Salman Taseer's funeral is held

By Banzay on 01:34

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And thank you for downloading him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to the latest political news recorded 14 hours GMT on Wednesday, 5 January I'm James Fernandez with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming out the funerals held for one of Pakistan's leading politicians was killed by them bodyguards had played for a peaceful end to the standoff in Ivory Coast and what impact it arise in oil prices have on the world makes transport more expensive energy more expensive. All feeds into the prices of pretty much everything else if I went people are already feeling the pinch the theories that I will come back in the global economy will stumble also in the park cost per rack Obama reshuffles his key advisers of folks for the Caliban help end the conflict in Afghanistan and Michael Caine tells us how the pressures of fame driven to drink becoming the story movies it was the most stressful things you could do is incredible stress and alcohol issues that stress only one way is better than the stress this is trestle. Before he upheld the fuss today the funerals been held in Lahore, the governor of Pakistan's Punjab province some months I said him him a him him him him him and him and him and him and him him him him him him him him the citizens estimation the booth additional workers religious full lines in the country thousand people turned out to moon the death of the liberal politicians in place Alia president Atari been an outspoken opponent of Pakistan's blasphemy law the BBC is the salmon was at the funeral and described the proceedings to James Masami funeral inheriting the big normal the governor holes will more than around 5000 people attended the funeral and the people supported people for the being and tending the betting that the the new leaders loved. One by one and the many indignities including the Prime Minister the member of the federal Attended the funeral and also the a leaders all the other parties and the other province attended the funeral but the chief minister of the Punjab organs must not present at the funeral why not pool quite any mishap and the DB a People's party leadership advised him not to come because the worker of the people of partly on him and he moved the team that the security was the disposability of the chief Mr. will belong to the other party and he did not give the of proper security to the governor of job and on the other side of the security of the golf his own chief list of all security was very good and the security of his and her brother asked by Mr. Darcy was very good is very good right and you spoke to some of the you only people who are at the funeral will stood they say to you this is that the part the People's party is the only part the of Fox who the of the life for the sake of the poor people of this that there the buyer of the parties of scholarly Buco was hanging in the unneeded genes Benazir Bhutto was murdered Nelson Montecito is murdered and that this is that the pool sounds of the the fatherly Google was the died in mysterious circumstances. Hallman the life they can give for big and Pakistan and the people of the but for now Lahore is someone tells is out of town how important a figure will see that he was the only prominent leader in the Lahore cool almost spoken and against the Muslim league of the leadership and 55 the Punjab government and the many thanks he open the doors of the governor holes for the poor workout of the People's party soul of the ordinary overcoat of the People's party think that the he love that it presented if you do go to present it in all their party are Portales, and in the whole talking to James Kumar song he says Almanza said has been buried but is continuing speculation surrounding his assassination by one of the same security guards investigation into the killing is underway in the capital Islamabad not correspondent L Gould told James Camara some Iraqi questions that are being lost but how the assassin was assigned to God