Giffords shooting charges/ South Sudan referendum

By Banzay on 03:42

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And thank you for downloading him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome the latest global news podcast recorded in three hours GMT on Monday, 10 January this is backspace with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming up US Congresswoman shot through the head on Saturday is responding to commands as she fights for her life in hospital 22-year-old man has been charged with the attack the people of southern Sudan vote on independence from many it's been a long time coming and was running a space and I went back the defeatist MSM and planets I don't want to go back in a significant settlement also 14 people killed in protests in June this year be find out what's behind the riots and smiting the vast ability of sporting corruption Sumer attempts to clean up its act but first jobs the love another man suspected of killing six people and seriously wounding a US Congresswoman in Arizona is expected to make his first court appearance on Monday he faces five separate charges including attempted assassination, swimming Gabrielle difference is said to be conscious and now responding to simple, ones that despite being shot through the head on Saturday this is Dr. Peter read the trauma medical director of the hospital where she's being treated overall this is is is a shot ahead and what is Ivorian chance of a very small just waking up election reform is much of what smallness of the soul forces of the situation official state and they also don't know which way the charges. Or so. Kerry is is a 1% is very well just what the defense family is going through the moment is Caroline McCarthy a member of Congress to the Democratic Party in 1993 husband was killed and has some badly injured when a gunman opened fire on a crowded commuter trains she's since become very vocal advocate for greater gun control and and and put court. It is an check here to shot for elected happened unfortunately E every day in this country on people getting killed or injured it got world attention because the member of Congress was shot in are strictly a prayer culture and her family she's been a long recovery ahead of her ability had been fed him hoping that layout how he felt about right. I when I go back to Congressman. They will hundred the and that we must and should do something to eat. Being a violent – biblical and in this country is used when these shootings is mounting think is going to the conservative tea party movement's consumer indifference and found that adding fuel to this particular file when Austin his door to had any enemies you the whole team for the is how is reported to responded to David Webb is one of the founders of the tea party announced it's time to turn down the current African American politics and it's always trying to be responsible in the rhetoric that both parties for all parties involved will campaigns use and I think there's been a fair amount of responsibility there occasionally times when people global war rights to rebuild the suggestion is that all parties have not been responsible of that has been heated rhetoric which has him well, the discourse of political discourse in the US and led to a solid and 10 samples with in some cases it has an don't believe it applies to this case will impact the street that has been the case right what about the the the allegation which is made by liberal commentators in the US right now post what is happened in Tucson but for example Sarah Palin's campaign map when she had crosshairs across targeted seats and targeted individuals including in Brooklyn sycophants) if we're going to use that as an example then we must also use the example of another very high-profile Senate race where Joe managed the Democrats took up a rifle and took a shot at a policy the point is that there are times when the symbols it be taken beyond what they are the people have to be very careful about the imagery that they use immediately don't know the precise motives of the killer in this instance but if the imagery used serves to heighten the sense of violence surrounding politics and clearly that's dangerous as someone who was clearly disturbed you could not say that he was attached Sarah Palin is he was a fan of the Communist manifesto of mine, "the clearly a little bit different than what the tea party movement believes it still took to draw parallels is not fair America is responsible what about the the responsibility of leaders of the tea party movement during surveillance trademark warcry is done with treat we love them and that seems to be a a a limited kind of imagery it The second loaded imagery but it's not her intent was to say that back and get back into the fray not intending to intimidate anything about use of violence in any form David Webb of the tea party movement in the US the moment that so many in South Sudan have waited for has come the opportunity to vote on independence Monday is the second of seven days of voting in the region but many weren't waiting in the big turnout was reported at polling stations across the region on Sunday most seasoned food out of the outcome president Obama said the US was committed to helping the new African states that expected to be approved the BBC's Andrew Harding is been watching events from two but the capital of Southern Sudan is been quite a day of real sense of euphoria and also of quiet father and his determination people very aware of what's at stake here and how much of a historic opportunity this is the staff I've not met anybody so far that is inventing for independence there is an overwhelming desire right now it seems to breakaway but let