Protests continue in Tunisia

By Banzay on 19:07

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Thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to the latest global news recorded 14 hours GMT on Monday, 17 January consistency in with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service needs today coming up and him and him and him him for an expected announcement about the formation of the new government and media the security forces moved against demonstrators protesting the inclusion of the old ruling party also in the pop cost an Egyptian man has set himself alone make outside Parliament in kind of echoing a similar act last month intermediate started to protest that the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is leaving the Labour Party discussed topic: political grip… You are your own left moved we are embarking today on how reforming today affections of movement and in the future up heart and the will be centrist the finest undemocratic one of Haiti's former leaders big inductive allegations returns 25 years after being driven into exile and later him him him him him him him him him to New York and prices will remain the his dark high investors that are busy buying up the precious national the first trypsin teenager have fired warning shots and used tear gas and water cannon against hundreds of demonstrators gathered in central tenets this time to protest against plans to include the link punchy new coalition government the demonstrators chanted slogans against what they called the pocket dictatorship protestant also been reported in a number that is the case the acting Prime Minister Mohammed initially had said he hopes to enhancing your government place from Monday and reports that some cabinet portfolios have already been agreed with last expelled the BBC's least he said his emptiness and asked about the situation is long very moment they called HSA radiation nearby the city. The streets of the capital that it well-intentioned STL isn't older I just returned from the need having you a Katsina city will you have meeting after potentially serious post independence president city jailed with protesters and in his hand up buying anything old year is 13 inches a short time ago and I gave him a a a a a him and him and him and him him him him him him him him him him him and he and him him him him him him him him him him and him and him and him and him and him and him and him him him him him him him him him him him him him him and him him him him him him him him him him him him him and him him him him him him him and him him and him and him him him him him him him him and him and him and him him a a a him and immediately a a a a a a a delete it is an easy way to mean year of the are you are you and you are linked together when a call and unique id. during and since at the street if you don't want anyone interested apparently should go just like to be part of the streets is there any sign of life returning to normal the capital Wednesday you yesterday at indoor any that expected is to the artist he go to work today opened her shop you been ill the immunogenicity animated shots during this morning in the E & his arts program… Vignetting and take Vincente Avenue a university in the air of the the the the 8 December Parker opened the first time in three day meeting with the carnivallike I a here a were inside you in the and yet it was that undercurrent in the remonstrated people stocking up people talking about gunfire last night people saying there were shortages of food like like flour into in the past nearby grapeshot it was a huge key people say Dunkin' Donuts don't recall it no one the negative image of genistein now is is that she media Journal teach it as well as more significantly just between you and expects a complete want to present these lost actions before he stood down was to order the closure of over two news you schools and universities of the still closed as yes Robin are still closed the situation is illustrating with the children out in such insecure area the peter out Street the the the a very messy eaters seeing the advantage of the former president and how the Army is much more attractive and very far fewer numbers there regarding it a political and professional they're outnumbered by the police and our people we know are we not the uniforms in taking at times
here firing and and and you just never know where and when it's late start lease defend Internet and I need to confess himself on fire outside the parliament building in the capital Cairo infection after his death a young man into media his death sparked of the popular revolt back from Cairo job line reports witnesses said demand for petrol himself as he stood outside the Egyptian parliament building been set himself alight pauses by desperately want to put out the flames amount Islamic taken to nearby hospital is heavy security outside to prevent protesters gathering the mountains been named as the 49-year-old restaurant from the city of smiley is no indication yet whether this was a political protest but with the close similarity to the incident that began the demonstrations into news you him him to go to Egyptian government is bound to be nervous Robin last exposed to an Egyptian blogger Hossein Alfano lawbreakers in Cairo he asked him how much interest there is in Egypt about what's happening Theresia of the is great interest the Egyptian people on the Egyptian public have been following the events in Tunisia with so so much joy since the temporal patterns between the Tunisian situation and the own both countries or overruled by US and Western backed dictator towards both countries and both regimes have rested the whole propaganda on the fact that they are doing whatever they're doing for the sake of economic golf and the political stability but in both countries those regimes have filled catastrophically so the Egyptians cheered the regional pollution under hoping to would produce a Tunisia said do you believe there is even the remote possibility that the act activist man who set fire to himself in Egypt might lead to the same kind of consequences as the actively young Tunisian is advised to himself last month no this is certainly the specific incident but overall a portable pulse four years 11 PRODUCTS