US Congress / Haiti sexual violence / Kenya tradition

By Banzay on 06:39

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And thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to the latest global news recorded at 0300 hrs. GMT on Thursday, 6 January uncollectible with a selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming up and you U.S. Congress is wanted will find out what the new balance of power means will also hear about sexual violence in Haiti a warning from the fundamentals organization about future food problems China's response to growing divorce rates and traditional coming-of-age ceremonies in Kenya it's a new year in the US that means a new Congress on Wednesday as the new senators and representatives was sworn in the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and the mental speaker went to John bayonets and handing over the job to the archrival but outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi found time for a little levity and gamble with you wirehaired grandma S a camera and try. Egomaniac and now him him him him him him and him all and in the and it is in your life and he is him that this was the last little Wednesday there is little love lost the Democrats the new Republican in the in with the Dems retaining control of the Senate stage is now set for the ideological battles that Washington specializes in all items was up on Capitol Hill for the day was unrepairable members of the House of Representatives have been sworn in by the news. Combine a Republican from Ohio and at least the Democrats in the minority the first time in his were joined now by one of the Democrats the centers for housing filled the minority are you wirehaired the agenda that you been hearing about is is promised and on the quinolones are maintained in a new membership in the audience fighting in the ground and make implementing Morningside is he an American in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in compromise with you and what about on health care because the Republicans are coming in now in one way or another by the notes the comparable bit by bit to undo a a a a a in the world and stop answering intervene the state and a ninth in in in in in in in in in a indicated a significant margin: one point and Jonathan in in in in in in underwriting the American people and the nation to carry on with you and him him him him be children never had a and for him him him him and him and him and him and him him climbing hundred and him and him showing me the light indicates hundred and 20 in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in year me and him and him and all national and in him him him him him and him him and him Carie Ellington trained and the David in Bennington I to thinking the American people here want in the door and going to do anything the Democrats congas woman on Sanchez speaking so what is the main focus for the Republican agenda thought harasses a Republican strategist who worked on campaigns for John McCain on Schwarzenegger and the new tea party back Sen. from Florida Marco Rubio had landing there is a huge expectation among the American people that this Congress is the role of the sleeves and start making some of those typical hot to the government funding. That doesn't happen then you him him and I think given the the the even more anger building up in the tea party inherently a lot of these new members a man to office this time left out of office and replaced with people who were willing to make their they consistently and enhance Kankakee, with him next week is anything sweet cat hey like to repeal being held Canfield called by sending you a hint about can and nights again be symbolic arithmetic and it probably will be the article it will be able as the Senate and certainly the president will will never sign it but it was a a he promised that was made during this election cycle and so many in the wrong design many of the Republicans regarding the I in what I advocate starting off on the wrong foot on the neck and face in that the voters have the the the the is going to and the method running out of it when it doesn't have is that if you ultimately want to repeal this health care bill the data like the Republican Senate leader of Republican White House is not Western that is going to be more about symbolic vote by the real work is going to be guarded when we start talking about Pacific specific forms that need to be made in order to rein in government funding if that is the dictation of the American people technique and some idea of what was a specific kinds being what the Republicans already have their eyes on we really need to have entitlement reform on the tablelands are pension plans and Medicaid and Medicare entitlements are growing at five times the rate of all other government spending and anything talked about cutting this program or that program and it's all window dressing you don't really attack at the heart of of spending these images that entitlement difficult it is and it it it it will be to be very difficult to be difficult to get the house because nobody wants to go or what the campaign opponent down the road and is a was cut in Social Security or cut in Medicare but these reforms have been made because it are not were going and that you noted not all that unlike where Greece has found itself the fact is our country is far too much over the last several decades and underpay the pipe Republican strategist Todd Harris speaking to hundreds of women and girls are been sexually assaulted in Haiti in the chaos following the earthquake which devastated the country a year ago the international human rights organization Amnesty International warns that armed groups or roaming the accounts set up in Haiti after