me give you access to a flavorful what I encountered in and around Juba today the sun is coming out in the hills around you family out skills the town is a small clinic care and the intended a section must be of the thousands of people queuing up the busy and very upbeat everyone smiling and waving as he moved down the line. A lot of troops around we seen about 10 truckloads of soldiers. As keeping an eye on things was selected randomly from you and you and your right to the front of the queue. I could not vote for him at full you to be the place where the girlfriend who frequently before you video Qantas today means the the the mean freedom and for the the the the the thousands of the PND 20 min. was enough to get freedom educationally have been matinees, DTS still help maintain unity on defense of the annual exhibition in the world experiences if you had the mates you want independence customer I was planning a and I went back to the MSM and and I don't want to go back in the significant and will many people have died before seeing the money that we seem to be zombielike if a compact if you think celebrations already. Thank you for the districts of Jimmy Carter assiduously and again loads of soldiers present South Sudan self-declared vegging. As John's show restraint and individual was that in this outgoing the Mars milieu that northern believe in God and done with that provided might be worried that the digital the responsibility of the was the beloved and who with that it adopted the new with the juvenile house training is in many fittings and was always child soldiers. The fight with Ms. Jacob catch by the 1987 with seven years old and living in Canada ever since in fact lab until the 13th. The referendum you can ask if you're looking Esalen for independent of the SVCS lies that I think is what this default the sounds of that on myself thing is better for us it has been so much of virginity loss between the North and South are fighting you to the virginity that the government in the northern Sudan have been put into sounds people just how important is this day from this reference I think the dream is coming true for me with that much that I lost executes I love my child deal to the accident of war. In order for us to leave the data in the iLife also have to have it out for a as you say under excessive euphoria in Joubert and solicited on generally would you say from what you say the elements of good not just the Virgin but for the future of this possible new country tough question I think one can say is that things are going more smoothly than many people have fit in just a few months ago that there are very very big challenges ahead the Americans the Chinese a lot of people are being using a lot of diplomatic muscle and in recent weeks and months to try and get to know from the South to the Possis referendum and then to tackle the many many outstanding he sees that they need to deal with the border about the division of oil about the disputed area of Abby a on a lot of this funding which is actually in town today including former American president Jimmy Carter is a big role here of the unison that I've been speaking to him asking him what he felt about Mintier in and the fact that polling was taking place in the of the to May 1 Octavio durable vinyl and we had a very small agriculture projects in North America is currently enemy began pretty massive health programs in North and South and a surround sound and lovely my wife and I spent 28 days negotiating for the North and South by joining range horses and publishers forces early on. I was mostly 1989+ long time ago so we helped orchestrate the on company division agreement on the was executed Thursday and the diseases very poor steppingstone in the rotation CPA is exciting to me for.

I is an inevitable and the most serious decision visiting the development about their own future using the mysterious challenges facing the Sierra the the the longer peace process will lead to challenges and the Americans wanted political, which will result searchable come from the negotiations concerning obviating the borders of the division of all well and in there are additional challenges of economic nature the country's $36 billion in the of activity dollars in arrears and they almost entirely dependent on all revenues and South over 95% 65% of the national endowment world and so the future is uncertain political stability interval. Also economic progress in you feeling optimistic of the optimistic us to recognize the great challenges in the future but the stabilizing factor is one that's one of the nobody in Sudan. But Davies. For the most probable an extended period of time that I know in the world 30th will do what only did the guy visiting with his wife they'll have a vivid memory of those days of a conflict and that the south to avoid another conflict is between the is will they be able to resolve the Jimmy Carter speaking to BBC's Andrew Harding insolvency that chimneys years a country which seldom rates a mention when it comes to toco political agitation that Lynn public protests Street file and send deadly clashes with the police but at least 14 people have been killed in fresh unrest most of it ever unemployment and the towns of, and Cassidy around 200 km southwest of the capital Tunis petunias in Interior Ministry spokesman said the police opened fire in legitimate self-defense autocrats attacked a police station and government buildings Dalton noted Dean Menotti teaches Arabic media and culture at the University of Northamptonshire in Britain is also the gymnasium he told us that the recent protests have been brewing for a long time. Only 20 years the has been a symmetrical fullface programs in the country these