Baby Doc charged / Tunisia still in turmoil / Hu in US

By Banzay on 04:44

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And thank you for downloading him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome the latest global news podcast recorded at to four hours GMT on Wednesday, 19 January this is my experience with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming up baby Doc faces charges in Haiti China's president lands in the US sexual violence in Congo got the latest from to Nicias political up he will also world food prices rise and Berlusconi is in trouble again Haiti's former dictator baby Dr. Barry has been charged with corruption and embezzlement just 48 hours after returning to his country from 25 years in exile as he left his hotel to face official questioning his 4 x 4 was jeered by someone who remembered life with his tone, could militia terrorized people but also been chaired by others who shouted free Duvalier Roba a fractal is a Haitian born political scientist at the University of Virginia and also all the roots of Asian despotism I Austin how much trouble is baby Doc in obligating the problem is it's not just the vision government with a series of and you'll learn the international organizations dealing with human rights which are calling for trial and for justice sold this could indeed be the beginning of a long process leading to conviction that it is the judicial system in Haiti in any fit state to take on this case and deal with it the way which can be seen by Haitians and the rest the world is just while the Z serious problem because you value L'Oreal already said that the documents related to his case been lost to the earthquake and the claims also the what ever charges were against him again by June 2008 on the affordable development but on the other hand the magnitude of the crimes and corruption during his dictatorship all such that I think you're going to find many many Haitians willing to come Cold War and him going to try to in the Lakeshore justices service this seems to be a process Ampex to the financial aspects of five buried arthritis time in power corruptions after misappropriation what about the world many would consider most serious charges of torture and killing and disappearance well they are all people who survived the infamous for the monster Jill and Bill Sindelar and lose all people was organized after years the a departure in 1986 and I am quite convinced that it will, before again and that was their cases how that is going to play that remains to be seen the political situation in Haiti also was you know extremely volatile soul up to now it's not absolutely clear what is the next step given all of those uncertainties in the will of the international community and all the organizations such as Amnesty International etc. events the past 24 hours to make you wonder once again will will once Shoko Duvalier thinking when he returned to Port-au-Prince why would he do it when he must have learned the risks facing a justice like this this is mystifying out all plenty of bubbles and not return first all the Z 80s in France moved what you figure in American from web of different government doesn't know about Achilles a fly of those the Haitian government react when he arrives it in bold quest the actually escorted into his motel to the puzzling questions and so far I think we know the whole story they were more the this was a prearranged deal between presumptive island and particularly when it was revealed it's really cool soul I think we will hear more and more about the that return especially if indeed the University appears in front of the judicial authorities probe affect on June Israel is a country that seems to be placed between those arguing for gradual reform and those who want a revolution just 48,000 triples put together the unity government is showing clear signs of disunity the BBC's lease to set is in the capital Tunis the list first network preaching is easy and national unity government and what it wise for ministers resigned clean three and the trade union movement here GGG, and thinking in a him him sometime during the executive Bureau of UGT team gathered this morning and decided not to notice government boring because this government was organized by the overthrown leader other opposition ending the ending members through down an alternate tensing members of old cards are seeking party had to he had partly insulin have a enough to quell the anger get the RCD of the else the president NID and trying came to power will hear from and member of that government in moment what about on the mood on the streets with a been protests for weeks and today running axles between protesters and security forces in exchange was loud and clear here is that Duluth was like a a 100 and him and him and him and him him and him and him and him him him him him and remaining in family-friendly and we want to get. Of the human 90 normal dictator he continued to you want to be free and one everybody in the event in American life the the the the the the and him him him him and him and warned it would be in seemingly recently I. And but long at the the people of the the the the who day in the government really important you have been the one who did not being a money of the people in the you is in development-the albacore that I know the on people in the the the one who you are wanting the scantily but look like began losing. Been and is rightly ignored and been a what what management the happened the diesel people in the Atlanta enough the date of the in out and the event Circuit