Mr. to sit in the first place he killed so long to say just around 24 hours ago a few streets from where I am now important a lightning afternoon anyhow been publicly since the 2003 and transferred has to commando training a few years later to the elite police for sleeping with the. Sometimes they're almost questions or knowingly about whether or why his intentions when picked up but also in the in the act itself he he managed to fly many many bullets into the back of the the governor and then had the time to reload and a fire another round into Samantha said he was for quite a lot of security details of why none of the other gods Stockton has raised questions about whether he was acting alone or with others inclusion with others with the he was acting on an individual basis cool with the backing of a radical movement as well after the brought some signs that he may have faltered that his intentions to others and will so that that might attend some reservations about whether he walls a wasn't a risk as a AVI. The security member at because that some people announcing scenic resources saying they had warned that he wasn't an appropriate man to have for important Social Security decent Pakistan of course a country where speculation and conspiracy theories and generally rife what sort of rumors going around the that might on some these questions mistletoe, and new channels that today he had told among the services security detail he was going to do this and that they should just to allow him to get on with that he put down his own city and then surrender at that certainly did happen you did put down his arms and surrender and reportedly he told him that the event would get the blame but that they would get some of the credit for for allowing such a seeing this man to be killed because this is what what this is about of course so Montecito seen very much as a hero at somebody who spoke out against discrimination but others he walls said something of a hate figure for those conservative fundamentalist extremist Hutus within Pakistani society and the walls a lot of support for the blasphemy rules very recently and the the very rules that to so Montecito was campaign to scrap remember a lot correspondent in Islamabad talking to James Camara some of the recorded this pop cost legal fights how in Abidjan still appeared to be under blockade in spite of reports on Tuesday that Ivory Coast incumbent presidents long piper and promised to lift at the hotel is become the refuge of his rival Amazon what Sarah the man is widely knowledge is a legitimate President-elect of correspondent John James is monitoring events in Abidjan and he told Oliver, whether the earlier optimism about a peaceful end to the standoff is not received it. I was there any concrete announcement the canal to the mediation efforts by the West African region he sent the president said went back to Nigeria to present a reports on juice diet and about the the key announcement was the the lifting this blockade immediately in that was but that Estabrook 87 place said that the conditions of the things haven't moved forward much other than talk of folks but again house matters but had at the token Maslow back but recognizes that he lost the elections in November said we seem to be a so-so might a between two counts and continued focus multidimensional options but lost the lack of ideas moment for the funny waft this crisis and #not known by buyer who seems to be at playing full-time magazines these African media and met mediations that 70 still in control is to have the public backing of the armies that control the state television is still very much the man on the ground. Who is in the present of Allison acting as president that the medication difficult for him to to to carry on doing abalone stays in place after the storm is bargaining hand if there is eventually social Taylor comes out of this that that someone that widely recognize having lost elections because to come up with with a sudden deal for negotiations to James R correspondent in Abidjan speaking to Oliver, rising although prices