Libyan minister: Gaddafy could leave

By Banzay on 17:02

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Thank you for downloading from him details about the range of Houston not subsidies go to BBC world costs him welcome to the latest global news recorded 14 hours GMT on Wednesday, 20 April I'm chemistry to With a slice of highlights in the cross of BBC world service news today coming up as Western countries talk about sending ministry liaison offices to let you rebels the Libyan Foreign Minister talks about the possibility of life without scandal Qadhafi rejected the test on the tens of thousands of people who fled their homes as a result of postelection violence in Nigeria what political anger is growing in Kenya a problem for a lot but now the capital the capital of the world if you think we are development:: the anger felt by people living in the Gulf of Mexico one year after the VP all but exhausted review newsletter resign usually you don't go directly into the extenders provide only the flywheel for the global houses completed, and the the the alleged part cost. You are part my green fingers leaving no good for plums growing number of the planets but first was in country 7.4 months the Col. Gadhafi to step down as Libyan leader but this future we be up for discussion inside live your itself the implication from the BBC interview with the Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul acting out of Brady you been yes he was on spot Middle East and it's a journey Bowen using the Libyan capital Tripoli is Canoga Duffy really might leave the scene I think it everything especially the global economy for the prediction was Lutheran would be on the same whatever issue is that is why Orleanians would say that you all of Valvoline Benghazi that we have self-appointed so I think the only way is given the the the is that sounds like his file of the the Minister was speaking of present Sargent sent a team of ministry offices to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi France and Italy have now Santa Fe to dissenting managing his officers to living rebels genin teams but the journey Bowen of the interview important to him that the ministers remarks sounded pretty surprising yes also equipment operators that I often was just to confirm things I also chatted to the Deputy Foreign Minister entered senior diplomat and they said DOE SSS is true the species will be on the table libidos Nalco situation so they didn't try to write one and one together for about four years in what they say is that it was pretty much finished Meredith appointed People's Congress the lab was shared Joh 10 days after the uprising she started the novel thing is that for your store and said they a lot of Libyans here people in the regime say that they were working towards the Constitution and expected to gradually get more freedoms and move towards elections and that was that was the track Vasil the country was bearing down now. Plenty of people never side of events who say that this is unreformed police state with brutal people behind it but surest recovers lost couple months there are different viewpoints here but there is this a century inside the form is submitted I think is making all from central control to talk about the one with machines produced for that would put to the other forces are currently confronting government troops in the structure and elsewhere they would be ready to take. Officials that were not averse to get lost and when the reformists said was he believes the world is complicated masses is that foreign interventions Kamman serve the the the vulnerable side. Bible the strong big brother later need to talk about regurgitated solutions now posted could well be the the the government is prepared to talk more Pamir buggers it is solutions because there is a strong third-party initiative nature of record involved over for surgeon each sidestreets of each other about it everything but the British and the French and backed up by the Americans have essentially been saying but yes tons of things can be discussed about the this future