And thank you for downloading him he found a complete range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to the latest global news accorded the $40 GMT on Thursday, 23 December I'm John Beasley with selection of highlights from across BBC world service news today coming out is it time to the international community to intervene to hold the turmoil in Ivory Coast a possible explosion the Swiss Embassy in Rome leaving one man with serious injuries would travel with a secret convoy carrying nuclear material across Europe material could be lethal in the hands of terrorists Postville elements make an ideal. I and you can slip it in your purse or backpack. Had taken just about anything also involve cost Nigerian officials say nothing's been done to stop the trafficking of women from Nigeria into slavery in neighboring Mali at a barbershop in Pakistan local Stellas that concerns about the country's future and an explanation of the future transponder surgery organ printing is at nobody has walked long before but I expected.
Used it will be huge developments and speak accurately self but thus Ivory Coast continues to be gripped by political stalemate and postelection turmoil of the UN human rights Council says the hundred and 73 people died in 471 others were arrested between the 16th and 21 December in violence across the country incumbent president Columbine boat is refusing to relinquish power to his rival unassembled product despite international recognition that Mr. Watauga was the rightful winner of last month's vote Mr. Carter's supporters cited loan bagman can't be persuaded to step down than he should be. And some observers have suggested that the international community should use the threat of sanctions put pressure on him overemotional is from the South African Institute of strategic studies in Pretoria and James Coomer solemnly Austin could he imagine outside powers either taking military action or imposing sanctions to resolve the crisis will did he feel that it's more likely that other African states will act you pre-talk about sanctions it would have to be coordinated not only by the European Union or the international community but also by the negative that agent that need African states so that is a statement to follow the African Union will also continue to use what record and human interface and we know that they immediately Satanist that Mbeki did they will continue with talks with with the both the parties and SSA dead that have followed the steps they've taken Nvidia strong position by expanding the Ivory Coast of them a CT scan yet he have to go now the question intervention or not I'm receiving that West African region that we had seen interventions before and these interventions was decided on by E was with the support of African Union and United Nations icy guide bid that will be a loss loss option but to go that way you to go for a minute intervention that if you look at the African Union constitutive act act make quite yet wind African Union County the Aggies then south to articles if Jeep which talk about that human rights violations or genocides and then if a country it equates the African Union to you baby in the request is likely to come while they grazed Bob but will not see grace that you need to be done so.01 E. and admin not did they loaded indeed been some giving standards been some violence but we have not generate the stage all methods of mass human rights violations and genocide that is only audio we have racists the station that the UN human rights Council is analysis of what they believe at least 19 different cases of torture but just within five days and 173 deaths it is a serious situation while that he's now will that each wave African Union can now take it to the peace and Security Council in an off-season in this debug then you got to that majority i.e. can then decide to deploy and African African force an African standby brigade maybe from E was all a began together found African African a from the continent was was about outside. So if you look at Sierra Leone