Coptic Christmas / Pentagon cuts / German eggs / Spam drop

By Banzay on 03:29

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And thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to latest global news recorded at over 300 hours GMT on Friday, 7 January Meninas, tomorrow with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today in this podcast Copts celebrate their Christmas amid tight security in Egypt German eggs cause alarm the US announces big cuts was Armed Forces and forced marriage in Azerbaijan we'll seven interview with Uganda's president why you may be getting less spam in your inbox and we hear about the microbes which of involved as a result of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster in Egypt Coptic Christians have begun celebrating the Christmas holiday just days after an unprecedented bomb attack against the community in Alexandria killed at least 21 people the blast raise concerns about sectarian tensions in the country where 10% of the population is Christian and the majority of Muslims there've been several days of angry demonstrations with cops complaining of discrimination and say not enough is being done to protect them after threats from Al Qaeda against Coptic churches in Europe as well as Egypt extra security precautions were taken ahead of Christmas eve mass of correspondent Rupert Wingfield Hayes joined worshipers in Cairo a a this the sound of Coptic Christians celebrate Christmas singing the city in the ninth mass incineration at the current listening just outside the main tool in inside the city from the hundred and the spilling out heroes helping you sign them in here tonight insulin many people are wearing black this begs people died in the moment unites on the lost weekend nevertheless millions of homes across Egypt night on celebrating Orthodox Christmas and the the velocity, taggable by the threat of fresh attacks will stop coming to church this was the duty of the one that's what they want you want to separate us from the think this just got us closer to Jesus usually aggregate is a note dated the and I think and a night. Tonight miscellanea-human him and him but they will be no celebrating Christmas perfectly 90 in the had anyone to celebrate with us we his whole family his wife and two doses were wiped out by the Alexandria public-can phone the whole church showpieces Klos was falling from the Windows on the steps a lot of people injured and I went outside national police within us, what Sony and Michael to Martina on data outside changing her know fakery says he wishes he had died with. From the and remove him him him him him he often look for the Alexandria foaming Coptic and get the health visit the sound schools and young Coptic men in Cairo throwing the fusillade extend the lease) human rights activists like.. Second Alexandria did not comment the the violence against the Christian community in Egypt has been on the rise for years and hold public here is that if the environment is increasingly the wealthy in expanding its geographic scope and that the Coptic Christian community Egypt is feeling increasingly marginalized on and vulnerable home hacks and that this faith is not only failing to protect the community from the Filofax and even fighting with FFF the violence in the finger on the streets. Fire last few days and hasn't been seen beautiful Egypt Coptic community has a reputation for why the sentence of not getting involved in politics this week seems to shame the skull anatomy of the brain against the they believe have failed to protect them. Thanks in Thursday thousands of Muslims joined in solidarity with the Christine Davis looking to just some even joining in the mass Copts and Muslims live together in peace. For centuries sectarian divisions on North.

The Egyptian government fails to find and punish the perpetrators of the Alexandria attack and is anymore attack happened in the schism forming Egyptian society could be on Rupert Wingfield Hayes reporting the agriculture ministry in Germany has confirmed the closure of nearly 5000 farms across the country following concern about dioxin contamination five times the number of forms previously thought to be affected without sin found in eggs was a byproduct of the manufacture of biofuels that was meant to be used in paper manufacture and not in feed for chickens the sources been identified as a plant in northern Germany from Berlin use of correspondent Steve Evans the authorities desperately try to work out exactly where eggs from the affected farms went initially the scale is confined to Germany but that is emerged that Apache been exposed to Holland then unofficial of the European Union said that some process text had been further exposing from Holland to Britain on top of that the German government said the 4709 farms were closed as a precaution a fivefold increase in the number of farms previously said to of been affected the authorities said that the amounts of dioxin in any effective date would be very small and not enough to be dangerous the difficulty now the is that official assurances of safety I've been combined with inexact information which seems to change by the day Steve Evans reported that would be president of Ivory Coast I was somewhat Taira has stepped up the pressure on his rival Verona Bible is repeated his call for the regional grouping at cost to sending troops to remove Mr. Bible this time asking for special forces to do the job in the ongoing tension 200 people of now been killed according to the United Nations has called Hodges been hearing from one what Tyra supports a English teacher Bulkley Valley who wants a situation resolved quickly but is still nervous about the prospect of foreign troops coming into the country mythically Bali lives in the southern city of Abidjan where Mr. Bible still enjoys considerable support the priorities that we come back to a normal life I mean waiting Normandie leave no room bloops industry we have so many so using the signal you want everything to come back: defined shapes came into my evening fellas that chance if the situation is resolved Hakki think