politically but only when, but I figure is former is the say both of things can be put to the people in the election I'm one of them but education is the future coder that didn't stop he says with cold I figure I'm about is essentially where the big diplomatic" golf is between the two sides in trying to get a negotiated process going in timings entrancing beat it comes just as the Britons being leading West on the hard-line approach is concerned with the French and the the British is sending a team of miniature devices to help the rebels the performances development matters worse is that the situation would degenerate further by sending in the foreign troops here. Mr. elaborate and is selling very whole fish on this and of the French hours while other people the nature of the member states much less so up to the Germans inserted numerous public nomination in your diplomas of nutrition aging million people verdict, may have said that they don't support the bombing and also it includes first in the Security Council journey Bowen and Tripoli Tokyo to Judy Jean the Nigerian Red Cross is the number of people who fled from their homes following postelection violence is not reached 48,000 this is more than double the number the Red Cross reported on Tuesday Pres. good luck Jonathan a southern Christian one the second sermon subsidies from of the being challenged by a candidate from the mainly Muslim north was about to to the Red Cross is national disaster coordinates and much of your mama regard to the number refugees was increasing sharply in the world he he he he. I wish it would. Not community college in Albuquerque will 1000 now. Regina Lynn Jamaat will enjoy an unprecedented him him and they are illegal and PR oriented drinking history of the because I didn't really think you on how much we published usual "him and think you did the numbers and talking about you nighthawks today's institutions to deal with 100 and he just how a lot wideout really not your rightly understood of the international Red Cross is not working in coordination with straight and recommend in trying to the be additional prints of the people for now abstractedly speaking abilities would I implement a nonfood items and digital inclination would the government and is an equal Mike Steele sang stand and sentenced to get back can't now immigrant lingerie range registration, small only able to win back exegetical throughout the house is not but so is just what we call full across as mama regard my genital intimacy is and was in East Africa to well with the cost of fuel and food soaring more and more people are struggling to feed their families and several countries there've been calls for people to take to the streets lease in Uganda happened preventing opposition attempt protest and the concerned look also protest by civil society groups in neighboring Kenya this report from our East Africa correspondence will ropes and him canyons and decide enough is enough it's time to make some noise cost of fuel shortstop and food prices a little time, a people struggling world will probably see so high that some midplane corruption and local political interests in the energy sector the problems they face and will Now and get back to you want you thinking you can go to you and Nancy AND WE DO NOT WANT OUR UNNAVIGABLE AND ENGAGING THE WIDELY BLAMED HAPPENING IN THE DOCUMENT FORMATS AND THE And HE WHERE ACCOUNT AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AND HONG KONG HIGH PRICES MIGHT WANT TO LISTEN IN AND AROUND ON THE STREETS DESTINED HUNDRED ONE REASON IS THE CANYONS OF THE HOUSE FOR SEVERAL DECADES PROTESTANTS FACED AT LEAST AND TOUCHING SOME WOULD SAY THAT IS THE TACTICS BEING USED ACROSS THE BORDER IN UGANDA WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING IS ALSO PASSING AND HIM AND HIM AND THAT'S THE SOUND OF UGANDAN OPPOSITION POLITICIAN DR. KEYES SJ BEING BUNDLED INTO THE BACK OF A POLICE TRUCK IS ARRESTED THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK ARE ATTEMPTING TO WALK TO WORK PROCESS OF THE HIGH COST OF HUMAN FOOD FOR IN THE COMING BATTLES BETWEEN