for example is a British intervention that was seen as a success is about something similar that could be done in this case you know what comes immediately to mind that these be successful before on the continent you've reviewed the limits operation Artemis emitted DIC that way we used the battle group the so-called you about the group within the country the faint is loaded enough Ivory Coast but again you said the EU want to deploy it that the group data had two kids a a UN mandate and 93 the challenge lie will the Security Council authorized in intervention we know when this tobacco was inaugurated countries like China was the coda was the so maybe that they will veto that and then they will not be a UN mandate for eight outside force like the European Union to you that the only bottle of the South African Institute of strategic studies talking to James Coomer solemnly just before we recorded this part cost the Italian authorities confirmed that a bomb had gone off in the Swiss Embassy in Rome correspondent David Willey was in the Italian capital Dave is the latest on the incident a bomb went off of the offices of the Swiss Embassy in the patio to suburban the north of Rome one of their employees severity opened the fossil and that head is transmitted going off he was taken to hospital movie he's may lose one the left-handed use the left-hand is okay at the very very serious injuries the Italian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement deploring this act but is no indication yet that it's connected either with any Al Qaeda type of terrorism all the attention which we had inroads in recent days of her demonstrations by students against budget cuts in the higher education here but I see that the police of just coming up with other than a new theory which sounds plausible that the ball attack could be connected with a group of Italian anarchists about the there are several known Kittanning a just skins Swiss jails of the moment in this the discharges a saying that this could there could be some connection we have no confirmation of this yet however David Willey ROME SPEAKING JUST BEFORE WE RECORDED THIS PODCAST ON WEDNESDAY A SECRET CONVOY OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL ARRIVED IN RUSSIA IS BEEN TRAVELING ACROSS EUROPE THE POSTMODERN THE DETAILS OF THE ROOM TO BEEN KEPT CLASSIFIED TO PREVENT TERRORISTS FROM HIJACKING THE CONDUCT WHICH COULD BE USED FOR NUCLEAR OR DIRTY BOMB IT'S PART OF AN URGENT EFFORT TO REMOVE POORLY SECURED NUCLEAR MATERIAL FROM REACTORS AROUND THE WORLD IN THIS CASE FROM SERBIA FROM THE FACILITY IS OF COURSE PARTICULAR CONCERN ON SECURITY CORRESPONDENT GORDON KAREN IT WAS THE ONLY JOURNALIST ALLOWED TO FOLLOW IT EN ROUTE HIM IN THE WOODS JUST OUTSIDE BELGRADE SECRET OPERATION IS UNDERWAY IF THE DEAD OF NIGHT AND GOING TO KILL HORSES RULE AROUND WEARING BALACLAVAS BEHIND THE TRUCKS CARRYING OWN. YOU CONTAIN THIS INSIDE EAST TO AN SOFT FUNDS OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL THE TYPE TERRORIST WOULD DEARLY LIKE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON HIM AND HIM IN THE MORNING THE PRESIDENT SERVING OF COURSE It SURVIVES ASSIGNMENT BEEN ALTERED SINCE STUDIES MISSION TO YOU. YOU OVERTHROW THE PROBLEM OF INVISIBLE SCIENTIST THE BIBLICAL DECUBITUS OBSERVABLES BECAUSE OF THE MEASUREMENT OPERATION THAT IS BELOW SECURITY OF ISRAEL THE DIFFICULT SECURITY HERE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BECAUSE OF THE ORGANIZING THAT. VERY SPECIFIC THIS IS THE NATIVE SEVERAL LANGUAGES HE HEARS THE BOOK OF. HIS RECEPTION A FEW HOURS EARLIER I WAS TAKEN INSIDE THE COUNTY COMMISSION GENTLY SETTING THE BUILDING WITH THE MATERIAL IN THE DOOR GUIDE WAS ABLE TO DITCH SILENT HILL SOME RADIATION LAYLA HAS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT NOW. OTHERWISE ANYTHING RIGHT HERE AND HOW MUCH SECURITY WAS AROUND THIS BACK TO THE WHOLE BUILDING THE COMPLEX YOU MEAN THE PHYSICAL SECURITY WAS MUCH LESS TODAY BUT FOR THE TIME WERE DIFFERENT AS LOADS BE A GREAT LOSS FEW YEARS FOR PHYSICAL SECURITY OF THE SITE