may benefit some oil-rich economies the having a damaging effect on the global economy as a whole is the verdict of the international energy agency says the oil bill for the main developed countries raised by $200 billion of the posterior James Camara some respect about his figures to our business reports Alex Ritz and began mildly of the make incendiaries the rising oil prices could check off the global recovery yes Ohio prices go straight for the oil-producing nations is the cost of production doesn't change his prices go up into extra profit the countries that produce open for pre-much everyone else they can be very bad news makes transport more expensive energy more expensive. Old feeds through to the prices of pretty much everything else that I when people are already feeling the pinch the theories that I will come back in the global economy will struggle and in historical terms just just Ohio opine settlement will although prices at funerals catch touch 9T5 dollars a barrel for the first time in 27 months of distinguishes machine they just go back to touch now and now the Traditions in the 1860s which some people say with = high oil prices in Michigan the high $30 a barrel in the United States is off to the Iranian revolution but actually think that will time I was living very the memory was out in September 2000 3 July 2000 and Hundred and $47 about Of Course Just a Couple of Months Later Pretty Much the Entire Global Economy Came Crashing down Announced Factory Payroll the Chief Economist at the International Energy Agency Will Is Driving the Price so High and Added There It Is It Going to Work the Murder Weapon. Believe It but the Remarkable Review. "The Here Made It Legal but China Is Frequently the Is a Productive, It Is Absurd from the Producing Countries to Increase the Production Therefore Expect Patient off the Attacking in the Market Lead to Increased Depression Just Sold the States since the Financial Crisis in 2008 July 2008 before the Went off without Prices Reached $147 about in Normal Times the Biggest Number Ever. Ideas Think the Glasses That Had Something to Do with the Crash the Phone and RTD. I Will Preface in 2008 It Were Not the Primary Reason for the Financial Crisis but They. This Significant Role in Development the Financial Crisis by Making It. But of Many Economies by the Thinking Income Levels of the Businesses and Households Actively Shall Forget It in 2008 the Image Will Press for the US Led to the It Was Wonderful to Fill for a Day or so but Not Developed and to Believe in the Will of Christ. The Marcus Is Also Practical to the Unaffiliated Pop in an Average Current Phone Booths to Get a Deferment Official Catastrophe Quotations of 2008 This Is the Only Consequential Disarmingly Think Landing File Crisis Article Will Not I Hope That the the Producers As Well As the Quantity Was Being Logically Available to Genitalia You Know the DC DC Is That Maybe the Case the the the the. It Became Even If They Say a Hard It Will Preface Which Could End up with. Major Negative Implications for the Global Economic Recovery Is the Complicity below the Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency Alex Ritz in a Business Reporter Talking to James Camara Something to Listen to Global News the Best Stories Interviews and on the Spot Reporting from the BBC World Service One Comments on This Pop Cost over Topics Covered in and You Can Send Us an E-Mail the Address to Get in Touch Displayable Pop Cost the BBC Don't before MoveOn a Reminder Again the Their Selection of Highlights from across All of the BBC's Radio News Networks Enough Sister Pop Cost New Spot You Can Find It Again to Cement Typing in New Spot Later Today Barack Obama Renters Will Michael the Second Phase of His Presidency with the Opening of the New Session of Congress and Off-Limits Him Elections the House Of Representatives Is Now Dominated by Republicans the White House Is Preparing to Do Battle with Capital Health and the President Putting Together a New Team of Top Advisers to Tackle This Challenge and among the Parties Relying for a Revamp of the