the disaster preying on vulnerable women and calls on the Haitian governments to do more to protect them this report from a world affairs correspondent adamant Amnesty International has spoken to 50 survivors of sexual violence including a 14-year-old girl who was punched him in rate in one of the many makeshift camps set up around the capital Port-au-Prince after the earthquake another woman said she and a friend were bound and gagged and sexually assaulted in front of the children the report points to a lack of proper security in the camps and an in adequate response by the police on the rare occasions that rape and sexual assaults reported in the first six months after the earthquake at least 250 cases of rape or reported a year wrong and serious sexual assault is still taking place amnesties calling on the new Haitian government to take a number of steps to reduce the threat to women and elsewhere. In the camps until that happens in Port-au-Prince have been rebuilt marinas Lenny is president of the women's rights organization have electric which works in the camps and are you are you will gladly campaign tweening small children who have been made children Moshe (instigate the St. Vincent taking became 14 of 16 national and a single chassis make any we had a Kucharski 16 Haiti kill all the people carrying out these rate increases sexual violence here and it's especially culturally significant increase in alcohol the same especially when making many promotes movies how close in the same camps and winning can't say which) and because the outlaws the care and at least getting enough to try and protect women and children in Haiti especially in the camps and now presenting nothing is no police presence and can you ask a local organizations and local winning one for instance hanging out resource the agent when the Al Gore Scania in returning results and shouts and that's how we know that sin can't close out around winetasting reception lack of political will and positive thinking hey TK protection winning children from sexual violence in Israel multination pestis plaintiff believes this is one woman who went important pranced police station because you get had been a great second half: the present Montparnasse office provide the piece it's nothing to do with tax marinas Lenny from the women's rights organization for the left speaking to Pascal hard since Ivory Coast held its disputed elections a month ago little has changed around but will still refuses to believe what the rest of the world does but he lost the presidential election and was somewhat satirizing giving up his claims of a joke from his UN guarded headquarters at the luxury hotel in Abidjan is him giving his first international interviews one of them was without correspondent Andrew Harding you are in control of this hotel and not the rest of the country DC any evidence that that's about to change your I don't think this is throughout Minnesota and no one Bible has. Chaise longue that medicine is the from abroad to prevent herself from going to the presidential office by visiting additional I can tell you that in control of the rest of the country in fact organized strikes of the past few days on this was followed in the cities in the Yamoussoukro in dialogue on the capitals under the of the citizens followed was flexible and in control of the country and around Bible as to conform to the possession of a lifetime some buildings because Anisha Anderson and the Army has control of the length of the Army of bafflegab to you and any financing things to know about the Army voted for the at 63,000 waves in the book the selfish was 54% slide had agreed that support in the Army that this of the Bible have negotiations finished now what form it's finished of course I'm prepared to resume this summer on Bible today and him and gave him assurances about the of the conditions of living here but have failed. Organizes that he has lost the election… Is that the length and breadth as possible since you know that smoking is all about is that I think it would have been fine when because he knows why the pressure is enormous. Once will continue to play this game but it won't last forever your neighbors are threatening the country. Do you really think that's true on a bus on another note I think that April was has said the. But the similar Bible should leave office because he has lost the election if he passes the said that used any of the names including legitimate force has invoicing (I think that depends on Nikolaus but I'm pretty sure this will happen sooner than you think is somewhat tired speaking to the BBC's Andrew Harding from his UN guarded headquarters latest news, from Ivory Coast is that the head of the UN's peacekeeping operations has asked the Security Council to send up to 2000 more troops to the country Islamic hard-liners in Indonesia are standing trial accused of stabbing a Christian church Albania Jakarta police say that the a silence also beats another senior member of the congregation about the head with a wooden plank during the attack the high-profile cases highlight the growing religious intolerance in the world's biggest Muslim nation from Jakarta film is a reports the alleged attack on worshipers is plane coming diminishes Islamic defenders front one of its leaders is accused of stabbing a Christian Alta in the community city of but costing me Jakarta the police say the victim's injuries were so severe that he had to undergo surgery on a colleague to try to protect him is also badly beaten with a piece of woods religious tensions infested in the cost in recent months French Muslim groups have protested outside the Protestant church arguing that it's been breaking the mold by holding services without permission