MADE TOP OF THE WORLDWIDE DANGER LAKES FOR INTERNATIONAL OFFICIALS HIM OUTSIDE THE TERM BEGINS IN THE FIRST STAGE OF A LONG JOURNEY JOINT REAGANITE POLITICAL VOICE MODES ACROSS BELGRADE BEEN PLACED IN PALM THEN LINE THE ROUTE THIS IS THE LARGEST COG OF ITS TYPE EVER MOVED SECURITIES LIKE TO FEEL THAT THE STONE BREAKS WE ARRIVED TO DEATH NEAR THE NORTHERN SERBIAN TOWNS THE TEACHER WITH THE CONTAINERS ARE LOADED ONTO RAIL CAR JOHN KELLY INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY EXPLAINS WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT TO BASE MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED AND SECURED JUST A HIGH TARGET MATERIAL TO REASON WANTED BECAUSE I RIPPED THE SEVERE BUT THE OTHER ONE IS BECAUSE THIS SMALL SURPRISES AS ONE SMALL FILAMENTS IN YOUR LOUISVILLE ELEMENTS MAKE AN IDEAL. AND YOU CAN SLIP IT IN YOUR PURSE OR BACKPACK. HAD TAKEN JUST ABOUT ANYTHING SUBSTANTIVE YOU ARE BEING RETURNED TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND HAS IT GOES AWAY AND THREAT SO WITH ONLY A FEW SECURITY PEOPLE ASSIGNED TO THE SITE AND RELATIVELY FEW PEOPLE AT THE REACTOR OVER MANY DECADES AND HAD DETERIORATED SO AS WE FELT WAS HIGHLY CALLED HIM THE NEXT MORNING TRAIN SO IT IS A JOURNEY ACROSS. THIS OPERATION IS TAKEN FIVE YEARS OF PLANNING THE TRAINS DESTINATION IS THE SLOVENIAN PORTS OF CALL FOR HERE THE CONTAINERS ARE LOADED ONTO A SHIP SHIP THAT SOMALI PIRATES TRY TO HIJACK A YEAR BUT IT HEADS OFF ON THE THREE-WEEK JOURNEY THROUGH THE MEDITERRANEAN BEEN UPDATING THIS CHANNEL AND THE RUSSIAN PORT OF MURMANSK FINANCE TAKEN TO THE MIAMI REPROCESSING FACILITY IN RUSSIA WHEN A HIGHLY RICH URANIUM IS BLENDED DOWN AND THE SPENT FUEL REPROCESSED INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION IS BEEN VITAL TO THE SUCCESS IS ONLY ONE STEP ALONG THE WAY THE MUCH LARGER AMBITION AS SARAH DICKESON OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION EXPLAINS WHAT YOU REALLY THINK I IS. AND THE PRESIDENT 8009 PRODUCT WERE WORKING WITH SEVERAL COUNTRIES OVER THE NEXT FOUR YEARS DEVELOPER TECHNICALLY WITH YOUR COMPLAINT AND MORE IMPORTANTLY REMOVING AND INDICATING A VERIZON REGARDED AS THE 8000 OF YOU WHAT'S IMPEACHABLE NOW BE MADE SAFE THE RACE CONTINUES BETWEEN THOSE TRYING TO SECURE NUCLEAR MATERIAL AROUND THE WORLD AND THAT REPEATS THE UNIT GORDON GUERRERA ON SECURITY CORRESPONDENT WITH THE SPECIAL REPORT LISTING TO GLOBAL NEWS THE BEST STORIES INTERVIEWS AND ON THE SPOT REPORTING FROM THE BBC WORLD SERVICE IT WILL COMMENT ON THE SPOT CONSTABLE THE TOPICS COVERED IN IT THEN YOU CAN SEND AS AN E-MAIL ADDRESS IS GLOBAL PART COST@BBC.CO.UK A FULL MOVE ONTO REMINDER THAT YOU CAN EITHER SELECTION OF HIGHLIGHTS FROM ACROSS ALL THE BBC'S RADIO NEWS NETWORKS INHOSPITABLE COST NEW WAS CALLED YOU CAN FIND IT BY GOING TO WWW.BBC.CO.UK/HOLOCAUST AND THEN TYPING IN NEW SPOT EARLIER THIS YEAR NIGERIA'S ANTITRAFFICKING AGENCY NOT TIP ANNOUNCED A BREAKTHROUGH IN THE FIGHT AGAINST SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF YOUNG NIGERIAN WOMEN IN NEIGHBORING MALI AGENCY DISCOVER THE NETWORK OF CAMPS AND BROTHELS AND MOLLY RUN BY NIGERIANS WHAT WOMEN WERE BEING HELD IN SLAVERY CONDITIONS. WORK AS PROSTITUTES MANY HAD BEEN TOLD THEY WERE GOING TO EUROPE BUT INSTEAD WOUND UP THE SEX WORKERS THAT OF NEPTUNE SAID THE AGENCY WAS LAUNCHING OPERATION TIMBUKTU AN INITIATIVE TO RESCUE THOUSANDS OF BILLS AND BRING THEM HOME TO NIGERIA BUT NOW A SENIOR NIGERIAN OFFICIAL HAS TOLD THE BBC THAT THOSE EFFORTS HAVE ACHIEVED PRACTICALLY NOTHING ON CORRESPONDENT CARL AND FIELD REPORTS FROM BENIN CITY IN SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA ON THE SCALE OF THE PROBLEM AND WHY IT IS NOT BEEN ERADICATED LEGAL ON THE FEW 181 CATASTROPHES PACING TO GET TRAFFIC THEY BE PLAYING WHEN I ALSO LIKE TRUSTING 14 KEYNOTE JUST EVERYBODY? JUST ASKING ONE BY ONE IS THOROUGHLY CLEAN AND HE GAVE HIS CLAIMS AND CONDITION FILM IS SHOT FOR TRAFFICKING VICTIMS RUN FIBER JET BLACK EYES-OR EVEN EXPERIENCES SUNSHINE HASSLE TAKE ALSO FROM YOU CAN AFFECT SHE IS CURRENTLY IN THEIR THINKING HOUSE