and social struggles have been escalating and everybody here in the country is expecting a sort of uprising just like what happened in this country in 1977 and we Bobbitt is the but uprising but what exactly would be the trigger no one knows but we Oldfield. But across the authorities will be as aware of fat as everybody else they will presumably be doing whatever they can do to lessen the risk if it means some kind of political compromises some kind of economic offerings that followed the was met there already leaked reports that the government has scrapped golf or at least postpone plans the have to increase the taxes and prices of basic commodities but by the end of the day I'm afraid the the the blinds them and these policies will go through some points and police brutality is the fact that Egyptians are living with every day so who knows what the that triggers, before this uprising I know there's been a huge amount of blogging it to achievements which a diversity throughout the Arab world is result of what's been happening in today's yet preserve the you been joining another yellow of course and the there is a great deal of also mocking old local regime since the regime is trying to convince the public that Egypt is not Tunisia and what this man has done this morning by setting himself on fire is a crazy acts and the bulb every sort of form of resistance on mentally unstable people so of course this has been the subject of jokes against the government's and Egyptian blogger Arthur L, lovely Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he is resigning from the Labour Party but she leads in order to remain in the governing coalition of the Prime Minister opinion in Netanyahu Mr. Barak will not form a new party called independents DeMille follows months of tensions within the Labour Party over whether to remain part of the Israeli government following criticism of Mr. Netanyahu's handling of the Middle East peace process this time Mr. Barak broke the news on Israeli radio… You are your own left moved we are embarking today on call with Boeing today a factions a movement and in the future up heart and the will be centrist the finest undemocratic archivist and correspondent John Dunstan has been speaking to my colleague James been ended about the timing of Mr. Barak's decision over to the government's coalition majority is weakened by this in effect what it actually does it strengthen crime estimates and Yahoo's position because he knows that he has a key member of his cabinet at the Defense Minister Barak for the moment is decided to back him and I think the signal this sends really is the food Barak who is one of the most dovish members of the Israeli government does still believe the Prime Minister next and Yahoo is genuine in his attempts to try and get some sort of deal with the Palestinians for peace process as it exists in the moment will continue in the same bed it well yes which estimates that is not saying much because it isn't really going anywhere at the moment Euboea where that pistol between the Israelis and Palestinians in effect broke down late last year that no sooner than they have begun and walked critics of Mr. Barak within is an epoxy would say is that Prime Minister 19 Yahoo has been listening to the right wing of his coalition and not to the left Ehud Barak's voice is not being heard a strong enough but for the moment it does seem like Mr. Barak has decided to stick with the coalition John Dunstan in Jerusalem the former president of Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier better-known this baby Doc has returned home unexpectedly 25 years after he was overthrown he is living in exile in France but it's not clear if he intends to resume a political role in his home country a local radio DJ Carol Patrick described the scene at the airport as Mr. Duvalier arrived to you or will you will you will. Oh yeah he he I you a couple of people all while you of you will you will empower you political chilly Chicago. You. Like a friend is closer only progress Thailand said he didn't think Mr. Duvalier had political ambitions you need to the disability languages such as Mr. Zelaya is not a political running from was an error message about is rejoining his family's rejoining his society and rejoining the Haitian people of ideas welcome in this country because 25 years of exile is no small thing civilian Jean-Claude palliate but with his legacy as president the BBC's Robin last week but the questions the author James Ferguson his recent book in the Duvalier family struggled will swallow all of considerable human rights abuses and Prasada the an extremely high level of corruption the was politically something of a nonmainstream reliever Eric he inherited a very young age he would use the world's youngest president when he can introduce was 19 was really 19 years old in 1971 article for some of the very famous father a very famous and very frightening followed and really wiped out most of the plausible Democratic opposition lazybones on baby top of that abide by the dog wasn't really a politician him him him his mother derided as a as a source of useless playboy fake it would spend more time driving around false calls with it being on the beach Nike running the country that the real power behind friend was his mother capital with Simуn is a baby Doc was always on considerable political moments to your Oracle school naпve we didn't really do much of the day-to-day running of the country said it is fire hot society had the politics of Sarge as opposed to simply staying on empower and him and him and him milking the state for for for wanting to get an the older years that he's been living in exile in from each have their still being people in hayseed who live To schools alive who wanted him back will be curious about the Duvalier's is a very dedicated you enjoy a level of support among stations of the scene also actions but what Adopted and certainly less extent baby the was to empower the hitherto disempowered black working-class black proletariat and peasantry and creates a new black metal claws mail elements of SECTOR of society well I suppose is even 25 years old harbor some sort of Moscow Jennifer for for the Duvalier regime the house beside him is is more symptom of how bad things