RIOT POLICE AND OPPOSITION SUPPORTERS GOVERNMENT SYSTEM TO MESSAGE IS SIMPLY TRYING TO CLOSE CHAOS IN THE CAPITAL KAMPALA FOR HIS OWN GAIN RECENTLY REELECTED RESIDENT YOU ARE IN THE 70 HAS ONE EYE ON EVENTS IN THE ARAB WORLD IS NOT GOING TO RISK LETTING HIS RIVAL GET PEOPLE ONTO THE STREETS GLOBAL TO DO WITH YOU IN THE GOLF INDUSTRY SHOULD FEEL COMPELLED TO PRESENT 70 IS GIVING PEOPLE OFFENDED TO GRUMBLE ABOUT SWEARING-IN CEREMONY IS SET TO COST OVER ONE HALF MILLION DOLLARS AND IT'S REPORTED THAT THREE CULTURES OF $1 MILLION IS BEING SPENT ON NEW FIGHTER JETS PORTRAYING THE PRESIDENT IS OUT OF TOUCH THE MESSAGE IS MILKING THE PEOPLE'S ECONOMIC WAS TO GAIN AS MUCH PUBLICITY AS HE CAN AND IS MAKING THE GOVERNMENT TO. TWITCHY AND OPPRESSIVE AFTER ALL HE SAYS WHAT'S ILLEGAL ABOUT WALKING TO WALK FAMILY HAD A DRINK BEFORE WALKING OREGON TRAIL MILWAUKEE HIM AND CONTINUED DEMONSTRATIONS THE FROM TO SMALL TO BE A THREAT THE REASON WHY THEY'RE UNLIKELY TO PRODUCE BECAUSE THIS was RECENTLY ONE CORRUPTION TAINTED COALITION GOVERNMENT ONLY TAKE HIS OPINION LOYA SAYS ROBIN LEARNING ABOUT THE PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS POLITICIANS ARE BUSY SINGLES HANDLING PUBLIC MONEY THIS IS IN THE 1840S ANOTHER NAME, AND WHAT IS HOLDING AN INFORMAL PERFORMANCES ELECTIONS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT DOES GET CANYONS OUT ON THE STREET SEEMS HUGE TO HIM HIM HIM AND THIS IS THE CROWN OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF THE GLOBALIZED RECENTLY WELCOME BACK TRADITIONS FROM THE A THE FACING CHARGES OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND WITHIN THE AS HE ROSE IS NOT MUCH PEOPLE POWER. POLITICIANS HOLD THE OLD HIM HIM HIM NOT SEND THE FORMS HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM OR EAST AFRICA CORRESPONDENCE WILL ROPES THE DAMAGE FROM JAPAN'S DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE IN SYNONYMY IS SPREADING FURTHER AND DEEPER WEEKS OF THE EVENTS NEW FIGURES SHOW THAT WAS IN EFFECT ON THE ECONOMY EXPORTS FELL BY 2.2% IN MARCH. 16 MONTHS SHIPMENTS OF COST OF TUMBLED BY 28% OF SONS-IN-LAW STREWN THE CONSORTIUM, THE OF QUICKENS MOMMY WAS STILL HAVING SUCH A BIG EFFECT ON THE JAPANESE ECONOMY WITH ALWAYS IS A DIRECT EFFECT A ETHNIC IN SYNONYMY AND DESTROYED LARGE FACTORIES IT ALSO LED TO ELECTRICITY SHORTAGES AND ARE CONTINUING AT BUT IT WAS CONFRONTED IT IS UPON THE SUPPLY CHAINS ANYTHING TO JAPAN YOU IMAGINE THE VERY BIG PLACE SOPHISTICATED COMPANIES BUT THE PROCESS OF MAKING SOMETHING LIKE IT, BEGINS OFTEN WITH VERY SMALL FAMILY-RUN COMPANIES WHO ARE MAKING THE COMPETITORS OF COMPLAINANT'S AND MANY THAT IS A BEEN DESTROYED AND THAT IS LED TO PROBLEMS RIGHT TIME THE PRODUCTION SCALE AND NOT SOLICITING THE EXPOS FANS A SHOPPING I DIDN'T GET WHAT WAS THE NEED TO FIX THEIR SUPPLY CHAIN DISKETTES TAKE TIME AND THE AT THE ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMISTS IS THAT IN THE SHORT TIME IN THE NEXT FEW COURSES AT THE ECONOMY IS GOOD CONTINUE TO SUFFER AT BUT IN THE LONG TIME TOOLS THE END OF THE YEAR THE EXPECTATION IS IS THAT AS THE RECONSTRUCTION BEGINS THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY THAT IS – TO GIVE JAPAN SOMETHING OF THE BIGGEST REASONS CITED BY THE END OF THE YEAR AT EXPECTATION THAT IS THE JAPAN'S ECONOMY WILL GROW BY 1.4% NOT THE 1.6% WAS READY FOR COSTS AND SHORTHAND WILTSHIRE CURRENT PROBLEMS AT THE GLOBAL ECONOMY WILL THE ALREADY ON ALL SORTS OF COMPANIES ADDING DIFFICULTY IN MAKING THINGS AND ALSO TO PLACES THAT JUST TODAY TOLERANCE THAT AS A NICETIES FACTORIES IN NORTH AMERICA AGAIN TO BE SHOTS ON MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS UP UNTIL CHEATING AND ALL THE REST OF THE THE OTHER DAYS OF THE WEEK. IF YOU RUNNING AT HALF THE NORMAL CAPACITY AND EVEN A COMPANY LIKE HARLEY-DAVIDSON ICONIC AMERICAN MOTORBIKE MAY Lab RELIES ON JAPANESE COMPANIONS TODAY'S WAS LOADED THE BUS AMENDED ITS FULL COST THE SHIPMENTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR ROOM BACK INTO TWO TOKENS ABOUT WISCONSIN ULYSSES GLOBAL NEWS THE BEST STORIES INTERVIEWS AND ON THE SPOT REPORTING FROM THE BBC WORLD