AFTER 14 MONTHS AND ATTENTION IN THE CITY. BECAUSE PEOPLE TRAFFICKING most of the winning hand and deporting had forgotten to see any spelling is a tad from neighboring countries three-member comeback from nine morning and said if you forget to pay gambling said you want to, anything is paying online? Should the San Antonio to people any he was 18 and 20 taken together instead to nine it seemed to have effective 75 a nonbinding on the gumption to I should see if it was protecting slowly finance and said out the thinking and Canada said that. And if constantly to see him and gave me some meaning jokes about financing bank to think about needing she lost the baby child that every story he is different I think traveled when she was 17 she eventually is present in a little little than you gave effectively implemented doleful husband and I gave it-and 95 the 31st 13. Dreaming thinking so thankful and I have what I think the third floor and thinking how is he is feeling it is reality. A painful. Obviously there is a managed to get away parents think I haven't exactly many young winning in a number of his senses and the top of his trafficking offices in 19 he said he plans to attend thousands estopped from bringing him. The password was to do to fix to go from the Institute commitments to forge business Dr. the storm that was in play system. Taking in detainees trafficking. He was one of the investigating Schaffel tonight what was so was most suited your not even expected to do what I like about Phantom Menace with Victor so you're supposed to do what it would do him good aware subassemblies used. So does ghost, the condom open last month those used in the business dragging them back in Islamic and social, the claimant good morning the supposed drug electrocardiogram among William became recorded in the evidence of Pentagon said building shall not want now is to bring winning have it's a strong academic and minute please post to discuss Mr. Crane his colleagues shocking findings and nine needs anything at all the states in an Accent, think tank and cleaning to work with Lonnie been when he has picked definitely are one measure the Windows version 11 the modems to do is to open themselves up to measure will support you can strike to envision one of the maxim that if this dispenses root for the kiosk this would get our citizens had little of the Lord of his incentive that most individuals are comfortable several disciplines are some of them I do know that a strong industry like Susan with his undivided but by a criminal netbooks a slow motor neuron and I believe that focuses on digital but I do not think I should your resume citizen imagines ASICs in 1950s to Frank. The 11 nation winning as long as you is a detectable during his 19 station have to change. Where it is often a cost teenage is a process scrambling 75 Disneyland Manning is overnight in general of the countless and if he is nailing this doing thousands. With. He's often as, the reporting on the plight of the Nigerian goes who are trafficked into my let's take a trip down to that addresses the solar place with people like to talk about all sorts of things affecting their lives one shall sidle up so over the next few weeks are colleagues on the world today visiting salons around the globe to hear from people who experienced some sort of profound change this year today we traveled to Pakistan which throughout 2010 is suffered from increasing numbers of suicide bomber tax of the main concern for clients in this barbershop in Islamabad is security and I-you and I have family in Islam was I wanted to do their eye, business that is that of investing in the vocalizes ignored and that the deferred effective utilization of getting something and everything. Give my visit with Dave L the limits of the eye can see the phenomenon gave it to visit his Islamist of them have enough time for you on a vacuum my business. I to be very honest. It is one of the distinctive vocal in his own leaders if they're listening unsullied you. You should mining reason to use online going