Chiefest of the Top Economic Advisor and Possibly the Defense Secretary from the Frank Is Washington Bureau Chief of the New York Daily News Mike Pierson Austin Fussed about the Reasons for the Reshuffle I Think It Very Likely That Most of the Obama That Will Be Replaced Immediately Chief Of Staff for One in Eight the New Legislative Advisor in Need Several Other Senior Officials Who Have Left Obama I Think Belatedly Figured out That There's a Difference between Governing and Campaigning and Most of the White House Staff for the Last Two Years Event Veterans of the Campaign They Have Not Performed in a Surefooted the Fashion at the Wideout As They Did in the 2008 Campaign and so Now Obama Understands the Need to Step Left Insular Left Campaign Oriented and Docilely Govern a Little Better Than His Last One He Had Also That Chief Political Advisor with His Chief Political Adviser Is Leaving to Work for the Reelection Campaign the USDA Large Change in the White House That Undergoes a New Political Reality on Capitol Hill Circa Stoppages Pabst Blue Realigned to Fight Battles with a Congress Dominated by Republicans and Establishment of the Familiar to Many People in Washington. People Will Benefit Partisan Trenches on Capitol Hill People Who Know How to Deal with the Opposition Party People Who Understand Albedo Are Made and Why They Have To Be Made That I Think Obama Will Have a More Pragmatic Step and He Will Need One Because It Can Be Much More Difficult for Him to Work His Will in the New Congress and in the HOW Difficult It Somebody's Hundreds of the Romans Already to Get His Healthcare Reform Repealed to the House of Representatives and How Rough Is Again to Get I Think This Area by Pirate Ship Indigestion Lipservice Only I Think the Democrats Are Angry at Losing House Of Representatives I Think They Are Going to Use the Same Sort of Obstructionist Tactics That the Republicans Accused on Them for the Last Two Years the Republicans Are, Say We Didn't like the Way You Were Running at the House When You Were in the Majority Would've to Pay You Back so I Think There Is a New Spirit That I Think Is Just on Paper Only I Think Is That the Area by Pirate and a Very Nonpartisan and the Fact That the First Thing the Republicans Want to Do Is Try to Repeal Healthcare Taylor Should Help One That's Really Going to the the. This Is Not But They Cannot Pass the Repeal of Healthcare through Both Houses of Congress and Then Get Obama to Agree to It Can Veto It Does Not Happen but It Is a Symbolic Gesture the Bone to the Republican Base and I Don't Think It's in the Works but It Tells Me That When I Can See A Lot Of Bipartisanship Next Year Is the First Two Years of the Obama Presidency Council the Evaporation of the You and Colucci into the White House the Second Two Years What Can Be Characterized by the Bruising Battles of down and Dirty Politics Yes I Think That's Right I Think Media Campaign for 2012 Is Already Begun It to That the Nasty and There Is a One-Year Window Were Maybe A Few Things Can Get Done but This Time Next Year It Will Be Pure Politics and No Government Whatsoever on the Frank Is the Bureau Chief in Washington for the New York Daily Use Stoking That's the Max System July 2011 Is the Date When US Forces Is Scheduled to Begin Withdrawing from Afghanistan and the Aim Is the Responsibility for the Country Security Will Be Transferred to the Afghan on Forces at That Point of the Next Few Months the Battle against the Taliban Goes on and on with Everyone Involved Now Agrees That Military Action Will Be Enough to Win the War Folks for the Time about the Food to Be the Onset That All Afghans Ready to Do Business with the Insurgents Women in Particular Suffered Heavily under the Taliban System of Islamic Justice Folks Are Still at a Very Early Stage and Saw Cobble Correspondent Granted Some of Those Been Finding out a Surprising Number of Afghan People Support the Donald Is a Central Kabul Afghanistan's National Women's Double Team Is Playing a Game and-yet They Think about It There. The Anti-Infective Benefit K-12) Began to Think about I Don't Think