Tucson memorial

By Banzay on 03:24

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And thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world service.com/golf costs him welcome the latest global news podcast recorded that in three hours GMT on Thursday, 13 January this is backspace with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming up president Barack Obama leads the tributes to the dead and wounded at a memorial service in Tucson Arizona scene of Saturday's mass shootings at the office help to supporters of the Congresswoman badly injured in the attack humans what the Romans of her colleagues in Congress were in the room Gabby (for the first time him him him Republican vice presidential Hempel zero paintings been accused oversteering political aged against the Congresswoman in the run-up to the attack we hear from one of her supporters who says Mrs. Palin is innocent you are you are I think I did. I nature of cook was and would constantly mousses in the Australian state of Queens land reached the peak of the months of heavy rain object but a gigantic wheelie bin and dovetail able flight half extraordinarily with flashback and could the Klansmen believed to have killed a black man in Louisiana more than 40 years ago finally be brought to justice the first the US president has been expressing his condolences at the memorial for the victims of the shooting at the weekend in Tucson Arizona six people were killed and 14 wounded in the attack Barack Obama told the mourners gathered into song he been to the hospital where the injured Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was being treated as Giffords was shot in the head the president said she was showing signs of improvement our hearts also every performance I've just come from University medical center is the mile from your girlfriend Debbie courageously fights to recover even as we speak our tell you? Consider the allows you to share this with your right after we want to do minutes after we left her room and some were college cameras were in the room Gabby (for the first time him president also made reference to the fierce political battle which is reached across the United States in the aftermath of the shootings were a tragedy like this writers is part of our nature to demand explanations the dryer. Order on chaos makes sense of that which seems sentence already received national conversation commands not only about the motivations behind these killings but about everything from America's gun safety walls to the adequacy of our mental health and much much of this process if of debating what might be done to prevent such tragedies in the future the sexual ingredient in our exercise of self government but at a time when artists course is become so sharp reports time when we are far triggered way to blame for all that ails the world the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do is important for us all and make sure they were talking with each other and where the shields nonwaiver claims the president was wearing apparent allusion to the controversy surrounding Sarah Palin the woman who stood on the Republican ticket against Mr. Obama in 2008 the former vice presidential candidate is accused of stirring up hatred against Congresswoman Giffords in the run-up the attack now Mrs. Palin has turned on her accusers in a broadcast posted on the website she said commentators should be Le Bon apportioning blame. The personal patient a country where French and – and until like their ideas airframe proposed barite is that specimen and power to the trash blindfolding journalists and kindness should not manufacture of blood libel that serves only to incite hatred and violence that PaperPort taken down that is reprehensible but what exactly did Mrs. Palin mean by blood libel is perhaps an unfortunate choice of words of blood libel is a slur and historically attached to Jews that they use the blood of Christian children in cooking positive the bread so is it an inappropriate phrase to use especially given the fact that Gabrielle Giffords is herself Jewish Gina Loudon is a talkshow host in Missouri and the tea party activist and I you and you and you and I and I really I nature of cook… Yeah it. Trilling R Dietrich I went a empowering. I had a great confidential and will not raise blood levels didn't have to use the the the these are phrases that particular residence with Jewish groups is certainly and has been taken is as offensive by some and you will and I in any way where you and I and make great in half an hour I got I got there I will just announced the answer is in the criticizing that is the CDC has now come out to him with every public statement several days after the killings into some which have generated a lot of debate around the sort of rhetoric and Sarah Palin has been using and particularly of course the the the map that you publish of the crosshairs of the districts were being targeted and the phrase did retreat we learned which of the been seen by some as poisoning may the political discourse in the US for which she said nothing by way of apology in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in out… I he I think the time I you really want to cry and mourn it an airtight.
