Dekalog 89 Plus - I - Pod Wiatr Nie Popłynie Słodki Zapach Kwiatów subtitles

By Banzay on 19:26

Filed Under:

A film by Leszek Korusiewicz

The Scent Of Flowers Cannot Travel Against The Wind
... starring

screenplay by...
... based on "Rainbow" - a short story by Joanna Kocemba



directed by...
with artistic patronage of...

- Oh God... Killing right from the morning...
- Hi, Mom!

And we keep going, and going, and going...
... and come to a halt!

Yup, hold it like this.

Hold this!

Arms stretched out!
Look at me!

That's good, that's good.

You keep looking at me and start walking...
Lower your centre of gravity...

Arms wide...

Okay now, klutz!

Kids come out of love.

This is not something to laugh about!

Whose love for whom?

Mine for your mom.


- How about you eat a little of the tomato?
- I don't like it.

You want to eat that strawberry jelly stuff all day?

- How much have you done?
- Ten percent.

- Screw this wall now.
- Turn...

- Turn...

- Forty percent!
-Wise kid.

Dad, and what's the percentage on the odds of dropping off the line?

Jesus Christ! Adam, put that game down on the table right this minute!

- This is a cube, not a game.
- Put it down on the table as I've told you!

But don't worry about him so, Mom... Come on...

Yes, Mom...

See, this is how I worry...

They've gone to walk the dog...

Yes, this is the sort of wife I am!

But that I happen to be cleaning the windows is nobody's interest, right?

All right, then.

All right, all right... Yes, I'll remember to tell him...

Bye, bye, Mommy! Kisses for you!
I love you, too!

Go wash your hands.

- What's up?
- It's not working... There's no picture...

- Again?
- Yup.

Oh, okay.
Butterfly! Come, you'll lend dad a hand!

Is there picture now?



I can't see a thing!

- What? What's she saying?
- No picture!

How about now?


No picture!

Wait a sec!

What's she saying?

Wait up.

It's there!

I can see now!
I can see Brad Pitt!

"Funambulist" is a word which is almost forgotten today,
and so is the profession it gives a name to.

But as soon as yesterday you will have the opportunity
to watch Andrzej Dogin walk 75 m above the watching crowds.

Conforming to the spirit of the art of ropewalking,
the famous Polish stuntsman will use no extra safety equipment.

We all keep our fingers crossed for the brave man.

- Have you seen the rock garden?
- Yeah.

I was to water it two days ago, but I had the class and forgot.
Yesterday I had to go to see Ola... It has gone quite dry.

- And now I feel I may have watered it too much...
- Uhm...

I'm really curious what the odds are they die.

Andrzej, stop giving the kid the odds of your death!
Can't you feel how fucking gruesome it sounds?

Or you really have no idea?

- I was dreaming...
-Oh yeah? What were you dreaming?

- No, it was really dumb...
- Well?

- I was in a cinema, eating popcorn...
- It's dumb all right.

Only, it wasn't popcorn, but your teeth...
And I knew they were yours.

Sweet Jesus...
So, now it's time I should start being scared, right?

I can cancel this.

I'll tell them that... I've tumbled down a stepladder.

Yeah, down a ladder.
A stuntsman falling off a ladder - cool stuff!

Don't be silly! People have dreams about teeth everyday.

- So, I shouldn't cancel it?
- Are you out of your mind? Because of the teeth?

- Fine, screw the teeth.
- Screw the teeth! If you want, you may wash them before.

- When I'm back, we're having a cup o' wine in the garden.
- ... a cup o' wine.

- And doncha worry.
- Ain't worrying.

- And what would that be?
- Strawberries.

- You've surely put too much sugar in again, right?
- I like it sweet.

- Sure, why not.
- I like it sweet, too.

Come... We're having storks visiting us...

- What's visiting us?
- Storks!

- Where?
- Come and see!

Come to bed.

- I'll be right there.
- Atta boy.

Wait... Wait... Oh, Jesus... Wait... Wait... Oh, Jesus...
Let's have a look at you for a moment.

Okay, and keep fucking.

Don't turn the light off!

Oh, not yet, please!

Andrzej, here we go, move yourself closer to the microphone...

This is the Crash Radio, FM 107.5 ...
I can be very sure most of you know our today's guest...

The name may seem unfamiliar, but he's appeared in many films.
And not just of the home production.

Andrzej Dogin is one of the most sought-after Polish stuntsmen.
- Good morning.

You're a stuntsman by profession,
but you also have a passion for ropewalking.

And right today, right at midday,
we can all be witness of an awesome feat:

Mr. Dowgin will walk a tightrope stretched between two skyscrapers
balancing at the height of 75 m.

- It's 72...
- 72 metres - that's still very high up ...

... and, mind you, that little walk will not involve any extra safety equipment.
- Well, yeah... Otherwise, I guess it wouldn't make sense...

- Well, yes. Then again, there's your wife and your child below! ...

... And they, too, together with all of us...
- Well... I don't let Basia... She'll be watching it on TV.

- But...
- As a matter of fact, I will be quite safe up there, really. ...

Ropewalkers don't fall down.

The only thing to watch out for is the wind.
Provided there's no windstorm, I'm as safe as...

... as a dog on a lawn.

- As you could all hear, ...
... the sense of humour is not deserting our guest.

We thank Andrzej Dogin for being with us
wishing him luck and all the best!

- Well done and...
- It wasn't so bad...
- ... there was nothing to be afraid of, right?

- I keep my fingers crossed for you.
- Thank you... I mean, touch wood.
- Right!

Thanks, everyone!

Please leave a message after the beep.

Hi, Andy!

I just thought I'll give you a call.

We came over to buy those orchids,
but there are only some ugly ones left.

So, I think I'll take the touch-me-nots after all.

I thought that we could...


I love you, bye!

Adam, please, lay off me. I won't calculate this for you right now.
I was but a C-student at maths throughout the school.

And could you make me some strawberry treat?

How about you just get some from the fridge?
Don't forget to leave a little for dad.

Up there! Can you see him?

We can sigh a breath of... We can all sigh a breath of relief.
Mr. Dowgin is safe now, his feet both on the firm and solid.

Unfortunately, we won't get to see the magnificent exploit today.

- Andrzej, why? What went wrong?
- It didn't work. Simple as that.

- Okay, but could you explain...
- I have nothing to say.

- But what happened? Did you get scared or did the wind...
Please, wait a mo... Please, tell us...

A sudden wind has made the full traverse impossible.

Mr. Dowgin was forced to back up.
What an incredible turn of events!

Is he going to make another attempt?
That remains to be seen.

For the time being, we're all happy to see him out of danger...


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