That an to I It Sargent Is 19 and She's Right She's Never Been Politically Filled Bolger and How about Times in Fact She Would've Been Able to Go to School Ability to Harness Even so like Many Afghans She Thinks the Time Is Right for Government to Talk to the Insurgents and the Air Together… A> and Maybe a Labor of Teammate Paul Washer Also Thinks Toques and Necessary the Most Come with Strings Attached and a Magnetic Long As That at Times, PEOPLE IN TALKS WITH THE TALIBAN I'M ON THE RIGHT HE HAD NOW JUST TOWARDS WORKING OUT AND IT HAS A EDUCATION AFTER THE GUIDELINE ARE BROUGHT BACK HIM HIM HIM OVERLOOKING KABUL IS SWIMMING. UNDERSTANDING BY AN OLYMPIC SIZED POOL AT THE VERY TOP OF THE HILL IT WAS BUILT BY THE SOVIETS WHEN THEY WERE IN POWER THE TELEMARKETER TO THE ROOM USE ABOUT 50 FEET ABOVE ME IS THE TOTAL DIVING BOARDS CRIMINALS AND HOMOSEXUALS WOULD BE BROUGHT TO YOU BLINDFOLDED BEEN FORCED INTO THE EMPTY POOL BELOW CONGEALS THE CONCRETE BOTTOM OF THE POOL SPLASH THE BLOOD IS LITTLE APPETITE HERE FOR RETURN OF THE TALIBAN IN PEAK FORM OF ISLAMIC JUSTICE DESPITE THE CRUELTY TALIBAN STILL THE DAVID BY PEOPLE HERE IS BRUSSELS AS FELLOW COUNTRYMEN SOME INSTABILITY OF SECURITY THAT WE PROVIDE IT WITH CHOCOLATE ICED IT FOR PRESIDENT BE SYMPATHETIC TO THE THOUGHT OF THE TALIBAN WERE TOLD THAT IT WAS ALSO DISCOVERED THAT NOT COMING FROM THE SKY. THE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT AT THE HEAD RUDEST COUNTRY BETTER THAN THE AMERICAN 16 OF THE RULING (ALONG WITH MUCH MUCH BETTER THAN THE NIGHTMARE WOULD BUT STRUGGLES LIKE FORMER SCHOOLTEACHER MULLING LAPTOP PRICE OF TALIBAN RULE IS JUST TOO GREAT WHEN THE GOVERNMENT WOMAN, THE ABRUPT SECURITY THAT IS WHAT MOST IT WAS NOT NATURAL SECURITY DEPOSIT AND IMPOSE AN ARTIFICIAL SECURITY GIVEN THE SEVERE SECURITY FORCE WITH THE THE MILITARY MIGHT AND THE THE BE DIFFICULT THE INSULT OF THE PEOPLE I SEE VERY REACHED POSITIVE POINTS, A A LITTLE HELP IN-KATHLEEN PROVIDES INSURGENCY THAT HE ALREADY TO NEGOTIATE THE DEAL KEEP FIGHTING WOMEN FOR FORCES LEAVE AFGHANISTAN TO PREPARE OLD TO THE GOVERNMENT THE RECONCILIATION PROCESS STILL IN ITS OBESITY PEACEFUL WAS TOLD BY THE TALIBAN MEANS A VERY DISTANT PROSPECT REPORT FROM AFGHANISTAN WITH BOB CORRESPONDENT GRANTED SOME OF THE CURMUDGEON OF THE RED WINGS REVOLTED THE CLUB SO COULD FIGHTS ITS RIVALS AND B12 ANY WOULD-BE PREDATORS,, COMING OUT OF SCIENCE FICTION THE SCIENCES OF CONCLUDED THAT A MAN EXTINCT FROM JAMAICA ACTUALLY FIT THIS DESCRIPTION HIS WINGS DEVELOPED EVERY TIME IT'S A BERNIE BLUDGEONS SO UNLIKE ANYTHING ELSE FOUND IN BEDS OR IN MAMMALS REPTILES OR AMPHIBIANS IS OUR ENVIRONMENT CORRESPONDENT TO BLACK LADYBIRD SPECIES FIGHT WITH WINGS AND LEAKS SOME ENVELOPES CLOSE ON THE WINGS FOR JABBING ALTHOUGH SOME LOVELY LUMPS ACCOUNTING BUT RARELY HAS ONE DEVELOPED A WEAPON SYSTEM IS THE CLUBS BELONGING TO SING THIS UP AS SIMPLISTIC AS A VARIETY OF AUGUST ABOUT AS BIG AS A CHICKEN WHICH LIVED IN JAMAICA PERHAPS AS RECENTLY AS 10,000 YEARS AGO. SURE THE ENDS OF THE WINGS TRANSFORM THE TO HEAVY FLAILING CLOVES. ALSO SHOWED BROKEN BONES APPARENTLY THE RESULT OF DIRECT HITS PRESENTED THE FINDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY'S JOURNAL PROCEEDINGS. THE US-BASED RESEARCHERS SUGGEST THE CLUB TO VOTE FOR PROTECTION MOST FLIGHTLESS BIRD SLUG BLEW DIRT ADMITTING A TRUE PREDATORS THE DISINTERESTED IS LIKE A MONKEY AND SEVERAL OTHER BOOKS HAVING LOST THE CAPACITY TO FLYWEIGHT IT THOROUGHLY CHILLED PERHAPS WITHDREW GLOBAL WEAPON FOR FUDGING THE MOST RICHER BLACK OUR APARTMENT CORRESPONDENT WITH THAT REPORTS ON A VERY EXTRAORDINARY BREATH ONCE LIVED IN JAMAICA MICHAEL CAINE IS ONE OF BRITAIN'S MOST SUCCESSFUL FILM ACTORS AND BECOME A TRULY GOING. MARY 1960S ONWARDS EMITTED IN HOLLYWOOD WITH LEADING ROLES IN FILMS SUCH AS THE NEW ALFIE EDUCATING RITA AND HUNTER AND ASSISTANCE BUT IN HIS LATEST AUTOBIOGRAPHY REVEALS A WHEN HE WAS YOUNG THAT HE DRANK HEAVILY TO DEAL WITH THE PRESSES INSTALLED IN PARAMILITARIES CAUGHT UP WITH MICHAEL CAINE TO ASK HIM ABOUT HIS LIFE AND THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL HAVE ON