A life in you and the country ultra-wide band high data connection in cookie-cutter car every acclimatizing doesn't Palin have anything to apologize for in terms of the way in which she is used rhetoric which some have seen as inflammatory and I and he and I are him and he and I can't thank you kill autolock I expect you are you and I and anyone where he went and begins to deliver the bank do think that there will be any political and slew from these events in the sense of people would've been turned off by the level of vitriol that has been in US was good the schools in in in in in in in in in in a healthcare provider but I expect he will tell me I people well I Kirkpatrick over came out and give the media) and three about work and every traditionally geeky and PayPal in a particular kind and wanting it correctly can in any event prкt-а-porter electrolyte patriarchy. How actually we had it going either way I think I E Bacharach and David Whitehill and located and I have had enough E are aware of the initiative back to care and creating how to get back to and he application. In H as ringtones is the willingness to hundred people lost their lives in landslide schools by heavy rain in the mountain areas of Brazil's Rio de Janeiro state the city of the visible this is one of the worst affected with over hundred deaths and thousands of people (this is our correspondent in Brazil Paolo Cabral hundreds of people whose houses have been destroyed are crammed into sports gymnasiums in the town of this operates in the state of field the chenille the streets there are covered in mud and the CTC bus station looks more like a lake more than 800 rescue workers have arrived in the states worst affected areas feel them died searching for bodies and survivors in the town of Lovell said will the Brazilian Navy has offered helicopters to transport personnel and equipment to the flooded areas in seven towns the level of the reverse rose by more than 2 m Paolo Cabral reporting B1 Australia is emerging from its days of deadly floods the water levels it's hard Now peaked in Brisbane Queensland state Premier Anna Bligh is warm but with 12,000 items flooded the state is facing a reconstruction effort of postwar proportions will kind of damages been caused Susie Wilson lived next to the flooded river particular. Locating a little bit that have a direct half an acre in error hypochlorite and order dropping a little bit at a a very delicate little less and unaffected charmer around the planet because that little wicked normally have very quiet filleting Pixel with a ill boring history is quite low over time and and he Hot leg what what's coming hospital after a gig I've learned more about it that way difficultly where and how and now that Kaitlyn and that Kaitlyn elected. A long time a guy dialogue digital agency in front of FM and easily it couldn't believe that I figure with the Bible like a A… Just it it's an enormous structure is very long and side of the bargain of electrical appliances that… The play and exterminated. Hot and I can pay you a long way I 20 Nati up that have yet national to a calendar and I moved out conflicting a gigantic wheelie bin industrial things like half the Executive Order and with a shot that Susie Wilson ranks and see Penelope Wensley is governor of the state of Queensland she told Pascal house when she conceived Windows office in Brisbane I went out my window at it. The in crowd it's not raining at the moment and we hear And have more autonomic delivered over or around that and that is not possible to Many of the Roads around the Powers of the Thousands and Thousands of Because It Dangerous for Some BURWELL and It's Affecting Situation Limit Ahead He Said That the Investment in Alignment with Head 12,000 Plans Hardly Inundated Another 14,000 Possibly Inundated inside the to Use a Full Thousand Street Flooded Is Currently $.60 Thomas*to: Establish a Starting Receipt Queen Land Which in Normal Day Seven Times the Five UK If Anything a Reconstruction Effort in the Unimaginable the Primitive God This Morning and Being on a Postwar Style Lady of the Areas Look Expecting Firebomb and Abortions Have Anything Gone down the Week of 13 People and That There Are Many More Missing 74 Unaccounted for and the Most Horrific Hat Breaking Her Ring the Stories of Babies Being Pulled from Other Towns by Floodwaters Unable to Be Safe to Have a Little Boy He Giving up His Place in the Winched off Have To His Younger Brother and Inevitably Dying It Is Unbearable That. So for the Most Extraordinary Community. And in the Brazilian and and Determination That Will Get through This That We Have an Innate Help All Articles and You Just