City lightweight him and him and him and the time the the the the the mining I'm on my the you need today to bring out the Army is a privately and rightly I him and him and him and him a a a a a a a a in a meeting and legal and him and him and him and him and him him him him him him him him him him and him and him and him and him and him and him and him him and him and him and him being here and in. And during belittling delivering marketing the becomingly linearly with the in game blinders on and is currently in the in the event in long in the Army him and him and him him and him and him and him him him in a he and you are the only been in on a a a a a a a a a a a a a a him him him him him him and him and him and him and him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him him extraordinary thing in a can full being on the street this is uncharted. She wore GZ and president it finds and unity government accounting it and it promised and president it political reform and investigate corruption and it uses Canadian from Foreign Minister Paramore John was an Egyptian Red Sea resort Afshar milkshake meeting his Arab counterparts he said the priority was organizing and since the first action is to work for the organization of pluralism and democratic elections to vote this wouldn't with the diamonds not the American affixed to very this would be fixed by the different parties by the different administrative oppositional only those while in the government we are in contact with Beaulieu the elements political elements unsocial elements of the conditions is like all elements of the Canadian Society says the interim Foreign Minister cannot march on was some of these politicians have been in exile and they have started to return even though they know that under the current constitution is honest and far left the Democratic Party are not allowed to take part in the political processes one of them will arrived at the airport came to this was month admires the geek of the Congress for the Republic party a a a a a him and him and him only from is a proudly displays the great victory. Finally I can be reignited my country and believe people in Vietnam three men and women who helped to bring about a real revolution in the mildest feel free the part of the great people I have a sense of national pride and great happiness the season and CSA gangs who wrote this country and our leaving the vehicle that's a sense of the luthier real tight diversity and intensity of use across this time she could it be otherwise after 23 years radio visit the independence of the Michiana in 1956 had never seen it this kind of drama economic developments unfolding in their pants and have to say no one is quite sure where it's all going to the resistant reporting from Tunis the military authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo have promised to take swift action against a group of soldiers accused of the mass rape of civilians rapes allegedly took place on New Year's Day following disturbances in the town of physics in the eastern Congolese province of South Kivu the allegations have emerged as victims of slavery returned from hiding and some are accusing the always commanding officer in the area of direct and and participating in the rates the BBC's Congo correspondent, Strube reports from physique according to an Army spokesman and severally humanitarian aid workers the events over the new year. Began him up against a soldier who would shut the civilian allegedly in the fight over woman a group of soldiers and took revenge on the people of the the the UN humanitarian coordination office said the soldiers step 28 people including a four-year-old child guilty more than 20 homes and shops and rape to dozens of women representatives of the medical charging the the stuff off of Jeff at the local hospital said 51 rape victims had visited the clinic so far adding that many more were Thorstein to be in hiding several residents Assisi I evicting of the alleged rape have accused the Army's commanding officer of direct and violence this woman agreed to joke endemicity he identified what of her attackers as movement corn incubating Misuari the former rather than and currently the commander of the 43rd sector in the government's operation against the missions that room the Kivu region Newfoundland and he will soon see a way to me it was 7 PM in there to make me lament of the military that will force them to be been distorted thoughts they stole all our belongings enough money in interview at his headquarters in his ministry can't Mr. TDB dismissed or accusations against him as rumors and said the soldiers who committed the crimes at the the the his orders that they should stay in the camp, to bear without report to listening to the global news podcast the best stories interviews and on the spot reporting from the BBC world service our e-mail address for your comments global and you can also post a message on the BBC world service Facebook page world service the United States is rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese president who Shintaro is on a three-day state visit some in America's media are describing it as the most important summit in the generations there is a lot at stake with some major disagreements over trade currencies and ways to defuse tensions on the Korean Peninsula across documents and human rights from Washington plantains reports for Romania to a slightly for jobs him China and working with until million American jobs of already told China University supports the trade policies that Sen. Joe Populist. Put to good use