Christian say that local officials have repeatedly ignored requests to issue the necessary permits shoes impossible. Being thrown at the Christian congregation of sermons of being interrupted by charts of infidels the Islamic defenders front has a strong presence in the Jakarta area and is committed to maintaining strict religious and moral codes in Indonesia its critics that it sends members of violent vigilantes is intimidated in assaulted minority Christians a series of confrontations culminating in the alleged stabbing last September 13 defendants accused of attacking the Protestant church leader in the costs he is denied the charges Phil Mercer reports of food and agriculture organization is warning that global food prices are rising rapidly and could trigger the same kind of social instability that led to rights in a number of countries in 2007 and 2008 prices of key staples like wheat and sugar rose again last December the combined impact of bad weather and rising oil prices also contributing to the situation of in finding out more from Daniel Gustavson the FAO representative from North America is important to note I think that the overall food production cereal production in particular this past year was actually quite good and the third-largest harvest in fact the the we'd seen but the overall consumption of those cereals in particular again was greater than the production due to adverse weather in the number of places particularly in Russia with the wildfires on someone in Russia being a large wheat exporter that disrupted the market along with other things in addition to the underlying, supply and demand factors so we end up with a very tight situation in supply and demand of the global food supplies and we saw the quite rapid increase in the cereal prices and other food commodities since about mid year 2010 until now will you made reference to weekly in particular what other food crop so for food in general are you concerned about well of course what we are mainly concerned about from of the point of view of the FAO are the basic cereal crops rice and wheat in particular but really they food prices food commodity prices are high pretty much across the board particularly in the case of sugar which is at a 30 year high the price of rice however for example although also with increases is significantly lower now than it was edits peek during the food price crisis of 2007 2008 that you spoke about the weather is that the only factor causing a spike in the in food prices no immunities of the weather of course is is a major factor because of the changes in expectations on production but their number of underlying causes in addition to that the weak dollar is one but really it's a situation where production in many countries has not kept pace with growing demand in the population growth and income growth and so on and up for a long time the situation between supply and demand is been really very close and when you have these adverse emissions that prices rise up much quicker than they would otherwise not semisolid situation like this 2007 2008 we had that demonstrations violence and in many poor countries around the world are you concerned that that might happen again yes there's no reason to think that the will for sure happen it did certainly we could have a good year in 2011 and the situation would ease in the spring by two prices decline and if you know production is good in large producing countries and sautйed it need not be that but nevertheless these are very high prices and if they go much higher it will certainly have very severe consequences for poor families who spend most of their income on food the other thing I should point out to is that the food index that the FAO calculates is based on a refers to global trade and circles though prices and the local prices have not been in many countries gone up as fast in the terms of local currency and with good local harvest and so on have not gone up that much but if we see global prices are international markets react in a similar way with very high prices then certainly there could be political unrest do these high prices Daniel Gustavson FAO representative from North America the authorities in Beijing and Shanghai also alarmed by the growing divorce rate that they've decided to publish everybody's marriage records online the ideas that infidelity and even bigamy which a prison along with incomes and freedoms travel will occur less frequently if lovers and spouses can check for cheats the authorities may be unduly optimistic according to the writer and social commentator Babesia giant who says it's a social phenomenon that goes way back Moxley
comments can send almost marital status in China in and within days before the Congress to go back the way to show the full name to show his prestige and wealth was to take mischiefs and now down to descend is coming back into spectacular way thanks to relax social control and growing wealth 07 Tbilisi people seem to move around China great deal more people move up move about in the near from one city to another that it is is a phrase stranger society in the last atheistic greatest catastrophe society acting will pay C-section and how the new left is a highly effective it's going to be a Catholic atheist people actually did not attend the guys on marriage and the young woman going in a very commercial like to society and have no more accounts to be the mistress of file management that is really interesting that that no moral qualms is an interesting average because the numbers of aquatic stories of the statistics I have. 20% of the married men surveyed From us asking regular Al-Aqsa the nonpowered famous high pretty much I would've admired women because the says Street .9% in this recent