since the Evenings, the Quite Cheerful Because the Reality Has Not Frank in Bed When I Get Back to the Highlands They Will Confront the Fee of Not and a Fee for Mail and Old Affair with a Property Just Go on the Basis of Effective the Internet Commitment until Effect Seem That Frankly We a Very Concerned and the Reality the Scene at That Many of Those People Who Are Very Vulnerable Are Going to Confront Hearing. Psychological Problems Including Any Agricultural Areas Where People Have Just Come through Comparable Years of Drought and Now Confront Thing They Cropped Fahnestock and a Livelihood Wiped out yet Again That One Wonderful Thing That Has Been the Messages That Have Been Coming in and at One Particularly Lovely Thing Was a Message from Her Majesty the Queen and Another from Prince William Quite Early at the Disaster Was Unfolding and Have Received the Message in Buckingham Palace Today Saying That the Majesty Will Be Contributing to the the the the Flooded Field for I Have Her Example Will Encourage Many Others to Do so at the Moment the Pending His Appeal Is at 35 Million… That's Going to Be a Drop in the Ocean Intensive Will We Need and If You Think about the Victorian Bushfires Appeal That Grade 399,000,000 the That We Are Going to Need Help from Our Friends at Sea, All the Australians in the Queen Centinela the Wednesday Still Listing to Global Business Stories Interviews and on the Spot Reporting Them to Get out in the Desk Is Global Podcast@BBC.co.uk You Can Also Post Comments and Messages on the BBC World Service Facebook Page Www.Facebook.com/BBC World Service That Is Mexico Paying Too High a Price for the Limited Successes in the War on Drugs the Mexican Government Is Just Issued Official Figures for the Numbers of People Killed since President Calderon Launched His Offensive against the Drugs Gangs Four Years Ago and They Are Staggering in Total 34,612 Deaths in the Last Year Alone 15,273 People Were Killed As the Mexican Military and Police Went out to the Gangs and the Gangs Went after Each Other Last Year's Total Represented a Jump of 60% of Beautiful and 2011 Has Begun with a Rush of Further Outrages Including a Series of Beheadings Can This Continue to Hold Big Test in Other Is a Former Mexican Foreign Minister Court to Rule for the Program of Their Own World of Organized Crime Is Already Reaching for Her-Two Make a Small Bed Perhaps If the Volume of Cocaine Entering the United States from Mexico Not in General but Fluorometric Notes for Why Do You Suggest You This Is a Price Which Is to Live the the the Benefit and the Benefit into the Set out in the Street Is a Tool in the Sense of Doing Though the One Benefit Is Compromised of That Number Just to Know How Much of an Impact As Been Had on the Drugs Trade Well We Don't Care What the Government Permission Figures on the Volume of Cocaine and Marijuana Heroin Methamphetamine for the Field the Number of Weapons That Have Confused That the Number of Readable for My High-Level the Druglords Kingpins That Have Been Captured or Killed but We Don't Know. What We Normally Think of Cocaine Received We Know How Many Compelling. We Know How Many Owners Received but We Don't Know How Many Go through in a Matter Fact We Don't Really Know How Many Kingpins of the Total of Kingpins around Have Been Captured but We Do Know by the Way That the Thinking. The Charcoals Man Microsoft Biograph. Together You'll the Left, Left Panel I Have Not Been Captured so the Results Really the Benefit of to the the Were Still Waiting for Them but with Paying the Cost Upfront Using the Price Is Too High a but Just Taking up on Some of These These Figures the the Been Issued by the Government and the Vast Majority Appeared to Be Execution Style Killings Old Deaths in Shootouts between Rival Gangs in Other Words the the the Assumption Is That These the People Who Were Involved in the Drugs Trade the Been Dying the the the Vast Majority of Well Different with the Government and but the Government Really Have No Way of Proving This Probably Has No Way of Knowing the Wife Because We Have No Golf Here We Have No the Crime Scene with Poor Snowfall in the Report Opening Investigation in the Justice Department the Mexican Justice Department into the Deaths Were Homicides the Government Had Better Have Benefit Is 90% Benefit of 90% to 90% of Those That They Know about and They Know about 70% without 90% of 70%. The 53% of Boring You with All the Numbers but the Point behind This Is That I Am Not Sure at All That the Government Know How Many of Them Are in True Bearing Executions How Many of Them Are Military and Federal Date and Local Police How Many of Them on Innocent Bystanders like