Daniel Pearl Execution Video – Beheaded

By Banzay on 19:06

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Daniel Pearl Execution Video: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed beheaded Daniel Pearl, according to FBI forensic testing, which has linked the video with veins on his hand matching one in the video.
Daniel Pearl was kidnapped in the Pakistani port of Karachi on January 23, 2002 while researching Islamic militants. After his kidnap, he was handed to an al-Qaeda gang led by Mohammed, a strategist for the terrorist network, who killed him.
Only a few short weeks later, the video of his execution, in which he was beheaded was delivered to authorities in the U.S.
The Pearl Project, a three-year independent investigation into the killing has cast doubts on the conviction of Omar Sheikh for the murder of Daniel Pearl. The investigation concludes Pakistani authorities “knowingly used perjured testimony” to pin the murder on him.

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