Mason Ryan: Attempt To Recreate the Success of Dave Batista

By Banzay on 03:51

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In case you missed it, The Animal Dave Batista made his return to the WWE on last night’s edition of RAW. I’m just kidding, FCW World Heavyweight Champion Mason Ryan made his long awaited TV debut tonight. I’m positive you all know why I referenced Dave Batista.

Ryan shares a distinct resemblance to the Animal and when he hopped on the apron, I immediately shouted Batista’s back! The camera zoomed on Ryan’s face and I was shocked how easy it was to mistake Mason for Batista. Trust me, I’ve been a big Batista fan since his early days.

With that being said, it seems as if Ryan will share another similarity with the Animal. Ryan is seemingly going to be the muscle of New Nexus. Dave Batista served as Evolution’s muscle for almost four years.

I also noticed another similarity tonight.

When Batista made his return to RAW in 2003, he attacked RAW’s top guy at the time, Goldberg. Ryan attacked RAW’s current top guy, John Cena. Yes, the circumstances may be extremely different but it’s similar nonetheless.

All of these events leave me with one question. Is the WWE trying to recreate their success with Batista?

Let’s see what they’ve already done. Mason already sports the signature Batista beard and street clothes. His ring attire is very similar to Batista’s. Even the hairstyles are identical.
Even before Batista departed the WWE, Mason sported the same look Dave used when he began his push in 2005.

Both men were Champions in the WWE developmental territory. Ryan’s birthday is five days before Batista and both men are the same height. Seems as if the only thing Mason needs is the Batista Bomb. Remember, Batista would’ve been the face of the WWE instead of Cena.

Some blame Batista’s attitude and criticism of his peers for him missing out of the poster boy position. Maybe Mason Ryan could be the new Batista without all of the problems. Similar to what the WWE tried to do with Ted Dibiase for Orton.

Better yet, what are Creative’s intentions with Mason? Ryan is reportedly in high regard with management. Ryan received big push while in FCW and he felt he didn’t deserve it. At least the guy’s humble.

Only time will tell for Mason Ryan. Let’s just see what CM Punk cooks up for his new recruit next week.

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