SERVICE. COMMENT ON THIS POP COST OR TOPICS COVERED IN IT YOU CAN SEND US AN E-MAIL THE ADDRESSES THE GLOBAL PODCAST@BBC.CO.UK THEY CAN ALSO POST A MESSAGE ON THE BBC WORLD SERVICE FACEBOOK PAGE@FACEBOOK.COM/BBC WORLD SERVICE'S WAS A YEAR AGO TODAY THAT THE DEEPWATER HORIZON ALREADY EXPLODED IN THE GULF OF MEXICO KILLING 11 WORKERS IMPORTANT HUGE AMOUNTS OF OIL INTO THE SEA PRESIDENT OBAMA: AMERICA'S ENVIRONMENTAL MINOR NOTHING THE COST OF MONTHS THE COMPANY HELD RESPONSIBLE BP IS PUT ASIDE $20 BILLION TO COMPENSATE THOSE WHOSE LIVELIHOOD WERE AFFECTED SOMETIMES ACCLAIMED UP MOST OF THE OIL IS GONE AND OF THE REGION IS GETTING BACK TO NORMAL IN THE KALKASKA MARTIN GULF OF MEXICO TO SEE FOR HIMSELF HIM HIM THE FISHING VILLAGES BY ULA BACHER IS KNOWN AS THE CC CAPITAL OF ALABAMA HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM THE DEMO THE DOAKES WESCHLER THE MAIN PROBLEM NICETIES BACK TO THE BOXES IT DOESN'T FEEL THAT WAY PHRASES LIKE 72-YEAR-OLD ELIJAH STILL HAVING TROUBLE SELLING WILL PLAY CATCH HE'S NOW SPEND MOST OF HIS LIFE SAVINGS JUST TO GET BY. ONLY ENLIGHTENING AND YOU LIFE LATER GOING AND ENJOYING FREEDOMS INTO ANGRY BUT DIDN'T MATTER HOW BACK AND POSSIBLY NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE AT GLOBALISM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM MANY PEOPLE FEEL THE SAME WAY THEY TIRED OF JUST SURVIVING MINSTRELSY WEARY OF TRYING TO WAVE THEIR WAY TO THE COMPENSATION PROCESS IS UNIVERSALLY DESPISED OTHERS WON'T. THE LUMBAR THE BENEFIT OF HORSES. AND FOR THE MARRIED BY ULA PRACTICE DONE RIGHT IT'S BEEN A LONG AND DIFFICULT YEAR HE FEELS BETRAYED BY THE OF BP AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WAS COLD. IN THE FOURTH QUARTER. THE REPORT LARGEST THE WORLD ALONG WITH YOUR PHYSICAL AND IN THE DALLAS YOUR NEWSLETTER THE NEWS YOU DON'T OWN EVERYTHING YOU DO NOT EXPENDITURES OF THE LEGAL FIGHT WITH FOR GLOBAL HOUSE IS COMPLETED, AND THE THE THE. IF YOU FIND YOURSELF JUST IN WASHINGTON IS THE FIGHT CONTINUES FOR COMPENSATION IS NOW A WORRYING TREND EMERGING AMONGST THOSE INVOLVED IN A MASSIVE CLEANUP OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE TEST DR. MICHAEL ROBICHAUX'S PRACTICE IN LOUISIANA HAS BECOME GROUND ZERO FOR THOSE CLAIMING TO BECOME SEVERELY ILL AFTER BEING EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL DISPERSANTS USED IN THE GOLF SYMPTOMS INCLUDE MEMORY LOSS SKIN RASHES AND RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS AND THE THE BEEN IS ONE OF DR. ROBICHAUX'S REGULAR PATIENTS ALL ONCHOCERCA UNCONCERNED FOR MY HEALTH I IN THE WORKS FOR ABOUT IT IS I DON'T HAVE ANY INSURANCE AND IF IT DOES DO SOMETHING LONG-TERM AND IN BP IS NOT POSSIBLE IN ANY IN IT TURNS OUT TO BE THAT IT IS CALLED FROM THIS MONTH, WITH COLD MY FAMILY THOUGHT AND EGALITARIAN BY ULA BACHER AND ALABAMA WILTSHIRE PARTISAN BP DROPPED SHARPLY AFTER THE OIL SPILL AND HAVE NOT RETURNED TO THEIR PREVIOUS LEVEL OF SONS-IN-LAW THOUGHT BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT MARGARET READ WHAT LONG-TERM IMPACT ON BP WAS LIKELY TO BE WELL THE SHARE PRICE AS SHE TELLS SOME OF THE STORY THE SHARES IN OUR PROFESSION THE SAME LEVEL IN MAY WHERE THE TIME OF THE DISASTER A YEAR AGAIN INVESTORS AND COLLECTIVELY IMPACT BETWEEN 50 AND $60 BILLION POORER THAN THEY WERE AT A A YEAR AGAIN HAVING SAID THAT IT'S A LOT BETTER THAN THE SITUATION WASN'T LOST ON THE WAY BP SWISS SHARES WITH AND FULLY 50% SAID THERE HAS BEEN SOMETHING OF A RECOVERY AND TO SOME DEGREE BP IS HAD A DEGREE OF SUCCESS FOR BUT GIVEN THE SCALE OF THE DEVOUT DISASTER CONVINCING PEOPLE THAT IS GETTING ITS FINANCES BACK ON AN EVEN KEEL AND ALSO IS DOING SOMETHING TO RESTORE HIS REPUTATION RISK OF THE RADICAL NEW SAFETY POLICY THAT'S HAD SOME LIMITED DEGREE OF SUCCESS IN REGAINING CREDIBILITY FOR THE COMPANY HAVING SAID THAT IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS BP HAS HAD A IF YOU LIKE ANOTHER DISASTER IN RUSSIA IT INCENSED BECAUSE OF HIS PROBLEMS IN AMERICA. WAS NOW LOOKING TO RASCHER FOR ITS FUTURE IT DID YOU DEAL WITH ROSE AND LEFT THE RUSSIAN STATE-OWNED OIL COMPANY TO DO EXPORT TO DRILLING