during the finance really really really really want Wii for a bloodshed but the situation means that the liberal now that we it's we reaching a point of no return if this is what we have to find ending their long-lasting solution is sustainable when I think we will delete and that's enough white people are rushing to go back home parity the deed goes when it starts we will hold the home things we have been and you have the news is there anything. Everything would depend on the reaction of the highly and musicians working for program quality and experience in Finland when using the Spanish nine S. it's really difficult for me because I was born here in Egypt after my friend my life here but also the time you conceit. Like second-class citizen and it's not easy when people talk to you when considering possible fiends like the sunlight that is clean coming from the north grandstand that you need in the town spectacular and comfortable in Huntington is difficult: I just moved there a light blue Fremont single and didn't really know me and that I see being able to he is if we global you enlightens us so far have is you have to express yourself like seeing people and supporting Laura Bible for example all what but when you don't say anything anymore the is putting one person it's mean that you supporting the annual place during the scene in which actual discourses and division on the street can understand between what Sarah supposes I just have bag is gorgeous basically when you said you will see that there is nothing that the real problems that Bible supporters feel more comfortable because of troops in the streets like every way with unsold use weekly bones they express themselves in Abidjan sports and every way like seeing what the scene 17 and you can see something you can they have a contradictory debate and any speculation and lasting and will slam all what Sarah supposes if it's recycled frames Warlick at the job walkie for example little need snacking even at the time of the. Hewitt with going out easily and they can really when supporting Matara express yourself and it is the same problem people supporting Bible the lease demo three free to express themselves in the streets in North Nice Ivorian English teacher Bulkley Valley speaking to ask our hard US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is announced cuts of nearly $18 billion in the US defense budget over the next five years as part of efforts to cut the US federal deficit these are in addition to efficiency savings at the Pentagon of more than $100 billion which the Defense Department wants to plow back into other programs from Washington just contact us the US military may be involved into conflicts abroad and at home they're being forced to face an economic reality so the Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced the biggest spending Since the attack of September 11 troop levels will shrink by 6% over five years and some of the most expensive ministry hardware will be canceled ironically funding for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at a price tag of $1 trillion and rising will not be cut so in this age of austerity even members of Congress usually keen to protect ministry industry jobs for the constituents may well accept the proposed tax the American Defense Secretary was also keen to reassure Washington's allies in the United States was not shrinking from its international responsibilities for any needed was a warning that American Electric Power was not on the decline contact us report later this year people across the Caucasus and Central Asia will mark 20 years since they gained independence from the Soviet Union but not everyone will be celebrating in the last two decades the transition from communist centralize control to local governments as ushered in a revival of sometimes brutal traditions in Azerbaijan human rights groups say there's been a stock rise in bride kidnapping and forced marriage said to affect one in eight women as Thomas amounts reports from the capital Baku and 54 more impoverished neighborhood in. If of foul-smelling lifts there in the streets Chinese coffeehouses of folks together and had their power cables washing lines driven him recruiting campaign is from a local women's group and on been taken to meet one young woman who Elnora is a phone number is now in her late 20s and Wilkinson insulated two-room apartment where the children made she tells me her explore the story will find the RSS and unless the Florida management is 15 years old my boyfriend and I have found to find you keep the animal chastity." He is can take he when he is a kid that wanted that involve violence or did he just put unit are currently away so… It is 19 subsequently to six 615 is CPT Tom Carondelet first program is Angela Karen's perfect time to change the permissions would not repeat the friends in which you believed in it and have to suffer yards and managed to find a ski. She is one of the few women who speak to me that this issue, nor is North American the UN's agency for children UNICEF has found that one in eight women under the age of 18. The manual five families and don't have a job for him him him him him · to women who were the tiny North American mobilization for the protection of women's rights in Azerbaijan and AT&T and taking coals from other victims of domestic violence seven Questionnaire that runs the Association she explains boys forced marriage is so prevalent and I asked him what land and it is a cultural and societal problems with subjugation to winning scenario for 19 8888 accomplished living in the 90s 18) still applies today if money is he saying it within marriage and instead-in many cases that have intensified the woman tries