in last November's midterm elections in times of economic distress what better than to point the finger at the big scary cool he understood rival easy but says US Treasury Secretary Tim Qaeda a mistake. Moment of crisis TO look at the a set of others is a concern as a threat but the economic relationship between United States and China provides tremendous benefits tubal ligations him him him places across America with the Chinese connection is creating an impression very different from the one who mongering politicians of revenue dabbling with faces like the Vanguard national playlet Corporation improved you and you and you and him alone down a Chinese technician latest equipment when Vanguard Chinese security Wolfenstein three years ago it was on it means now it's one of the top trailer makers in country Janeen's boxes Vanguard very proud human resources manager hasslefree and the employee and Chinese involvement in our 440 we have automation and is in a partnership unitedly for the family or anything because her him and president who visit Chicago later in the week the emphasis will be on Chinese investment in the US economy a more palatable phenomena in the Marana more unnerving reality that China now holds about a quarter of America's debt in a him and him and him him and him and was come to visit Washington and the need for officials on both sides ritual nothing spoils the reason for the visit simply ignore any project that demonstrates outside the White House huge greenhouse. Huntington and make sure president who doesn't see me him who ignores him and him and him him him human rights group is in great White House but in the pre-visit speech Secretary of State Henry Clinton did her best not to sound too strident I know that many in China not just in the government that in the population at large present or reject our advocacy of human rights as in tradition and sovereignty and a founding member of the United Nations Shining Path committed to respecting the rights of all citizens and the expected anything much more forceful than that this is one conversation that always takes place in private the single most certainly be true of the discussions over North Korea military tensions in the South China Sea as well as Washington's long-standing belief that China is manipulating its currency to maintain its export led development presently gem of Washington's Brookings Institute said the two countries over to the world to rise above the differences China and US really she's not become the most important bilateral relationship in the 21st century in virtually every areas UK now perforation economic recovery time the change to cyber security and also reading a security an extension important here is that the relationship difficult beyond bilateral relationship is become global issues with quarter of the world population between him and a third of the global economy this is indeed the defining relationship about times United States and China are locked in an embrace of economic interdependence the most important things is professedly but their board the temptation to see each other as enemies all items without report world food prices are increasing again at the rate which is giving rise to fears of unrest in many countries according to the latest figures from the UN food and agriculture organization lost month the cost of foodstuffs on the wholesale market was the highest on record higher even than that that peek into thousand and eight window of food riots in several parts of the world is here from a couple the countries on the pressure Saddam first about correspondent Ben James Coppell after that we'll hear from Paolo Cabral in Sгo Paulo Brazil hearing cocktail prices are rising dramatically petulance, and will 70% and that the substantial increases for basic foods like should the way that been spontaneous protests in several places in northern Sudan was easy been dealt with firmly by the police and opposition leader Hassan and Turabi has been arrested off according to popular resolution composite response to price hikes the Sudanese authorities are clearly nervous to previous governments of being pulled down by mass demonstrations at that has made is a senior official from Mr. to Robbie's potty the prices outweighed by I easily on the baby will going to the Smithsonian according as well as Albania is the popular movies like that because both of the seats became the restating and the film would have been with lies hundred and the city I did and economic crisis can be traced to domestic turmoil as well as the international issues the cold food lies in other countries subsidize on the point is spritzing away from them last week's referendum is have as much the country's oil is in the blood to the northern economy will be huge the finance minister recognized as much when he announced recently that state subsidies of goods like petrol and should the with have to be removed prices in the noble souls are rising because the Sudanese pound is tumbling against the dollar thanks the upcoming departures the South one Sudan started pumping oil in neglected the rest of its economy cited many goods are imported now see that is paying the price but in Brazil it's a different story him and for all around me of bringing festivals. To this wholesale market in Sobol Brazil is the defuse the of fresh food and and think is happening all over the world arises of and have been rise in the there is an underlying fault wishes increasing demand for it-if only with the also it has been raining along the the the the the festivals are now much more sensitive