IN THE ARCTIC THAT IS GOING TO BE BP'S HELP FOR FUTURE GROWTH BUT THAT DEAL IS ONE INTO THE SANDS AT ST. TBP IS INVOLVED IN ANOTHER JOINT VENTURE IN RUSSIA AND INVOLVING SOME THAT TO BE IMPORTANT RUSSIAN BILLIONAIRES WHO OBJECT TO THE STOP THE DEAL REPORT QUOTES A REPUTATION AND PR CEILING OUTCOME DAMNING AND THINKING OF THE BP FORM ABOVE TINY HE WHY HE BECAME INEXTRICABLY LINKED EQUIPMENT THE ARTIFACTS ANTARCTICA HAVE NAVIGATING THE HE BECAME KIND OF HATE FIGURE IN THE UNITED STATES TO SOME EXTENT THAT WOULD'VE BEEN INEVITABLE GIVEN THE SCALE OF THE DISASTER HE WAS HEAD OF THE COMPANY BUT HE DIDN'T HELP HIMSELF WITH A SERIES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS GAFFES OUT ONE STAGE HE SAID HE WANTED HIS WIFE BACK AND MOST PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY HE SHOULD BE GETTING ON WITH JOHN WITH HELPING OTHER PEOPLE GET A LIFE BACK AFFECTED BY THE DISASTER HE'LL SAY WENT ON HOLIDAY SAILING AT A CRUCIAL MOMENT DIDN'T DO HIMSELF ANY FAKE HIS FAVORITE HE WAS REPLACED BY MAN COBALT JANGLY AND CONSTANTLY WHEEZING ON AND MANAGE THE WAY THAT AMERICA WORKS AND HE DID A MUCH BETTER JOB OF SORTING OUT THE PR PROBLEMS THAT HE'S RUN INTO A FEW PROBLEMS BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIAN PROBLEM THAT WE WERE SPEAKING ABOUT MARK GREGORY TALKING BACK TO VALERIE SANDERSON THE INVESTMENT BANK GOLDMAN SACHS SEEMS TO BE IMPROVED BOSTON GOOD HEALTH IS IS BEATEN ESTIMATES FOR ITS FIRST QUARTER RESULTS SOMETHING IS FINED $5.23 BILLION THE PAY AND BONUSES. THE BANK REPORTED NET REVENUES OF $11.89 BILLION AND NET EARNINGS OF 2.7 4 BILLION FOR THE FIRST QUARTER WHICH ENDED ON MARCH 31 OF WHAT HAPPENS ALTHOUGH STRUMS OF A SEACHANGE In the Way, Wall Street operates that Damon has been speaking to winning: the author of a new book money and power how Goldman Sachs came to rule the world for the last hundred years Goldman has been in and out of trouble as an existential crisis its whole existence but certainly the last few years have really tarnished the firm's goldplated reputation and essentially what I uncovered is that basically beginning in 2006 Goldman started to make a huge bed against the mortgage market the believe that mortgages and mortgage related securities would fall in value in the mortgage market would collapse in our defined biggest done that other operating units tell anybody they never tell regulators that they were concerned about the mortgage market inevitably that but the fact that they continue to sell mortgage-backed securities to unsuspecting investors so they can make their fees at the same time that they're making this massive proprietary short that and by the way the other infuriating thing is that now they pretended they didn't do that Goldman stated number that happened is a major PR crisis I think the clients are going to really question them and yet they really have any choices in the capital markets any more of you want to do business on Wall Street the mean we would love something like 60% of the biggest firms on Wall Street in his resolve this crisis winning gold insertable loan at the top of the other aspect of the reputation which is always been a bit questionable it is the idea of that's they know people that the other people who are Goldman former Goldman executives who are now in the government and public service and unselective sole and unfettered voluntary How much about you find to be true almost 100 years ago when Henry Goldman son of the founder of the firm I was asked to help the US government figure out how the Federal Reserve system should be set up in function he had a major role in that and it's amazing that they basically took his advice and setting up the Federal Reserve system from which Goldman hundred years later was the main infusion continues to be a huge beneficiary of good course is the all-knowing Goldman became a bank holding company on September 22, 2008 that enabled them to get access to the Fed in ways that they had before their justice securities firm sold the whole things Come Full Cir., Sidney Weinberg who was a leader of the firm from the early 