so Many We Have Seen Starting with the 72 South American Central American Migrants Who Were Executed in the Multiplex of October but We Don't Know All of That Is the Statement the Government Make but Had Never Been Able to Substantiate Is Full Mexican Songs to Hold the Custom the Us Southern Sudan Has Voted to Separate from the Bolts and Become a Country Image and Write the Final Results of the Referendum on the yet That the Authorities in the South Said with Birds Counted so Far They've Already Passed the 60% Mark Needed the Next Obstacle Is for the Government of Nolan Said on in Khartoum to Accept the Result Peacefully the US Was Instrumental in Bringing about This Referendum a Promise Got to That in Return for a Peaceful Referendum Washington Would Remove It from Its List of State Sponsors of Terror Would Normalize the Thematic Relations and Would Ease Sanctions Pascoe*in Speaking to Andrew Nacchio's Former US Special Envoy to Sudan This He Think Things Are Going Peacefully Enough for the US to Come Good on His Promises I Hope They Do What I Say This Because Khartoum Was under Pressure Is under Heavy Attack from Arab Nationalist Groups in the North That the Islamists for Having Agreed to This in the First Place and He Is under so Much Stress Right Now I Am Worried If We Do Not Do Always Say Were Going to Do Could Be a Clue or Attempt to Unseat Him and His Government I'm Not a Fan of the Garbage Old Hundreds of Thousands of People to Million People in the South Side during the Civil War but We Don't Want This Historic Moment to Be Disrupted by Some Kind of Violence in Khartoum in the Change of Government They Would Immediately Probably Result in the Application of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement That Led to This Referendum Had a 60% Benchmark Already Cost in Catching Gang Checks Education Office Have To 60 Well President Bush Your Went Four Days before the Vote Started to Jubal the Southern Capital the Only Said What They Do It but He Wanted a Permanent Economic Alliance 22 Sovereign Independent Countries in the Future When He Seems to Be Doing Is Reaching to the South for Alliance Because He Needs Allies Given Is under Attack by These Groups in the nor I Think They Will Accept It and I Think the Arab Union Will Accept It and I'm Told the Chinese Government Some of the Asian Powers Will the West We Know Is Will Accept Now the USSR Instrumental in Bringing about the CTA Bringing out the Referendum Will Take Game Plan for the Cheesy Dance Which Would Match Well I Don't Speak for the Administration I Certainly Has the Administration Actually Had Something to Do Incorrectly YES I HOPE THAT THEY DO WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD DO IN TERMS OF THE LOOSENING SANCTIONS ON THE NOR BUT I THINK THERE ARE THREE THINGS THAT OUGHT TO CONSIDER DOING SERIOUSLY ONE IS A FREE TRADE AGREEMENT ARE OPEN TRADE BETWEEN THE SOUTH AND THE UNITED STATES AND I WOULD ALSO URGE THE EUROPEAN TO CONSIDER THE TO TIE THE ECONOMY OF THE SOUTH TO THE WESTERN BUSINESS I THINK IF THEY HAD MORE WESTERN BUSINESS INVESTMENT IN THE SOUTH IT WOULD BE MUCH BETTER FOR THE SOUTHERNERS THAT THE MORE TRANSPARENCY AND SOME OF THE THE STANDARDS OF WESTERN BUSINESS WOULD BE INTRODUCED TO THE SAUDI GOVERNMENT BE GOOD SECOND THING I THINK WE NEED TO DO IS A WE NEED TO QUICKLY OPEN A LARGE US EMBASSY IN OUR ORIGINAL OF THE OTHER WESTERN GOVERNMENTS IN YOUR TO DO THE SAME THING TO SHOW NOT JUST ABOUT RECOGNITION RHETORICALLY BUT RECOGNITION OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT WITH A EMBASSY PRESENCE IN JUNE THANKS FOR THE SOUTH THAT ONE AFTERNOON THUMBING ITS CONTENTS ARE OFTEN WHEN THE THINGS HE HAD FURNISHED THE DESIGNATED STATE SPONSOR Company ASKING ARTIFICIALLY INFLICTED ON EACH STATE-SPONSORED TERROR OR ISN'T HAPPENING IN THE REFERENDUM WHILE ACTUALLY THEY BEEN COOPERATING WITH THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER WESTERN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES TRYING TO LOCATE TERRORIST GROUPS ARE IN THE COUNTRY After Hot Ctr., Robbie who was the leader of the radical Islamist part of the ruling party broke with Bashir in a big fight in 1999 is still enemies of each other the government of Sudan expelled many of these groups and they kept them out so far as we can tell so technically speaking they are not involve these terrorist groups now they don't use Sudan as a base anymore the not allow the country and they are cooperative so from a legal standpoint I am told by experts in this area that there are be conforming to that of the problem has been the atrocities that were committed in Darfur for during the dark for so were particularly 2000 341 huge