survey I was famous-former child again definitely asked and also I think the full when I worked in the faxing and that as Shaw South African factory worker and Orlando one of my father will Chris and was called having a fan and that he was given and three is a prison sentence make account set infidelity was punished under the last little estrogen and now he knows is that society must mold for the facility still technically illegal is to exceed cost AT&T legal is not the least of such note not lost in the comment section with stories controlling online exhibit. Suggestions are just disturbing way you started a bag an old tradition where if you a powerful you had concubines jihad mistresses and then he is not that interesting phrase to moral qualms the government may not obliged in the past but it seems it actually sensually it's not attend the is not maybe even a big issue in a sometimes my friends they will post your taken Dan mistress the topic and station off the nerve itself honestly feel ashamed of certain Rainman the divorce numbers arising in parallel you might tell me that there's numbers of limited than the real figures as well but is that an inevitable result is Chinese society becoming more fractured if there are more infidelities more divorces to the family start to suffer across the nation in since the time that come off Ashley Todd stand people stopped traffic not much and they have more sexpot terrorists divorce the rates is growing and also STD as well-especially gently and is is is an and you said and not your LED is is a factory worker and this is I guess just another symptom of the extraordinary changes that you seen (and yes athletic and millions of synthesized in the was much recent antismoking show technopop homicide and wants every aspect of one's parents life was controlled now this crazy social mobility people have choices of tinsel and you went sleeveless cotton if the knife and and also note that normal promising young people with the have lab had a frightening way from the parents have normal independence although the fax is correct but if China is a successfully changing lease judge and speaking to pharmaceutical around the world traditional tribal cultures are disappearing under the pressures of urbanization and the homogenizing influence of the media in Kenya one of the most famous tribes is the Maasai fiercely proud community that straddles the border with Tanzania once every 10 to 15 years the hold a special ceremony to graduate what they call and a set of men from warrior class to Al the status but increasingly young Messiah moving into the cities and away from tradition and some people worry that by the time the next ceremonies view there may not be anyone left to hold it out East Africa correspondent Peter Preston has just been to one outside Nairobi and a a a a a in a Windows atmosphere where will the cycle, is handling for rainbow for Bush since eroded the film through when placed in the distance in 3+ interestingness is different," and his in the dancing stuff this incredibly lonely and him and him and someone from his family if that is. He today: you will than the group that was completed in 1990 and 2000 and everything we have been. Spoon and him looking at getting the one place all of us this by the events in the form or the addition the tools just inside the phone as a Bluetooth been waiting to have the heads and faces the good distraction reprint comics with and move since his mouth moved just the that the light. People walk in. If you like to do just about the issue of the the the the the the the the the the the the. Difference in the the. Assuming this. Sacred suggestions inspires movement buildings and analysis to point out sacrificial. As for this satisfaction with this camera is surrounded with accounting this is completely lost about it seems to be having significant piezoresistive the students, not expect seconds later the animal is dead swiftly dispatched in which according to very specific ritual every sea level of the survey has been another edition criminal. If that inherits from whom was Jewish. Hemostatic relative with ethernet from which will left my mouth. When you really kind and sincere for someone with the name Billy to go with rich tradition and considerable influence is pretty neat the traditional ship is in regular shoes and socks and carry delivered to cell phones who sluicing conservatories undermine the ritual and him and him he had. The tradition of the men have jobs listed anywhere in the world and the next generation due to graduation. My first wiki service (Joseph enabled. Is a sociologist at the Bayreuth University said was to decorate for fun famous academic jejune payment expected and assigned to the he predicted that the Mustang and 2000 and the normal bad day to be not just the tension and acting as much as I predicted the company and you happen in, and in a back up this early holding and placed the graduates of according the ritual of mock still didn't feel warrior status to become elders and this isn't the end of the journey but it does mean they cannot stand this Internet is the community and says mixing the Atlantic group together tightly might face significant to me because it's more than my plan small than my friend because all the my age group now I consider them that my life with my Microsoft in a him and him and him include you in the future will ritual and symbolism this is about the five community or social status and the next generation once the families who love him and him and him and him and soulfulness for now but an updated version of the global news podcast is available for you to download it to today funniness, but the next time goodbye

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