which you can say the disengagement of young people those the thousands of flood but it's University graduates to different ossification in my opinion as compared to some of the other countries but at the same time the on the dogfight enough opportunities for jobs for our engagement with the economy and so forth what was the and is about to the public policies of the government after the the economy is is is basically based on tourism there is no strength for the got to our investment in them other industries in the country that in addition to the capital, the the other similar problems which is him the the the the censorship on for example love my political life censorship of the media for the expression and all that kind of stuff that I think all of these basically fonds the catalyst which is this young person who is young but it's fighting for Joe for the last four years and when he wanted to him have a store in the market to sell that it wasn't so full of the of the Council Damon confiscated his goods and of the checkout so him what it was signed he said the man himself from like 30 Eakins himself miscalculated project in a way that it is not about huge number of young people who are disengaged from disenfranchising the country the only way to to do to get themselves heard by the government and by the rest of the world is to convince' to briefly return it to you describing the society country which Morris fossilized, opportunities and they are in the inability but the awful the people who work for the government they agree with the government they of whom the government kind of thought wants to engage the country has lots of resources is other forms of results agriculture and so forth but the level of corruption I think is can the practices were young people I think the golf condo for frustrated with the LS industrial stifling as a.dll in the the the thousand that I mean today when we hear about them them a split confirmed that people have been killed it does tend to love about the the the the the the the wrong kind of spray solution of a problem by the government was expecting the government to engage with suicide is that the government basically deployed the army industry said this what exactly happened today to squash these protests by force and presumably that could be huger gold long run as consecutive years the computers by storm on tourism ¬ trailer that could all change it could gymnasium Third World countries in North Africa well I hope not I do hope that the the government will it take another course and fully positively engage the government shouldn't see extractant no one is the defect in the the the position of the alley alley because we know that the political life is across from the is no strong opposition in the country why the government is afraid I do not know why the government employee the Army to squash the demonstration I have no idea of the government do not feel does not feel threatened and would take probably and other action which is a peaceful action to engage with with with people and I hope it will not ask escalate to him about how the kinds of people are losing their lives in the country Dr. Dean Menotti speaking to Mark Whitaker your listing to the global news podcast the best stories interviews and on the spot reporting from the BBC world service and provide comment on any of the stories and you hear all if you have any feedback for us you can use regular e-mail address which is global podcast that with combustible BBC world service Facebook page world service award were Japan may have a reputation as a pretty safe country with low crime rates but that's not to say the authorities are worried and one of the biggest areas of concern is the increasing criminal activity among the elderly one example among many is the fact that in the past 20 years the number of people in the 65 being arrested for shoplifting is, more than tenfold from Tokyo, correspondent Rodenbeck reports him him him him him assistant marketing safety and the people doing that something that not everyone in here is the customer demand that it affects the is carrying is something about the Israelis and he blends in he is told the detective agreed where my friends and him him a a a a a a he and his colleagues discuss suspicious customer is a vacant spot so that this is the disabled in the study casualness in Japan these days is often another. The usual suspects about the young to the old and the him and him him him him microfiber they chased the customized to the tool defend side they challenge him is a discreet but able to make it a a a a a a a the man in his late 50s is in the package of fried chicken is my taken by the on and will him back inside of initial cycle periods we can listen in on the hidden microphone and the suspect produces a packet of oranges and slaps the confidence RKO to the table he made these told them to from another supermarket on his way here and I'm sorry I cannot make a living I know is a very bad thing to do but I have been looking for Joe for about two months but because I'm too old I cannot find one I think I'm too old and Democratic but I'm an old the the the store detectives have little sympathy in the vehicle demand pull is in a, since two months ago this is not the first time the storm again is when children many times you couldn't stop yourself you said you knew you were going to because harvested and when I have been thinking of him him him him him him him again and again the suspected seediness and I'm sorry that by his still doing it is led away by the him him him him revivalism Funai with the manager shoplifting is becoming quite a problem for him Sunday's final six people and who supermarket company policy the top be named