and will resume where you live high inflation especially because it prevents the country from reducing interest rates we are among the highest in the world and is a serious limitation to Brazil's the the the the the views on world food prices them from Brazil and Sudan senior officials from Bangladesh and India are due to begin a two-day talks on Wednesday to discuss security-related issues and secretaries of the two nations will meet in the Bangladeshi capital backed up on finding ways to reduce tensions along their common border Bangladeshi officials accused the Indian border guards of routinely shooting civilians and cattle traders who attempt across the border the BBC's ambassador to mountain reports from Dr. the talks, the time when there is increasing public anger in Bangladesh over the continuing killings and the border with India in the latest incident media reports said it 50-year-old Bangladeshi girl was allegedly shot dead by the Indian border guards. This month after she tried to reenter the country by climbing above why appends India's protected along parts of the common border the incident has triggered an outcry in Berlin-based human rights groups allege that more than 900 civilians many of them illegal immigrants SMUGGLERS HAVE BEEN SOUNDED BY THE INDIAN BORDER GUARDS OVER THE LAST A DECADE BUT INDIAN OFFICIALS MAINTAIN THAT THEY WERE TRYING TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE DRUG SMUGGLING HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INDIA AND BANGLADESH.SUB POSED TO BE FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS OF THE BORDER SPANNING OVER 4000 KM ALWAYS REMAINS TENSE BANGLADESHI OFFICIALS SAY MAINTAINING PEACE IN THE BORDER REGION WITH TOP THE AGENDA IN THE BILATERAL TALKS INDIAN OFFICIALS ON THE OTHER HAND ARE EXPECTED TO DEMAND THE HANDING OVER OF MILITANT LEADERS FROM THE NORTHEASTERN INDIAN STATES WERE SAID TO BE BASED IN BANGLADESH AMBASSADOR TORONTO REPORTING FROM BANGLADESH THAT IS LIKE A MELODRAMATIC ITALIAN OPERA THE CHORUS OF CALLS FOR SILVIO BERLUSCONI TO STEP DOWN IS SWELLING AGAIN TOWARDS ANOTHER QUESTION THAT THE QUESTION IS WILL THIS BE THE FINAL ACT TOLD JUSTIN OF INTELLIGENT OPPOSITION MPS OF LATCHED ON TO THE LATEST URINE ALLEGATIONS (THE PAID FOR SEX WITH UNDERAGE PROSTITUTES AND THAT HE WAS PREPARED TO HANDLE ROBUST SUMS OF CASH MONEY IF ONE YOUNG WOMAN IN PARTICULAR WOULD KEEP IT A SECRET SHE'S THE MOROCCAN BORN THOUSAND AND IS RUBY HIM ANYWAYS REPRINTED BEFORE BUT THE ITALIAN TABLOID NEWSPAPERS UP IN EXTRA STIMULATED BY THE RELEASE OF TRANSCRIPTS OF WIRETAPPED CONVERSATIONS INVOLVING RUBY AND OTHERS OF PROGRAMS ONLY IS AN ITALIAN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR IS SUCH A DIFFICULT POSITION THAT SOMETIMES HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY FOR INSTANCE IN THE MOTIVATIONAL SAYING THAT OF COURSE HE NEVER PAID THE TO HAVE SEX AND THAT YOU WOULD FIND THIS A VERY UNDIGNIFIED AND THEN OF COURSE THE HE SAID THAT SO BROKE I EVEN EVER GO TO A NEW FIANCЙE YOU WHO WAS WITH ME DURING THOSE FAMOUS THE NURSES SHOWED HOW CAN ANYTHING THAT THING PROBABLY FIANCЙE I WOULD THE BEHAVIOR HIM PROPERLY AND THAT WAS THE BEGINNING WAS A BIG SURPRISE NOBODY KNEW THAT THE SCENE SAID THE PONTIFF WITH HIS WIFE VERONICA MARIO BECAUSE THE NEW FIANCЙE SO FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS OR THE PRESS EVERYBODY WAS LOOKING FOR THIS NEW FIANCЙE AND THE OF COURSE SOMEBODY BELIEVES THAT IT WASN'T JUST A PURE INVENTION TO THIS TRACK TO THE ATTENTION FROM THE MAIN HE SHOULD TALK ABOUT AS WELL SHE LEFT THEM ACCUSING HIM HIM OF `FREQUENTING MINORS. ALLEGATIONS THAT ONE OF THE MEN WOMAN MAY OF HAD IN HIS HOUSEMATES HAVE SEX WITH COULD BE UNDERAGE OVER THESE OF COURSE ALLEGATIONS THAT ARE NOT EXCEED BEYOND A MORRISSEY WAS ESPECIALLY CRIMINAL OFFENSE. IT IS AND IT IS NOT OFFENSE FOR WHICH THE PRIME MINISTER WEEKLY IS IT OFFICIALLY INVITED HE HAS TO ANSWER FOR THIS CRIME 2 G ACTUALLY THIS IS ONE BUT THERE IS AN EVEN MORE SERIOUS ONE OF YUSUF, WHAT IS IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR ALLEGED ABUSE OF POWER IN GETTING THE RUBY IS GOOD OUT OF A SCRAPE WITH NEW EMPLOYEES THIS IS ONE OF THE MAIN THING IS THE POLITICAL CONTEXT IMPORTANT BECAUSE YOU IF YOU'RE FACING PRACTICAL PROBLEMS AND GOT A SOLID PARLIAMENTARY MAJORITY CAN HELP TO WEATHER THE STORM BUT HIS DIFFICULT POSITION MOMENTS WITH IS A IN HIS ALLY JOHN FRANCO FEENEY WALKING OUT IT PREFAB JOB IS REFERRED TO IN THE THE MAJORITY OF ONLY THREE AVALOS, AND THEN IF ALL THE MANCHESTER PROCEDURE WILL TAKE CARE AND PASS ON THE PARLIAMENT THEY BELIEVE THAT AN OFFICIAL MAJORITY OF OVER 50+ ONE WHICH IS SLIGHTLY BEYOND THE POINT ACROSS, WHICH THE COURT THE USE OF THE THEY MIGHT BE ACTUALLY THE GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY WITHOUT THE MAJORITY IF THE THING GOES INTO BAR REASONS Kumasi USES A LOOK INTO YOUR CRYSTAL BALL HEAD CAN YOU FORESEE A SCENARIO WHICH WOULD SEE THE END OF MR. BUT IT'S GOING A LOT. ARE YOU STORY OF THE OTHER NIGHTS IN THE SLOVENIA AIRPORT ARRIVED AT THE EXACT JUST WITH THE IMPORTANT FUGITIVE AND THE HIM AND IS SUDDENLY A STORY TO THE IS IT IMPORTANT FUGITIVE ABOVE AND AM PLAYING THE IN SERBIA DEMANDED THAT NEITHER RAVEN TO GO SOMEWHERE THERE IS A MAN WHOSE NAME STARTS WITH A B AND THIS MAN IS GO TO GUIDE HIM HEAVILY THAT I HAVE BUT HE WAS LITERALLY A PROGRAMS ONLY TALKING TO JULIAN KING AND BRING US TO THE END OF THIS PART COST AN UPDATED VERSION SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD LATER ON WEDNESDAY THIS IS MAX PRISON UNTIL THE NEXT TIME GOODBYE

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