out tonight 08 at reaction and he lost scene government trying to get situation and one HKS advantage plan has signaled it indictment winning ticket it cost in have seen the addition of reckless enough to critique the market a Monday and went back 20 keep treating and managing student money and I think probably signals back tankful edged the authorities we will do whatever it takes to try and stabilize the situation not just the bank and situation by becoming widely of course the question immediately out of market to be asking if hand-to-hand 14 if given the for the country with debt to GDP is 220 defend affect and I said in a Lebed another time question and 70 right now the signal, but it will have the pump transport economy is in the Change the Way, Japan and does business in one of the many the question in the case of Japan is now stagnating the best quality decades because they he could if it stagnation and not being and Japan have been counted shocked that would force a dramatic change in cools and if a Japanese detained painful and controversial radical measures will be needed to really this GDP many kind things like integration lacking when lacking contact and awesome that he performed they needed to really bring about a radical tank great right now to be? Now it will maybe just maybe this shocking and enough cake. Anti-Catholic unstructured time just public Edwina Atlantic still dyadic a and with can immediately see what happens next and given the importance of the Japan to the coming global times what about this: on affect the rest the world and that he could image ground-level economy that been shrinking in American hands and lost decade located in Japan in Portland but effecting is important he used to be something more interesting questions to ask about the number impact of hand on the label investor sentiment picket once again invested affected run the unpredictable effect uncertainties about what can happen to you and just how and being UK public and be what that means the for private Wales what that means the global supply chain the across many companies have applied tantamount to Japan that had been disrupted and eight 120 happened and started he and many people thought Levick unable to come ringnecked comment to the Channing and defendant within preaching and yet we have in the problems and now we have the Japan public and taken to get Athabasca that could once again rattled confidence in the market and have not gone impact on the economy julienned text speaking to Julian King that's all from us for now but an updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download this later on Tuesday I bargepole until next time but

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