will Simone in the Army over the last five years the number of cases hundred and the number of old people doing it is: especially nothing more than 80% of the subject is easy. All but the age of 65 economic stagnation is one reason than the breakdown of the Japanese extended family Glorietta multicity company provides store detectives the Sox' this is one of the goals were. The defendant that children and grandchildren and many are that is a the almost like society is coming to an end quinolone that feel the need to P people tend to put themselves first it's very sad I believe every Japanese need to think more about the people around the Japanese need to change deny the story these must remain on the job gains and unlikely criminal for Tennessee the Japanese tenant of the in old age. But reporting from Tokyo and still in Japan the new sumo wrestling season is officially underway in a traditional ceremony the champion how cool is from Mongolia walked into the sacred courtyard of Turkey was mangy shrine and made his wish for a good year ahead as well he might like many other sports similarly struggling to improve its image after a year of scandals Lee Thompson is a sports sociologist at West city University in Tokyo he told us what went wrong the top rate sumo wrestler was forced to quit because you got little fight with her family which is also happened and there was a lot of problems there were tasters who were seen at ringside which is posted happened and then a lot of other wrestlers and those other stable masters were caught gamely on the baseball games and things like that which is also illegal workers over a lot of problems like that because there is an image the consumer as the school strives to maintain business as it is notable spooled with special rules is right to always receive your very ancient sport referred highest to the royal family and the like that so others the high expectations unnoticeable wrestlers behavior and wasn't consumer Association been trying to do to combat these programs change the image of the school well they've been doing a lot of cosmetic things but actually I think most of them want to keep doing things as they always have been done and designed to enrich us they could get away with that group is probably not be happy well suggested they could get away with that but the problem is that the rules rolloff governing of public corporations like the sumo Association has been changed as we have to reapply within the next three years for the so-called Corporation status which gives them tax breaks and it is still under the scrutiny but they are now they'll have to make more drastic changes in that they probably would like in your drastic changes means putting themselves under outside governance in general Somoza has been murdered by a former wrestlers and they been able to the spot where they want to some of the changes I have implemented would've United States different Old Bailey had also sliced or I went to Bali were checking attendance a lot more carefully used to be that if UN earlier in the day when the stadium was pretty much empty you could cut across the world you want to look closer to the ring for example… Have people standing all the other entrances checking tickets and also checking to make sure that no known criminals were tasters are forgiving in the cost of the ring becomes and talking to William Edmondson and it seems certain that the sample Saddam will vote for independence from the north Africa will have a new nation that will no doubt lead to flag-waving and festivities across the South the sense of euphoria may be the one about the North how will this go down there at the BBC's Joseph Warangal was keen to find out and is been speaking to young northern Sudanese about their views of the referendum and the future of that country he visited the University of Khartoum inspected three students buzzing syrup and first the Halle any bearing experience with that thing going on like take my call for the things that belong to me that we are pretty unified country any WHAT you Muslim lashing out against the that effectively carried on with that year-cake or something like that country the separate people before this gets very one currently active in the announcement process which is really painful for us for all of us and the more painful for the confiscated. I really did suffer over the release of anything of worth is a lack of education health food defend the South would say the diversity visa free the 15th two mission window follow unified campus it would make a difference may be left with the best of anyone with of most of them the rest here in defend that jobs as lay left) threatened well workshops your night shots sell the as well as the was different but not the fault of that there anything illegal or more words) it all reviewed out jobs for what you said are you for unified diamond old to submits the 40th 19 and 10 and easily arrangements had a enough the first 1089 any kind we have likely Hanauer South Alberni Valley. Like we were friends and family have a nice comfortable in what we have in the fleetingly I told you things which and how will it change you will you country 1.5 on the instrument and have a orientation and other countries are executive on TV an African countries are not also how legal the deal the alphabet without doubt and by the by the air act and the ones we need your item once it is for any or if he did not want to keep students from the lucid unspeakably besiege Joseph Warangal and that's all from us for now but an updated version of the global news podcast should be available. Download later on Monday this is backspace until next time it might

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