to, millions of his eyes on the sideline for a cell phone last two years working as a team though the missions is wrong I can use them. Nice selection but she glad to some money and a little, it is important… Strange. If you seems you shall not fulfill the fees is in the common minimum-: 50 recognizes one time for a looking a seen tons of stuff. The reason is a sentence in a sample all opinion from barbershop in the Pakistani capital he can hear more of these glimpses of opinion from staff and customers addresses across the globe over the next few weeks on the world today time now to take a look at one of the big ideas that might just help shape 2011 what we like to cold New Year's resolutions today we hear from biophysicist, IS working on an alternative to organ transplants printing what he hopes is to eventually re-create organs using the printer and human cells of his lab multifold guts explained. And the progress that he's making this contrasts planet Discover four at tenant professor in physics advisement to the University Missouri: the and originally and from Hungary all in order to explain what organ printing is when we starts with printing so everybody's near today with their relatively cheap printers and brings windbags machine we need not only the printer but we need some paper when evening now what imprinting is a little elect accepting standoff inspiring instead of paper use by Peter and instead of the printer we used by the printer can be used to previously diminish us linear bilinear that collects the national set of the structures in the spouse are stocking to their cartridge sensitive having inking it is a set of the solution and assess are delivered onto IOP per which the detainees age out to you. That's what they're biting particular puts and those objects here can move up and down its investment. From scratch it's very difficult engineer Floyd our Amy stupor use when substitutes that are parts what is so we concentrated blood vessels because one wants to be updated word and nutrients have to be delivered to the Saturday side that's why we have this Leading word in our body is one of our major goals to engineer fully biological bluntness we also concentrate at nerve grafts imagine that somebody is nurses ruptured. Of such accidents happen on the battlefield and two replies move away from each other so they have to be connected and we'll have that had good way of doing that I began searching go since the patient scoops out the pieces there from somewhere Houston and put it in the secondary site when the accident happened we embarked on producing such drafts using the patient's own spouse those experiments are obedient to face off animal trials the evaluation is going on right now but the preliminary results are very encouraging surges of use, to nags me I know what. And if your name is a the health to see my husband/and is a very saddening calls because he would position to get such goals setting of person get false precious that we're close something like that site try to the alternatives let's say we need to be replaced to keep and when you want to use a donor but we wanted engineering you can use the pool says that Steve Nishi had exactly the same shape as the one that we having Arbeit been looking white bikini has specific functions and so the goal should not be necessarily to produce exactly the same copy shape wise but to reduce something that can perform the same functions as at that nobody has walked long before but I think I can with good conscience say I expected
used it would be huge developments and spectacularly self this kind of research is very waiting his turn somebody calls you and in the scope to people and that gives you tremendous satisfaction in your research biophysicist Gabor for gaps whose pioneering work could prove to be a revolutionary alternative to open transport's leftover musclebound not an updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download in 12 ounce I'm John Beasley until next time goodbye
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