to rebound and 92 for the evidence of a Abidjan is a predominantly Muslim country continue most bills and D with a revival in Islam and religious leaders will is sustained influence sometimes putting pressure on women remain in tools into the husbands tell the government is being held to account. This puts woman of winning the fans I know to remove the different idea about the scale of the problem I don't think it is… Has displayed problems and which I can speak with statistical facts the can in isolation they have only 3600 and analysis in the he South African alternate, I think it's not long for the nine medium of what is the problem that already people are ignoring the global bedrooms reignited 5060 even as young as 13 immediately and no one is stopping you or I and these are his stats are not in the general area received the aliens must be changed his behavior and safety issue of early marriage is brushed aside by governments that have little time or will have to tackle social films makes it was part of the campaign is to get the Massa altimeter from absent e-mail victims like hell not it's harder still next United States protection he lives in her room and saw the thinking and instead she can to make sure I asked him and never finds out where she lives. Thomas amounts reports the referendum this weekend which could divide Sudan into two countries is being closely watched across the border in Uganda Ugandan president you where Museveni has long backed South Sudan's ambitions for independence but he's also very keen on regional integration and African unity so if the South. Succession will this run contrary to Mr. mid-seventies vision of a unified Africa is a question that's just what Rubel asked Mr. was 70 when he met him at his home in him Baratta in western Uganda unit for the sport and we wouldn't want you to this political will and suppression of the stone will invoke unicorns in nonresidential/done with the issues with the intifada was the stuff that was. When the solider was chauvinism some of the thinking that more and more important that the lesson is sure when will the holy Temple worship and if they decide to vote for independent republic at in terms of regional security made using AOL improvement in the region be a lot more stable yellow. Will you certainly that would the folks at the calls part of the service was caused by the conflict in take one example willing to listen for changes: against us just because they were's houses sympathize of the black vote: should I not find work promoting his Pashtun, and the effect of rigid regime change in Uganda for sure that they get their puppet regime. Which would not question the some of the mistakes and selection of the awful this visit was optimizes resort will find out with individuals NONCONSENSUAL staying with us with Capt. mediated General Hospital the normal on the other hand if the with from the old country been a little shy knowing that the benefit would be that the benefits of the Pacific's discipline Bashir is likely to respect the wishes of the people of South Sudan of business networking what you should think seriously annoys others him as a federal North which is presented yet is whether you feel there is a likelihood of a son to do the nasty long-running wall that said that was if that is the wishes of respect to the service of who the Russian sponsored a but but the awful site with. As well multimission interests for their buddies in the past to and him for the country. If it is the need that when I would imagine the case will be your message to the people of South Sudan as he prepared to go to the polling both stood to to decide the future of the country should be mobile P2P with the the the of Florida. That's the enemy that under the dual. The traditional principles which was either the the also comes is secular state but that was the original the island of the Chicago Cubs is secular state in a lot of moving from 46 or the consultants available for this information on the board shows that the goal for this information Somalis duplicated work for and him for the knowledge using a conviction in this was the digital cost-of-living-four for his is president of Uganda Jordan said have you noticed spam in your e-mail inbox lately you don't offer new drug treatments at knockdown prices or inviting you to enter your bank account details because if one surprised what there have been fewer of those messages sent recently to stay discerning when you open up your inbox Richard Cox chief information officer at the anti-cyber crime organization the spam house project thinks this might be a lull before the storm we know the one of the major popular shutdown on Christmas Day itself about the cold stock which was sending quite a bit of spam and the amount he was sending his drop without saying that we two possible reasons for this the first one is that the reengineering its social come back up again later for six weeks time with a lot more spam alternatively they may have found the best way to make money that was still crying but not actually using spamming Segway social networks like Facebook are certainly being used by criminals and naturally they looking for the maximum return for minimum effort when you say criminal tedious means sending unsolicited e-mails the type of spam that were talking about your the type that is have the drop is local criminal spam this is spam which is sent to either deceive selling nonexistent product sell fake drugs induce people to go to other sites and put in that credentials for bank account that sort of. When not talking about spam that might be sent to say from a supermarket or car company trying to sell you something Norway but the criminal spam uses puppets to make it untraceable as were these bulk mezzo shutdown Christmas Day which is contributed to the visible drop in spam desperate thinking about how many spam in the forms and listen to and from the