numbers of people die that is not terrorism in terms of legal definition but there were atrocities in terms of human rights abuses and was very difficult for the United States or any government to improve relations with the government that is engaged in committing atrocities and ask you against Iraqi Fiore and personal prediction and briefly he think that we can't see peaceful transition teaching country we will see a peaceful transition to countries just the question is not that the question is whether after July of this year the North will destabilize over the next few years and will have another Somali on our hands I think that's a higher risk because there are groups in the periphery of the nor forget the South now will be Independent country that are very angry about being excluded from the political system all the money from you I was going to Khartoum the rural areas of this of the North are spores they were a century ago and then there could be a rebellion in the new northern state of Sudan that could destabilize the North and a terrific way former US special envoy to Sudan Andrew Nacchio's place in America's deep South have dozens of unsolved murder cases on the books many of them involving the Ku Klux Klan like the brutal killing of Frank Morris us (who took three days to die of the Klansmen torch to shop the ones been prosecuted and since the murder took place in 1964 boastful the one of the would-be but as BBC's Andy Gallagher reports a local journalist in the town of Faraday Louisiana thinks he's cracked the case almost 50 years later: sign up now I wait for this is the main vein drive is very him Stanley Nelson was just nine years old when the observe the local shoe repair business was brutally murdered. A rubble of the building was destroyed a few days after five what you see here is what 12 nothing is changed 46 years Frank Morris the 51-year-old craftsman was asleep inside his show when the fire began the violent offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan the with a silver dollar group behind the attack is the Morris was flirting with a white woman is what many believe led to his murder him and him. He noticed the one man was holding a desolate and really got Heaviside listed the guy at the front door is locked below designed only for a two-story Stanley Nelson is something new every detail of his report to the client for the sentinel this for years investigating the unsolved case is a small scrape the town hasn't been a popular move for some had one might call and she said just what do you think you can assist with human feces every week you bring up these terrible stories week after week and what do you hope to accomplish as and will go to maybe find out what happened find Morris and solve the murder of a a with facility staff identifies the foundation for the a in a case like this. Your families for him him him him: is the investigation is going on, and usages for a disappointing finding decent and said, member of the plan now get away from the year but they don't see what male: yes it was truth in the news of our encounter with someone claiming to be Klansmen doesn't surprise brothers Willis and Robert Lee the third Robert Lee the third says justice is now longer but you this mail was Andre being worked on because he is black is it worth we investigating this is it worth trying to get justice you got all these cases the value that the Saudi with murder ideologist political murder has no statute limitation is selected with someone still in the Federal Bureau of investigation reopened the case several years ago but starting Nelson believes he's tracked down one of the killers as died his break came when he spoke to a relative of the suspect legal reasons we can't name in the man says he received a confession about the murder and I imagine would inculcating a patient with you that it worth was it for people and draft for any city you live back for her shot bill Elysйes boulevard portable more what about only there that my night in jail he killed my wasted my and him so far the FBI has refused to comment on Stanley Nelson's investigation journalists and civil rights groups across America until the time is now running out many of those responsible for civil rights era medicine died tracking down living suspects is extremely difficult but it is still remember the victims it's a painful reminder of how things used to be a report from Andy Gallagher brings us to the end all this edition of the global news podcast of an updated version should be available for you to download later on Thursday this is Max prison until next time goodbye

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