1930s till his death in 1969 was an advisor to every president from Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson one of my favorite stories is how is taking the subway uptown from downtown to Midtown one day in the 1950s and it came up with the idea of who Eisenhower should have his his Treasury Secretary Eisenhower had never heard of this fellow but Weinberg suggested Eisenhower and Eisenhower made him the Treasury Secretary and so having the of the these guys and have tremendous influence and as we all know Bob Rubin and Hank Paulson warned fact former Goldman CEOs who "reset what I wanted lost you about walls the bonus question twiddle global BMC as well as the standard in United States success is North as God put of an ugly looking at as it is in other places nonetheless he the one of the justifications to continue paying what amounts to billions of dollars in and bonuses to people in Goldman Loveday on Wall Street to $150 billion in bonuses was paid out last year as a former banker myself worked on Wall Street for 17 years I cannot for the life of me figure out what people get paid as much of Wall Street is is they continue to do it just defies every rational sense of logic and fairness that I have and I just don't understand it I really never understood it warehouse working on Wall Street is happy to have the money that they're paying me for sure but I just cannot understand or I'll see how anybody justifies any more he also and former Wall Street banker William: speaking to Dan Damon exotic worlds on distant planets are often depicted in science fiction films in normal street is already creeping vegetation but now scientists are attempting to work out with the stones might really look like in the planets which has not one but two sons apostle also include black wants to didn't seem to the roots of the Massa with Jack O'Malley James from the University of St. Andrews will. That will happen when you got. Very type of law around our apartment. I added one of the types of dollars that where for the following) coupled with effective direct. Direct. I don't delay cool off and contrary order to collect enough like to register one of the equation became famous that some of the plot lady thought in order. Abdul a lot more like the regulatory analyte him and his him and him announced direct sunlight… And make the best of will likely raise a direct ROI the their unlike Red Hat with the law (and at the unlike in Fayetteville blacking out they could do little more this like Philip. Drive executive at the same level we feel that in a lot of this is is the response my found in him and his beliefs may be the clearly my basically black practice delimiting the related no record but it an interest in way of looking at at the average rate biology problem rectangle that is related to biological both experiment that can also be used by the future that July the help and are now. Places like you in stitches
this sounds as if you can be convinced there is something out for number one living, and little the leaping up recently and would be the The day to day and read expected to be a law call in the near future the event for the top to find the planet likely at and the one that had Shikoku temperature of liquid cool concept that could potentially add be Bull and the the the topographically hang out and play think it is not unreasonable to feel that could be life out as to the nature of life life that made the out that the Russian and him and science-fiction film scripts to consider something like a solid pretty useless with little backgrounds. Him and him. Okay be different depending on the the the-doctrine that life on the of. The effect. The case we got quite didn't like at the end dedicate the range of colors the range of high the a in anything you could imagine to be able Jack O'Malley James means is using sentenced to convince Judy keen and all from us for now but an updated version of the global news podcast will be available for you to download in 12 miles I'm tempted to Until next time goodbye

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