of gold people can the bachelor. Engages with some of the most ultra-some of our listeners may remember the fiercely groups of people in a genome is the total Marcucci more associated I suppose with all the than the sum of the terms of the problem will accrue to set-top 55P goats follow as a counterweight to the only the Army is always traditionally and from any presently God and the Army tended to monopolize corruption and presidential really just the Arabs of the behest of the Army capital reversed a historical trend by creationism militia member and they were indeed extremely efficient it was it was one of the symptoms of of the baby Dokes between Roscoe Pound of these people began to abandon him when he was finally ousted in 1986 it was because it was with a perfect storm of economic economic decline around him and him key figures in from the old regime began to abandon him him by one then was a popular uprising uprising among the whole process was unstoppable the author James Ferguson you listening to global news the best stories interviews and on the spot reporting from the BBC world service if you want to comment on this pop cost so the topics covered in it he can send us an e-mail to the addresses global and you can also post a message and BBC world service page world service bradykinin Prime Minister variola Q back in Ivory Coast today for more mediation talks trash and the countries attracted political crisis Laurel Bible is refusing to hand over Displayed international recognition that is rival Alexander was around one Novembers presidential elections Mr. was run his been holed up in a hotel in Abidjan for weeks told the BBC that he had nothing more to negotiate impact as a sedative Mr. Apple chooses to stay in Ivory Coast he would make arrangements for his safety) but you had to kill Laurel Bible was is the to selection on one the selection with movement 54% of the votes. But listen to this new incentive but along Bible to the real why do you want me to do here when the Ivorian people voted in a transparent and democratic manner unlawful in the guarantees and benefits of the former head of state on Matewan was a man of peace by thinking live in Ivory Coast could make all the necessary arrangements the safety as well there had been suggestions about a week ago the negotiations were over so what's changed? James Menendez the track correspondent Abidjan John James does the think this is amenable to be had from these negotiations body as having the the the the lack of other options the treat of showing while it still that is a as a threat but it's no in the near future and medical the old account to avoid the solvability solution the best even if a West African states China is willing to put together. The calmness a renegotiation is Jenin Jenin town at the moment as I rather think that this was the a couple weeks is going back his the web since the redacting union also can you promise that as well and Babson the second is the type incredible progress and dysthymia staying for a few days at the to try and stay and relatively concrete after you told besides Abidjan is in negotiations to suspect about Laurel Bible is acceptable available upon well it's a funny dishes and have been the right Clinton and I go back with the to the origins as pretty lost and need to step aside and five underweight ideal of you except the that sci-fi the genuineness do that but that is us even any room for a negotiated settlement to this which I got investment it needs to see Alice Wachter at the presence of Ivory Coast John James in Abidjan the building in last week's independence referendum in southern Sudan was peaceful and credible and the wasn't over Kuomintang night that severity to the European Union's observer mission and to be widely welcomed by the people of southern Sudan. To posted by huge majority to breakaway from the North after Civil War lasting two decades but there is still a disputed region at the a on the border between the North and South it was meant to be a separate referendums of the people that could decide whether they wanted to be regarded as in the North or the science in happened and over the past few days the in several deadly clashes as to Dan correspondent James Kopp note has sent this report, PA by CDMA standards and he is nice to be underdeveloped president buildings in my thoughts and write with driving a terrible but the sound is the place is huge value and he is disputed by the thing cannot seven good the mystery is also known as the with the UN patrol heading to the site of recent fighting definitiveness the annual reportedly dozens of the dies I wanted to support Anita Thompson which his officer attached to the UN how widely these expenses obviates congested area between the North and the South Island resort UN is a device receives been relentlessly point cents or thereabouts. A species debate between the nomadic thoughts going of no on the multiple tables old buddy joins and Thursdays units from the armed forces of the semiautonomous South subsidies and the scene fighting a few kilometers Of the Rd., Mr. Riera Is welcome this opportunity to go to the mystery evidence. The the the the the the way the to the man with AK-47s in the think will many civilians around now that the sign the tensions exacerbated when at the age (did not take place is no agreement on whether the nomadic misdirected funds American the former South African president about Becky and mediating but leader supersize a not exactly talking down the possibility of future violence citable Numa is from the mystery at idea for us to survive, even without the celebs like the the the last of the photos I the the on the surface of the biblical Norway and in this regard Lebovitz advised of the Ichi the mystery at travel south with the Castle without access to the green' at the end seven Sudan a future is grim a recent agreement between them managing to knock should allow the migrations to begin in a few days past it hasn't solved the great question should at each of the South was the North already 2008 Northern and Southern armies clash Taylor sought any people say fresh fighting between the Dinka and the mystery at could Spock and you north-south civil war our of thousands will not let us down and they we not also as anonymous would