HIS POPS ALLEGED AGENT EMILY DOLLARS THE BONES OF THE SAID OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT WITH THE WORK STREETBALL. POKER THEY HAVE A THAT I HAD A GOOD INDEBTEDNESS. IT IS A SUITABLE YET OF AN OBJECT ABOVE THE BUTTON PROBABLY TO PERSUADE UP TUTORIAL GROUP ARE ALL YET MONOPOLIZING THE INDIANS ALLEGEDLY WANTED SOMETHING BIGGER THAN THAT WAS OLD AND WAS ALWAYS WASHED DOWN WITH COPIOUS ALWAYS USES STUFF LIKE THAT TO LAW IT IS A LOT YEAH YEAH I KNOW BUT I'M BECOMING A STAR IN MOVIES IT WAS THE MOST STRESSFUL THINGS YOU COULD DO IS INCREDIBLE STRESS AND ALCOHOL EASES THE STRESS OF A ONE-WAY IT'S BETTER THAN THE STRESS IS DISTRESSING. VICTORIA IS AMERICA'S LOCAL PEOPLE THE REASONS OVERREACTING FRESH DRINKABLE. THEY DID GET IT LOADED TRINKETS IN THE ACTING YEAR HALIFAX NOW THEY DO DRUGS FIXATED ON THE THE THE YOUNGER GENERATION MILLION REGENERATION NEW COCAINE USE $COCAINE ADROIT PSYCHOTIC OF THE TOILET, BUT IT DOESN'T TALK TO US AS A CYBORG TO WHAT EXACTLY CALCULATED AS ATHLETICS AND SPORTS OF THE THICKNESS OF INTERESTING FLOORS ADDRESS FORWARD CRAIG YEAH OH YEAH WHAT WILL DESTRUCTION IS SO MUCH QUICKER IN THE TERRITORY FOR THIS BECOME AN ALCOHOLIC YET.APPARENTLY BEEN EIGHT WEEKS HAVE ARISEN YOU STOP DRINKING QUITE AS MUCH AS YOU IS YOUR WIFE YEAH EXACTLY I I I I SETTLE DOWN WITH MY WIFE AND WE HAD A BABY APHORISMS HIM IN MY DRINKING HABITS NOW IS I CAN NEVER TAKEN THE DAYTIME UNLIKELY WINE WITH DINNER THAT SAID JUST TO GO BACK OF IT YOU STARTED OFF THE INSIDE LONDON IS BEEN PRETTY TOUGH CONDITIONS YES YOUR PASSWORD TO THE FISH MARKET TO YOUR MOM WORKED WORKED WORKED LATE INTO YOU AND YOU LIVE IT IN FANTASTIC UNTIL SAID THE A CHART POWERSUITE HOW MUCH WOULD YOU SPEND. WE'LL HAVE NO IDEA NOR DO MUST BE OFF MILLIONS THE WHO DO NOT HAVE NO IDEA COULD DO IT IF YOU GET TO A STAGE WHERE I DON'T THINK ABOUT IT ON MY WIFE'S RESUME ADVICE ON HIS USES, SILICOSIS OF THE THE OF LIMITED ON A BOAT THAT'S WHAT THAT'S WHAT YOU GET TO THAT IS CERTAINLY MORE TO MY MOTHER AND THE THE HUNDRED HUNDREDS THE THREE UNPLANNED JOSIE OVER IN LONDON AND I HAVE A HOUSE WHERE MY MIND HOW IS THE BOOK FEELING SORRY AND THEN I HAVE THIS OLD WITH APARTMENT IN SOUTH BEACH IN MIAMI CALLS.COM PERSONAL OLD MAN ON A DIALOGUE FULLBORE. THE LARGELY UNDOUBTEDLY HOWEVER THE GRAND SOWING SEED AROUND AND I DON'T DRIVE MYSELF TO DRIVE A BUT WE GO ABOUT WE PROBABLY GOT FIVE CALLS WITH THAT IN THIS ONE. BUT THE SHOPPING BUT I I JUST DRIVE VERY MODEST I DON'T DRIVE A BIG AROUND BIG BUT VERY MODEST LEXUS 300 WHICH YOU WOULD LOOK AT TWICE IS JUST GRAY AND DISCUSS.WINDOWS AND YOU JUST WOULD LOOK AT IT I MEAN I USED TO DRIVE A ROLLS-ROYCE IS ALIVE BUT ONLY ISSUES TO OSTENTATIOUS FOR THIS WORLD AND ARE USED EVER BUT STILL HAVE A GOLD ROLEX WATCH IS USED TO BLACK PLASTIC WEATHERMAN ON ALL THAT BLING IS GONE I DON'T NEED THAT ILLUSTRATES A WHAT WILL MY FUTURE INTERVERTEBRAL ROLLS-ROYCE SELECTIONS FROM THE RELAXED THE SOCIETY AMONG LABELING OF LOOKING THAN THAT I DIDN'T WANT ANY CURIOSITY THAT CURIOSITY I JUST WANTED TO GO ABOUT NO ONE IS STILL EVEN UNLESS YOU ROSE WASN'T THE ONE LOSING THE NONUTILITY ROSE THROUGH YOUR MORE SURE OF HIMSELF EVEN MADE IT ALL WHAT I SHOULD GO TO THE AUTOIMMUNITY REASSURANCES ABOUT ANYTHING ENOUGH I'M PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH IN MY OWN SKIN I DON'T NEED TO IMPRESS ANYBODY BUT I DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS ANYBODY GET IMPRESSION THAT GIVEN THAT IT SEEMS UNUSUAL HOLLYWOOD VIDEO HAS A VERY BALANCED SADLY VIA CONTENT USE OF THE FAMILY MANES SAYING I I HAVE A GREAT FAMILY AND I JUST HAD AN EDITION OF THREE GRANDCHILDREN AND TWO SO ON COMPLETELY BESOTTED BY THE SURVEY AND SO CONSIDERING WE WISH YOU REALLY RETIRE FROM MOVIES AND I WAS AND WHAT HAPPENS IS YOU DON'T RETIRE FROM MOVIES MOVIES REACH YOU. MOREOVER MANAGES HIS CHAT WITH MICHAEL CAINE ON THE INTERVIEW PROCESS WE CAN'T PALAZZO FROM OXFORD NOW AN UPDATED VERSION OF THE CLAY WILL BUSPAR COST WILL BE AVAILABLE IF YOU TO DOWNLOAD IN 12 HOURS TIME AND JAMES MENENDEZ UNTIL THE NEXT TIME GOODBYE

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