amendments how much money with a mainframe the revenue free each bespoke that is into the millions I can't give exact figures because the they don't file tax returns unfortunately how many messages but the sentence these of the order of 10 to 20,000,000 today what about decline can him warehouse somewhere in apartment is a criminal network setup of ordinary computers is a private computer second computer in your own home which is running a program like Windows and his compromise that if somebody has taken over control of the computer and can use your computer for that criminal purposes Police Department's been up and running in factories they are in people's homes and its millions of computers connected together in these the people who have had usually have an e-mail telling them that taps the credit cards but we charge $300 so they say the bottom if this is wrong these go to our website to correct it Bantry we will don't stop to think about the security implications then immediately go to that website but don't be charged $300 to anyone listening with easily line could be I'm missing me sending spam files yes if you leave an unprotected computer connected to the Internet it will typically be taken over by criminals and 8 seconds sinless announcement seeking to people Taylor and colleagues becoming possible about what can South old for infants can niceties well as far as the bulk mezzo confirmed the message is pretty consistent keep your software fully patched and up-to-date keep automatic updates on make sure you got a good firewall and don't go to any websites that you invite you to go through unless you have a good reason to expect that invitation Richard Cox speaking to Pascal hot the humanitarian organization is also fontina says at least 30 women up in raped by men in uniform during an attack on the eastern Congolese town of fees the MSF said the attacks took place on New Year's Day from the Congolese capital Kinshasa, Cabell reports the humanitarian organization needed 20th said in the past few days he had 333 winning living great in a coordinated attack in and around the Tennessee in the provincial safety through an assistant to severely wounded people had been taken to hospital when the serious head injuries after being beaten with rock the other having been shot in the chest doing and instead spoke of being attacked by name in uniform effects and were tied with ropes or attacked in front of their children Shrink up and the NSF said he had been possible to return to the town because of the insecurity our your data will go back to the car that there will your heart.
Major sanctioning the majority of the population had left and he happened and never held to an actual power to the culture will then lie in determining our way is he landed safely go back to community resources in the area said that the just easiest the deletion had fled the time the incident is nice radiant diseases in a series of senior mass attacks to have taken place in eastern Congo vessel is more than 300 winning men and children are raised by a coalition of freedom groups in the neighboring province of North Kivu, Cabell reports is the nine months since the Deepwater Horizon rig blew off the coast of Mexico sending more than 4 million barrels of crude oil into the seat was the biggest environmental disaster in the history of the United States but new reports suggest the cleanup operation is been more successful than expected. Because of microbes John Kessler is an assistant professor of oceanography at Texas A&M University and he told the first how these microbes were well-meaning protector where thinking based upon the Gassner paint out once it's released into the water methane itself can dissolve just like sugar dissolves in hot N/A years as their food source consuming respire in but that methane consuming a little bit of oxygen from the water as part of that process so this is the being a natural solution to a man-made problem line that exactly right one of the did the questions about the oil spill was wherewithal the natural gas going to go in particular methane the rates at which methane normally decomposes it is rather slow and nothing was a very large component of what was admitted even though it's not that thick black cream that were used to seeing so integrated which it normally decomposes is rather small it was so much of what it was was released there were concerns that this could be around in the deep gulf waters for years to come but God has nature had these bacteria grew up a lot faster than what most people predicted based on previous measurements and were able to make quick work of this methane and him completely respire in and adjust the you months after the disaster began will easily make quick work of the gives a sense of just how effective it was how fast they operate to be honest that I think they could've gotten much better manner if they are too aggressive about it you can actually lead to zones of hypoxia or a anoxia in the waters if all the oxygen is removed his respiration process just like when we consume food we consume oxygen when these microbes consume methane they consume oxygen as well so they were killed respire all of this very aggressively and we very well could have had low oxygen zones in the golf due to this spell that that could be very harmful to marine life has nature would have it it took about two months for these microorganisms to grow up which gave the released methane enough time to disperse so that once this boom occurred at approximately 2 months later that there wasn't that concentrated methane signal in just one area we didn't see then those large harmful oxygen reduction that could occur professor John Kessler of Texas A&M University and also from us for now but an updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download later today him, and won't until next time goodbye

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