not let his. The closing qualities the Paramount chief of the Dinka not so in this case the the the the the southernmost war so I think in the commiserated fights and they did so in this new happen to know whether we the people him him. The tablets is temporarily pushed his time to morning mass passivity Conoco Christian also the traditional religions for some of Muslim and mystery a but unlike elsewhere in Sudan religions of tastiness factor the conflict identities the biggest they have he has to join the South this area insisted hospitals and files of the facility is foolishness with the with the set the the remaining the house is but some fuel worries you is The move to the associate bill to the mall is closed and things are getting difficult demotic. The vendor life is stuck become expensive new all these things can be solved because the innocent people of the one who suffers him him seven Sudan's referendum is taken place remarkably smoothly but had BAC intractable issues are the biggest threat to those and South Sudan rebels him that report by James Kopp note in Sudan the price of gold remains of prehistoric high-end investors in the United States are busy buying up the precious national a new generation of Americans see gold as the best alternative to failing banks and the volatile stock market is a New York correspondent Matt Wells-find him him him him him him him him him him and him him New York holds a quarter of the world gold in the folds of the Federal Reserve Bank is the Wall Street but even here they just can't get enough of confidence in the economy plummets the price of gold is soaring in the new kind of small investor is also on the rise the our people care for goals are told by food by something schedule in the the the the to might need a few of these gene stock up on the order of date now. Suburban New York and libertarian who believes the global financial system is about to collapse he and his wife are buying gold and still hauling groceries in the modest time behind me get might sound extreme but more and more Americans are putting their faith in something precious they can touch mistrusted banks and banking in the banking system on those tend to drive people towards goal it says in our Constitution that only goals over are supposed to be money and that the money is post denominated forms of gold so and is the on the a libertarian. Of all left and right when it gets right down to it money brother the control of the money who issues at one quantity of that is power and right now that is in the hands of a private banking cartel and him is a great sign Unisys member the Golden rule whoever has the gold makes the rules, Isaac and the company is bullion trading summary was is him and is 41 x 500 dollars worth of you really really small amounts the word about currencies of among moderates or in your Ivorian whatever it is and the specially a different type of is. The is only people and you will just coming in most the transaction ordinary people average transaction size itself is what the $85,000 is not necessarily good thing for people like yourself who was selling go having this visiting the high price the on that's for sure is its first move the volatility is not a good thing at midnight I had a customer that it was only 3000 houses over and he was busy negotiating prices over was going overplays anyone was able to grab the facility that surprised that I want to actually is trying to solve is the ongoing down and generally was getting white of you know I have nothing to do with me but that was with the market was going at the heart of on the streets of Manhattan's main financial district Jackie's appeal for help and generosity is in short supply the well-heeled what is around you say they understand public dismay of the markets the trusting in the holds a risky strategy to I think the hedge I think the will of man as a with diversified holding gold of the paid the bluntly is is a rational strategy when giving. It is. Something where I think a lot of the markets from my year as well rather than on that I think this is a a budget beginning of the veterans in the Wall Street and it is bill due to the available the same equity and sampling interval in the before are getting out in the cold is getting out no one knows how long Joltin' Joe the bubble made as soon the New York is worried about the future the buying spree continues with you on Main Street to Wall Street ritual rats of people still looking like a safe haven in extremely troubled times and him and him well in New York I still look at the social networking website Facebook has won top honors in the first big Hollywood event of the year the Golden globes billboards are seen as an indication of success at the Oscars next month also sharing the limelight were filled back Queen Elizabeth father and his efforts to overcome his stoner and the thriller fashion the world of ballet from Los Angeles Peterbilt reports the social network tells the story of how Facebook started including the legal tussles behind the scenes as well as being named best drama is won the award for best screenplay morning on him him and him and him and the website is in his child talking about entire social experience of college and him Colin Firth with my best actor for his role in the British period, the Kings he plays George VI film about the British monarchs bustled with stammering his performances won widespread praise from critics to joke that the award would help them stave off a midlife crisis that Israel amidst Israel life for the biggest failure judgment intact in the somewhat precarious sometimes all you need is a the gentle reassurance to keep you on track Natalie Portman installs in the thriller Buxbaum was named best actress she plays about a counselor who wins the lead role in Swan Lake but slowly breaks down under the pressure of rivalry him him most. Simulations of the night the this the announcements with the medical 53 seconds tizanidine easier way to the standing ovation him the actor Michael Douglas and him that report from Peterbilt in Los Angeles and that's all from us for now buses updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download in 12 eyes and citizenship until next time goodbye

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