Arrest warrant issued for Ann Pettway, woman accused of kidnapping Carlina White from NY hospital

By Banzay on 20:23

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Cops issued an arrest warrant Friday for the woman who raised Carlina White after she was kidnapped as a baby from Harlem Hospital two decades ago.

Ann Pettway has violated her probation and is believed to be on the run from authorities, said officials in North Carolina, where she lived.

"We definitely believe she is willfully fleeing supervision," said Pam Walker, a spokeswoman for the North Carolina Department of Correction.

Correction officials tried repeatedly to contact Pettway after finding out that investigators want to question her in the 1987 abduction of White, who's now grown and was recently reunited with her long-lost family.

Pettway was on probation because of a conviction for attempted embezzlement and is not allowed to leave North Carolina.

She was declared a probation absconder Friday and put into a national law enforcement database.

Nobody was home at Pettway's house in a working class section of Raleigh, N.C.

Carlina White had long suspected Pettway wasn't her biological mother because she could never provide her with a birth certificate.

No suspects were ever identified in White's 1987 disappearance from Harlem Hospital in New York. White is now 23 years old and has been living under the name Nejdra Nance in Connecticut.

White recently reunited with her biological family. The family believes Pettway was the kidnapper.

Authorities are considering whether federal investigators should take the case because the statute of limitations may have expired in New York, said Paul Browne, an NYPD spokesman.

There is no statute of limitation in federal missing children cases.

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